[情報] 0322 DailyHoroscope
There may be someone in your life who always seems to draw you out of yourself and into territory that is uncomfortable to you. Yet you may persist in a relationship with this individual because they are otherwise interesting, charming or pleasant. But when someone keeps pushing you into feeling a way that youdon't want to feel, you have to ask yourself if the positive outweighs the negative or not. Life is too short to spend it in an uncomfortable emotional place. Speak your mind, Capricorn.
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[情報] 10/22 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 22 2020 You may be in the midst of a buzz of activity now, Capricorn. You may be breezing through your obligations, almost on autopilot. It might feel overwhelming at times. At some point, you may become almost numb to everything other than what you are most focused on. But you need to develop a6
[情報] 10/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 27 2020 You are always very driven to get what you want, but this mostly applies to your work or business life, Capricorn. You can be so laser-focused on your goals that you don't give up until the thing you envisioned materializes. But with some of your personal goals, you are not quite as tenacious. If there is6
[情報] 06/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 30 2022 你對生命中的某人正在做的事是為什麼?親愛的魔魔, 你已經比公認為常規的狀態做了更多, 而你還持續在嘗試。 事實上,你生命中的其他人會注意到你對某個人的極端奉獻,5
[情報] 03/31 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 31 2022 在生命中有某個領域你特別缺乏自信, 或許是因爲你曾聽過其他人的回饋, 或是不太討人喜歡的自我評估。 當評斷你自己的時候會變得相當嚴厲,魔魔。5
[情報] 07/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 21 2022 你現在和某人有些爭執, 雖然這種情況已經維持一段時間了, 但今天比平常更惹怒你。 親愛的魔魔,即使你從爭執中感受到負面氣氛,4
[情報] 11/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 15 2020 It is easy to be critical when you disagree with someone's opinions. If a person expresses a point of view that is very different from yours, you might begin to see them in a certain way, which will cause you to feel harsh towards this person or turn away from them. But you can change someone's mind4
[情報] 1/11 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 11 2021 When you don't tell someone exactly what you want, Capricorn, you probably won't get exactly what you want. Yes, of course, there is a chance you won't get what you want even if you do express yourself clearly, but it is far more likely if you remain silent about it. You may be hoping that someone in your3
[情報] 12/1 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 1 2020 Someone is expecting a certain answer from you, Capricorn. Even though they are asking you the question, they still want to hear you say one specific thing. You don't like to ruffle feathers, though, so this puts you in a tough spot: Do you speak up and say what you really want to say and ruffle those2
[情報] 06/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeIt has been an uncomfortable, unhappy, and perhaps even disorienting time for you these last few weeks or months, Moonchild. You don't know which is up and which is down, or at least that may be how it seems to you. Even so, you have coped, and others might not even have noticed the effects of you feeling so weighed down. You've made it. Now things are turning around.2
[情報] 14/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeAn endeavor you have taken on happily and willingly is becoming a bit more complicated than you bargained for, Moonchild. You can feel that something is changing, and that may leave you feeling a bit uncomfortable and insecure. You don't like deviating from a plan that makes sense. But what if there is a better way to go? Should you just stick with the way things