[情報] 31/08/2020 Daily Horoscope
A positive development is occurring in your life now, Moonchild. It might
even seem like a windfall of good fortune. Naturally, with your
suspiciously-protective nature, you may be suspicious. After all, what
wonderful things can come to you without hard work? You may not think of
yourself as someone who is usually the beneficiary of good luck or a happy
coincidence. But you are long overdue for a burst of luck. This is your
time to receive the rewards of a benevolent universe. Don't question it.
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[情報] 09/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 16 2022 你相信在生命中收穫必要先努力工作, 因此當某個像是意外之財或是好運氣的東西落入你懷中, 你會很自然地懷疑。 你會納悶為什麼那麼好的事情會沒來由地發生,9
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/26在你的世界裡,可能有個新來的人身邊圍繞著神秘的氣息。事實上,阿牛,現在你的生活 中可能有種一般意義上的神秘感,因為現在正發生著一些你無法解釋的事情。和善的宇宙 正注視著你,也許它在你的生活中投入了一些特殊與幸運的元素,這或許會為你提供一個 新的機會。某個有著神秘光環的人可能與此有關。你是被祝福的,這是個能讓好事發生的 時機,也許這會使你的生活有著更大的保障。7
[情報] 10/08 Daily HoroscopeYou can be hard on yourself when things are not perfect. Sometimes, Capricorn, you assume the role of making things perfect, and when it doesn't happen that way, you blame yourself - even when you are trying to make things perfect for someone else. Although you can have a great deal of control over things when you plan and work hard, the universe can also intervene. You7
[情報] 02/11 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 11 2022 今天幸運會一個接著一個到來,魔魔, 一個小小的好運會降臨到你身上, 如果你能接受這來自宇宙的禮物, 你可能會發現另一個更大的幸運,3
[情報] 22/11/2021 Daily Horoscope你現在可能處於這樣的狀態,「你想知道當有好事發生時,會有什麼壞事降臨在你身上。 」 如果你現在是這樣想的,月之子,那可能是因為你覺得自己被壞運氣所困擾,讓你覺得自 己不值得擁有好運氣。 不過,你不能僅僅通過承認這一點來改變你的運氣。2
[情報] 13/01/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能會用羨慕的眼光看待別人的生活。 這並不是說你不為那些努力工作並取得他們想要的東西的人感到高興。它更多的是想知道 為什麼你所有的專注努力和辛勤工作都沒有接近同樣的成功水平。 但是月之子,我們都在自己的時間裡綻放,有時最大的機會並不在早期出現。 這讓你有機會發展智慧,真正欣賞那些美麗的禮物。2
[情報] 20/05/2022 Daily Horoscope你即將經歷的一個幸運的突破口,這與運氣完全無關。 親愛的月之子,這對你來說很重要,因為你經常把你在生活中經歷的好事歸咎為隨機的幸 運。 現在的情況完全不是這樣。 你在過去做了那麼多美好的事情才走到這一步。1
[情報] 08/21 the daily horoscopeYou have worked hard to attain certain things in your life, Gemini. Even if th ere have been no recent efforts of this kind on your part, the energy you put forth does not just go away. And if there was some energy you put out there th at was never rewarded, you can expect a burst of good fortune from your effort s to come to you soon. This may come in the form of something you have been th1
[情報] 2023/03/18 Daily Horoscope星期六 3月18日的巨蟹座運勢 今天你可以寫下自己的故事。 親愛的月之子,雖然這點總是存在,但今天好運的風向正朝你的方向吹。 如果你選擇現在要優先處理最重要的事情,你會發現自己的力量會增強,你的「好運」也 會倍增。- We all have days when it seems that the energy is flowing in the right directi on. There is just a different kind of buzz in the air. Things are going our wa y. We may feel upbeat and excited for no obvious reason. Some might call this a lucky day. That's what's in store for you, Gemini. But how will this "luck" manifest? Will it be a breakthrough with a goal, a raise in pay, or some other