[吃草] Weekly Horoscope for 04/18-04/24

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Weekly Horoscope for 04/18-04/24作者
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Weekly Horoscope for 4/18-4/24
Have you ever had a dream where you could fly? Perhaps you flew around your bedroom, or out into the world, going wherever you wanted. It could have seemedvery real. Those who have experienced dreams of this kind say that it is veryfreeing. Even if you haven't, though, you can work toward having the feeling of being unlimited and unrestricted, and just spreading your wings to do something you hope to do. This week is a great time to try, Taurus, because you should be feeling less weighed down with worry and more empowered to reach for your dreams. Any efforts you make in the days ahead will count toward something magical in the big scheme of things. You should also have an edge over the competition this week in a work-related endeavor. You may be hoping you'll be chosen for a certain role, and your chances are very good. Just shine your brightest and don't be afraid to share your ideas, even if they seem unconventional.You are a star, so don't forget that. A childlike approach to a problem with a friendship could work very well for you now. Be lighthearted and have fun while trying to draw a friend in and away from a disagreement. It's better than being too serious right now.
unrestricted 不受限制的
weigh 重量
lighthearted 無憂無慮;輕鬆的


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※ 編輯: qpeter2243 ( 臺灣), 04/23/2022 09:48:39

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