[情報] 0131 DailyHoroscope
You can certainly make a strong impression on someone by being critical and harsh. However, Capricorn, it may not be the impression you were hoping to make. You may be upset over something, and you may feel that the only way to set things right is to make a powerful impression on someone. But the most powerfulimpression you can make should be done with a blend of strength and kindness.Be honest about what you are feeling, but also be compassionate as you get your point across.
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[情報] 02/12 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 12 2022 我們常對其他人有先入為主的想法, 我們會下意識地評斷他們的衣服、喜歡的音樂等等, 這些都是非常表面的, 卻又讓我們留下很深刻的印象,4
[情報] 11/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 15 2020 It is easy to be critical when you disagree with someone's opinions. If a person expresses a point of view that is very different from yours, you might begin to see them in a certain way, which will cause you to feel harsh towards this person or turn away from them. But you can change someone's mind2
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[情報] 07/12 the daily horoscopeA big success does not usually happen overnight. Instant gratification, althou gh often sought, is rarely found. But when you do have an exciting achievement , it can look to others like it was overnight or instantaneous. If this is som eone's impression of something you have recently achieved, Gemini, then you ha ve every right to correct them. Not only will it make you feel better to expla1
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[情報] 27/01/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may have an awful lot to say to someone in your life, Moonchild, and it may be pretty important to you. Right now, you may be reeling with emotion, and you are probably carrying on a conversation in your head. But if you just leap into a tirade without having some sort of plan of what you want to say and how you want to say it, you could leave the wrong1
[情報] 02/28 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 28 2022 今天會非常容易發脾氣,魔魔, 特別是和你覺得難以忍受的人打交道時。 但即使會很容易脾氣失控, 也不代表你該這麼做,- 月之子,你不能通過一本書的封面來判斷書內的內容-或者說你能嗎? 好吧,也許有時候你可以做到。 而今天,你可能會因為根據最明顯的東西對某人或某事下結論而感到難過。 但這判斷有多深呢? 在你根據外在表現做出任何決定之前,試著也利用你的直覺和任何其他可以幫助的要素。