[閒聊] 謠言 ZV-E1

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謠言來源: Google 搜尋 "Sony ZV-E1"

New Sony ZV-E1 will be announced on March 29

New ZV-E1 E-mount camera is based on the Sony As7III
Similar body of the Sony A7c (but it’s not an A7c replacement!)
Same A7sIII 12 Megapixel sensor
4k60 & 4k 120 (no crop)
no pixel binning
409k ISO
Same Sony A7IV autofocus (although another source said it has Sony A7rV
autofocus system…so there might be an misunderstanding here).
Cheaper than the A7sIII (now over 3000 dollars/Euro)

身為a7s3用戶,何時才會升級支援 呼吸補償 和 關閉電源時快門?


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rx119tw03/15 09:40坐等a7s3降價XD

HanaIro03/15 09:45OP了 前幾篇有

smileahpain03/15 10:41應該不太可能六萬有找...不然有想要買來拍片

nintenblo03/15 21:10要拍片就去找FX30啊

nintenblo03/15 21:14A7SIII定價都快10萬了,再便宜也不是常人價