[情報] 30/08~05/09/2021 Weekly Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 8月 30 - 9月 5
Do you enjoy your work, Moonchild? Many people born under your sign work veryhard to achieve their dreams. But even when your efforts do not lead to that dream come true, you are dedicated and hard-working, nonetheless. But this week, you may be more focused on manifesting something very big that you want very much. After all, it has been a long time, and you are growing weary of waiting and hoping. Whether your work is connected to that special dream you have been thinking about or not, it will somehow help you make a connection that could lead to exactly what you want. So, as you do whatever it is that you do, doso knowing that it is not meaningless beyond a paycheck. Try to tread lightlyaround a friend or family member with a hair-trigger emotional response to everything. You don't need any drama now, and if you travel into an area that could set this person off, it may change the dynamic of the week, so keep it light. This is also a good week to take an attitude check, meaning look carefullyat the way you react to things, approach things, and your general outlook on life. Is it hopeful? It should be. Is it optimistic? It should be. Do you havehappy expectations? You definitely should. Work on making your attitude a burst of sunshine, and you'll maximize and compound the good fortune that's coming your way.
[情報] 18/05~24/05/2020 Weekly HoroscopeA brightening financial picture may not be obvious to you yet this week, Moonchild, but it is beginning to happen. A level of financial security that you have dreamt of may soon be attainable, albeit with a lot of concentration and hard work. Don't give up on dreams of having what you want because if you dedicate yourself it will be possible. This week9
[吃草] Weekly Horoscope for 04/18-04/24你是否曾經做過一個飛在空中的夢呢?或許是在你的房間裡飛來飛去,又或者你飛出了房 間,到了一個想去的地方。這個夢可能相當真實。那些做過這種夢的人說它讓人感到非常 自由。不過即使你沒有做過這樣的夢,你也可以讓自己不受限制的去做想做的事,感覺自 己擁有無限可能。這週是個好時機去嘗試,阿牛,因為你的憂慮感減少了許多,並且更有 能力去實現你的夢想。在未來的日子裡,你所做的努力都會在人生中被當成是一件神奇的7
[情報] 24/02~01/03/2020 Weekly HoroscopeThe first thing you should do for yourself this week, Moonchild, is to go out and gaze at the night sky. Make a wish for something that is very important to you, and try to imagine your wish floating high above you and being received among the stars. You have a great chance of making a dream come true right now, and the positive forces of the universe are there5
[情報] 26/04/~ 02/05/2021 Weekly HoroscopeThe focus is on you this week, Moonchild - yes, you. Even though you don't always admit to liking the attention because you don't like being conspicuous, you will have to admit that all that attention and admiration can make you feel pretty darn good. Well, enjoy it. Lap it up. Not only will this be good for your ego and your confidence, but it will validate that some talent or2
[情報] 17/02~23/02/2020 Weekly HoroscopeToday is the future of yesterday, Moonchild. Ponder that if you are thinking about putting off yet another plan that involves a very big dream of yours this week - perhaps your biggest dream of all. If you put it off again, even if you do so because of pressing obligations, you might never get to it since there is always something important to do. But you need to1
[情報] 01/03~07/03/2021 Weekly HoroscopeYour quirks and idiosyncrasies may be on your mind this week as you step into a world that is a bit new for you, perhaps connected to your work or some other aspect of your life where you hope for approval. But don't focus on what separates you from others or on what makes you feel insecure, dear Moonchild. Focus instead on common threads, and take it from there.1
[情報] 07/04 the daily horoscopeYou may have come here today hoping to read about a forecast of money or some type of abundance or good fortune coming your way. But it doesn't work that wa y exactly, Gemini. There is certainly the potential for great things in your l ife, but you have to enable those possibilities. Not only do you have to want them, think about them, and feel worthy of them - you must also do everything- 在本週前半段,你的思緒可能會陷入一個社交的泥潭裡,阿牛。但你需要讓自己放鬆點, 因為這並不像你想的那樣是個大問題。 有人可能會對你曾說過的話或做過的事過度反應,但他們需要讓它過去。在他們那麼做之 前,只要等待塵埃落定,這件事就會被他們所遺忘。你需要和家裡的某人進行一次重要的 談話,可能是你的伴侶,但更可能是你的兄弟姐妹,甚至是你的父母。你應該會對一項你
- Your patience may be wearing thin at the start of the week for a certain perso n you need to negotiate with. This person may already have you frazzled, Leo, and the very thought of having to deal with them might seem incomprehensible. Gather your thoughts, take a few moments alone, and review what you're dealing with. Handle this in a business-like way, even if it has nothing to do with b
- You may wish that you could just jump right into a compatible, easy relationsh ip with someone you have to work with on some level - either literally at work , or in some capacity of your personal life. But this will likely require you to build a rapport slowly. If you rush it, you may cause the other person to a ctually become alert and possibly become more distant. You have a big, wonderf