[情報] 08/06/2021Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期二 6月 8
Cancer horoscope for 星期二 6月 8
There is a big question hovering over you, Moonchild. Whenever you think about it, you can see both sides of it, and you can see that either option might work - but you just can't be sure. And because one option doesn't seem to be significantly better than the other, you have not found enlightenment - so you may be pleading with the universe for an answer or at least for signs. Don't spend any more time worrying about it. Just allow it to work out. It will; you will see.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 31/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeA positive development is occurring in your life now, Moonchild. It might even seem like a windfall of good fortune. Naturally, with your suspiciously-protective nature, you may be suspicious. After all, what wonderful things can come to you without hard work? You may not think of yourself as someone who is usually the beneficiary of good luck or a happy3
[情報] 03/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeSometimes you have dreams that beckon you, Moonchild, and there are even occasional signs from the universe that you are really on to something. You are more in touch with your dreams than most people, so engaging this way comes naturally to you. However, you are also a very cautious person, and sometimes you don't dare follow what those ideas and feelings are3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/15當你沿著一條路走到了一個分岔路口,你怎麼知道要走哪條路呢?如果沒有地圖或計畫, 可能會被迫選擇或錯過它。你現在可能正站在岔路口前,阿牛。這可能與你的工作,又或 許是跟一段關係有關,但你需要做出選擇。由於每個選項都包含了一些未知數,因此你可 能覺得自己在沒有方向的狀況下漫遊。所以問問自己,哪個選項在你心中產生火花?你覺 得哪個選項正確呢?那可能就是你的答案。1
[情報] 09/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be worried that you will never have the answer to a perplexing problem, Moonchild. This may have gone on for a long time. And in fact, you may have already accepted that you will never know, even though you still wonder about what really happened. While it's fine to accept that you may not have any control over whether this answer comes to you or not,