[情報] 24/08/2021 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期二 8月 24
You may feel as if you have already worked far too long and far too hard for something you have not yet attained. At this point, Moonchild, you might be starting to think you should just quit and cut your losses. While you might be able to stop spending your time and energy on something that just doesn't seem to be going your way, what would be the emotional cost of giving up now? You really do need to consider that because it could be the greatest cost of all. You may be closer than you realize, but you can't be sure unless you keep trying. Take a brief break, and sail forward on a second wind.
[情報] 29/09/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou have struggled against a personal challenge for a long time, Moonchild. Although you have always come through, it has been at the cost of your emotional comfort and well-being. But something is changing for you now. You need to recognize that you can master this matter - whether it is a fear, a neurosis, a lack of confidence, or anything else. You are growing7
[情報] 10/02 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 02 2021 你的冒險可能進行的不是很順利, 或許會覺得這不可能會成功。 你可能會非常失望, 因為投注了很多時間、經歷和希望,5
[情報] 08/04/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be putting a lot of pressure on yourself now (as you usually do) to finally complete a major mission. You might think that you have dawdled for too long, dear Cancer. Perhaps you think that you have allowed this to be cast into the realm of dreams because you haven't taken steps to make this a reality. Actually, that isn't true. You are just being hard on5
[情報] 08/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Aug 19 2022 某人的體貼或甚至他們的慷慨, 即使曾經受人歡迎或討人喜歡, 現在都可能開始讓人感到窒息與粘膩。 你會開始疑惑為什麼他們那麼聚焦在你身上,4
[情報] 08/03/2021 Daily HoroscopeIf you give your energy to worrisome thoughts and dire ideas of what negative things could befall you, you will have that much less energy to devote to something you want. When put that way, Moonchild, you can hopefully see the pointlessness of spending time on worry and unlikely scenarios that could occur. Today make a promise to yourself to direct1
[情報] 24/02/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may realize that someone in your world or more specifically your social circle wants you to believe in something they believe in. No matter what the subject is, Moonchild, you have strong opinions of your own, which are usually very carefully formed after a lot of consideration. But this person may be pushing so hard that it has become upsetting trying to1
[情報] 08/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be on the verge of taking on a big responsibility, Moonchild. And as you do, you may be feeling a bit intimidated. You may wonder whether you will have enough time, energy, and money. You may be concerned that it will go on for longer than you think or be more complicated than you hope. But worry will only cause sleepless nights - it won't accomplish anything.1
[情報] 04/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeEven when you are exhausted, Moonchild, you are someone who plows forward. You know that accomplishing your goals and responsibilities is important, and you are very driven by your obligations. But you also have an obligation to yourself. Right now, you may be feeling somewhat depleted. You might even have lost hope in a certain activity, goal, or dream. But1
[情報] 23/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeIf one obstacle after another keeps popping up in your path, Moonchild, that does not necessarily mean that you should quit and go off in some other direction. What it may mean, though, is that it's time for you to reach out for assistance from trusted sources who can help you realize your goals. You are tenacious to a fault at times, and you are very- You may be feeling like you have no support on a matter that is getting out of hand. Therefore, Leo, you may be ready to quit just to cut your losses. But h ave you really shared this with anyone else, or are you just assuming that no one is on your side? You have amazing charisma and an intelligent and articula te way of expressing yourself. If you could share how you feel with someone in