[情報] 7/22 Daily Horoscope
Capricorn horoscope for Jul 22 2021
Some of your memories are like dear old friends that you invite into your
mind from time to time, and they bring you comfort, warmth, and pleasure. Butcertain of your memories are like old enemies, Capricorn - or perhaps even
nemeses, that make you feel sad, regretful, or hopeless each time they enter
your mind. But all of your memories should be like friends, at least in some
way - and even the bad ones can bring something good into your life if you
are grateful for the experiences. If there is an old memory making you feel
unhappy today, find something to be grateful for connected to it. This is
something you can do for any memory that you aren't fond of.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic
[情報] 05/20 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 20 2022 你可能會想如果一項特別的努力, 結果能有稍微一點點不同, 那就太好了。 即使如此,魔魔,6
[情報] 03/25 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 25 2022 你最近會沈浸在過往的一些回憶中, 這些回憶比你近期體驗的任何事都更有趣、有價值或更特別。 想要在心中抓住這些片刻是自然的,親愛的魔魔, 但如果你的回憶某種程度上取代了人際關係,5
[情報] 07/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 21 2022 你現在和某人有些爭執, 雖然這種情況已經維持一段時間了, 但今天比平常更惹怒你。 親愛的魔魔,即使你從爭執中感受到負面氣氛,3
[情報] 0205 DailyHoroscopeTreasuring a good memory can bring a wonderful feeling of warmth. It can valid ate that happiness exists. But when you compare what once was with what is tod ay, it isn't a fair comparison. Our fondest memories have usually been subcons ciously edited to leave out the bad stuff, so the time and events we recall al l seem perfect even though it may not have been. Don't allow the past to compe3
[情報] 06/22 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 22 2022 在社交圈或和你家庭有一些連結的一個新朋友, 可能真的激起你的興趣。 有關這個人的某事感覺起來很熟悉, 但你可能無法明確指出到底是哪點。3
[情報] 10/04 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 04 2022 一種被背叛的感覺纏繞在你心中,親愛的魔魔, 你可能很難擺脫這種被無理對待的感覺, 但這件事就硬生生發生在像你這麼好的人身上。 雖然某個你信任的人讓你失望這件事會讓人沮喪,2
[情報] 12/12 the daily horoscopeAn experience that feels embarrassing today can seem funny and entertaining wh en discussed in the future. Something that made you angry may look petty one d ay. A situation that seemed hopeless can turn out to be prosperous. The talent comes in being able to see these things ahead of time - or to at least be ope n to them. With your quick mind, you can certainly dance around an experience2
[情報] 01/18 the daily horoscopeSome people believe that being grateful - that incorporating gratitude into th eir daily thoughts and thankfulness for what they have - can make them even mo re successful. They believe that recognizing how lucky they are will make them even luckier, opening the floodgates to greater good and fortune. You may fee l cynical about this, Gemini. If you do, think about the bad energy being cyni1
[情報] 05/13 the daily horoscopeIf you can tap into a happy memory today, Gemini, you may be able to recreate a feeling that brought you comfort and joy some time ago. You are looking for a way to make a current endeavor work to your advantage, perhaps to increase y our financial security or to promote personal well-being. And if you aren't su re what you're looking for or exactly how to get where you need to be, look ba- 親愛的螃蟹,如果你今天感覺有點焦頭爛額-這當然是很有可能的-那麼就找一個人、一個 地方或一項活動,讓你感到踏實和安全。 這可能意味著花時間與給你的生活帶來和諧的人在一起,在你最喜歡的房間裡尋找舒適的 椅子,或者甚至做一些創造性的事情,讓你表達自己。 無論它是什麼,使你感到安全和可靠,你需要認識到它總是在你身邊。