[情報] 01/11/2021 Daily Horoscope
你現在要做的就是改變你的看法。如果你離開任何困擾你的事情, 那可能更容易些。
You may feel that every time you open your mouth recently, you say the wrong thing, especially if things haven't been going your way. But that is most likely just your perception, Moonchild, and it may not reflect what other people see - and that shouldn't matter, anyway. If this is the perception you are holding onto, then perception becomes reality. What you have to do now is change your perception. That might be easier if you were to step away from whatever isbothering you. Returning to a peaceful state of mind could be as simple as taking a break from everything.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/18最近可能有人對你不好,阿牛。與其用防禦性的膝跳反應來應對,仔細想想,你需要分析 他們為什麼會有這樣的行為。問問自己這是否並不常見,以及為什麼他們會出現這樣的狀 況。如果你在分析中加入同情心,就可能會發現你被對待的方式來自於恐懼或壓力。它可 能沒有反映出那個人對你的真實感受。無論如何,都要以善意回應。 ——6
[情報] 14/10/2021 Daily Horoscope一件長期的事情終於要告一個段落了。 這是你生活中涉及過渡和轉變的事情,儘管你可能還沒有完全意識到它。 現在,月之子你可能會有委屈、沮喪、擔心,甚至恐懼。 你可能會擔心你沒有完成能做的一切的事情,而且這不會像你希望的那樣回報你。 但你的信仰在哪裡?信仰現在絕對是一個組成部分。6
[情報] 03/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 16 2022 粉筆在黑板上的聲音會讓有些人覺得超級惱人, 雖然他們可能沒辦法精準地說出為什麼, 在你周遭有一些人以這種方式影響你,魔魔, 但如果你能找到更接受他們的方式會對你比較好。5
[情報] 11/18 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 18 2021 某人對事實的認知與真正的事實是兩件完全不同的事, 當你試著航行在這兩者之間時, 你需要將這件事謹記在心中,魔魔。 你可能要負責將某個改變轉為行動,5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/21你現在視為負擔的義務中,可能有些非常正面的事。問題在於,你只看見了事情的消極部 分,也許因為你覺得自己是被逼的。如果你有這樣的感覺,這可能是阻止你看見隱藏在這 個任務中的機會的原因。試著重新審視它吧,阿牛。試著積極尋找正面因素和可能因此出 現在你身上的機會。當你用一種新的角度來看待困境時,你會意識到自己有多麼幸運。 ——3
[情報] 12/17 the daily horoscopePatience is a virtue. We have all heard that at some point, and probably many times. But there are moments, Gemini, when being patient won't get you what yo u want. Although someone may be imploring you to be patient as you insist that they come through for you, it may just be a tactic to stall you. If you feel in your gut that you really need to push for what you want, and especially if