[情報] 01/04/2022 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期五 4月 1
People may be telling you that you're trying too hard to make something happen. They may be saying or implying that if it was meant to be, it just wouldn'tbe that hard. But how can that be? If you sit back complacently and wait for good fortune to land on your doorstep, it might never arrive. How long are yousupposed to wait? Don't listen to anyone who criticizes your passion to manifest something in your life. You know what you're doing, and if you don't give up, you will prove them wrong.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 11/05 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 05 2021 你可能不斷在告訴自己延後處理某個義務或工作是錯誤的事, 即使你收到一個邀請或機會, 去做某些你知道會對你的靈魂有益的事, 你也會因為責任感而告訴自己要拒絕。6
[情報] 3/24 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 24 2021 It can be tough when you discover that an authority figure who is in charge of overseeing something you are involved in is less capable than you are. That may be something you are experiencing now, Capricorn. This may be happening at work, but it could also be occurring in some other area of your5
[情報] 0805 DailyHoroscopeYou want something done, and you want it done yesterday. Time cannot move fast enough to get you to where you want to be, Capricorn. You may have a deep ach ing for something in your life to change because you are envisioning that this will change your entire life and make you happier. You may even feel that if something doesn't happen in a certain way, you won't be happy. Don't give your5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/29某人可能試著爭取要你和他們在新事物上合作。你對此了解甚少,也許一無所知,阿牛, 因此你可能會依賴這個人所說的話。他們對自己所說的話相當有熱情,甚至充滿激情,阿 牛,但你要怎麼知道這是在誇大其詞或是事實呢?你也許分辨不了,除非你自己去做調查 。如果你有興趣,那一定要這麼做。 ——2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/03你對於他人想獲得的東西看起來比他們還熱心,或許會感到受傷或幻滅,但這並不是你能 改變的事,阿牛。你能像往常一樣,讓對方知道,在傾注心力為一個可能根本不在乎的人 付出之前,你需要更深入了解對他們來說什麼是重要的事。但如果你退一步,可能會感到 訝異。這件事對他們來說可能比你想得還要重要。 ——