[閒聊] 請問etoro 比特幣問題

看板DigiCurrency標題[閒聊] 請問etoro 比特幣問題作者
時間推噓11 推:11 噓:0 →:12

初次發文請多指教 有兩個問題想請教版上大大

1.小弟在etoro買了兩千美金的比特幣 開了兩倍槓桿 最近漲勢兇猛目前收益是11000美元

結果今天一早起來發現我被強制平倉 看了一下公告好像是因為加密貨幣有更改一些保證金的規定 但是因為財經方面的英文太差沒有很懂整體的意思QQ 請問有沒有大大能解惑

IMPORTANT UPDATE. This Update Is Only Relevant For Leveraged Crypto/Crypto CFD Positions*** Due to extreme market volatility in the crypto markets, the margin requirements for all leveraged crypto positions is increasing to 100 percent. This applies to both CFD and real leveraged crypto positions.

If you do not increase the margin to 100 percent then the position will be closed at 21:00 GMT today (Friday January 8, 2021). The invested amounts in these positions, together with any profit or loss incurred, will be returned to your account balance. How can I keep these positions open? These positions canbe kept open by increasing the margin to 100%. This can be done by extending the Stop Loss of the trade to the maximum, which represents the rate of 0.01 or 0.0001, depending on the coin in question. Please keep in mind that adding margin means adding funds to the trade. If you currently do not have sufficient balance in your account to add margin you may either close a position or partially close a position to free up some balance. How to partially close a trade: To partially close a trade, simply: 1. Log into your account and click on "Portfolio". 2. Click on the instrument line you wish to close. 3. In the next window, click on the red X, and tick "Close only part of the trade" under the trade summary. 4. Select the USD or unit amount you wish to close. 5. Click "Close Trade". By partially closing your position, funds will be added to your balance which can then be used to extend your stop loss so that it is set to the maximum i.e. at 100 percent. As we communicated yesterday, clients areno longer able to open new leveraged cryptoasset positions. Crypto is a highly volatile asset class and trading crypto with leverage can be highly dangerous in the current volatile market conditions. Due to the high volatility in crypto markets we may have to make further changes to our crypto offering at very short notice. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding in this matter.

2. 另外最近想從etoro換些錢回來 但是最近美元貶值有點嚴重 所以有點不想換回台幣
有使用過etoro出金的大大 請問etoro出金可以選擇匯入外匯帳戶嗎

謝謝<(_ _)>


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KID092401/09 08:33最近也想開槓桿,有人用過FTX比特幣正三嗎

自己目前的理解是要提高自己的保證金到100%如果沒有做到 將在1/8 21:00強制平倉?

※ 編輯: fish9802064 ( 臺灣), 01/09/2021 08:41:07

jdes97324101/09 08:43就是etoro爛阿 損失太多莊家不玩了 直接平倉槓桿投資

jdes97324101/09 08:43

TellthEtRee01/09 08:44看過很多慘案了,提醒新韭菜幣圈水深,持有現貨小賺就

TellthEtRee01/09 08:44好,珍惜生命遠離槓桿

bm126501/09 09:01槓桿就是要開125倍才爽,2倍太少(誤)

fish980206401/09 09:07etoro一開始就只給開兩倍XD

Surquit01/09 10:22這樣平倉沒有預告期真的合法嗎?

Jerryegg01/09 13:30都玩比特幣乖乖用幣圈前幾大交易所不好嗎

Jerryegg01/09 13:31一樓有ftx使用上的問題可以問他們中文客服或問我

EthereumPTT01/09 13:41為什麼不先google翻譯?

hong88801/09 15:43我也是被強制平倉,簡單說就是莊家出老千,也只能認了

hong88801/09 15:45莊家輸太多找個理由踢掉你,和槓桿無關,2倍也不會爆倉

SamuelLuo01/09 16:05強制平倉就是莊家永遠贏,所以千萬不要玩槓桿,除非你

SamuelLuo01/09 16:05把數位貨幣當成一種賭博

gofigure01/09 23:18交易所本來就有權力調整保證金比例 你開戶時不就同意了

gofigure01/09 23:19你開戶時同意的那些條文不是寫好看的 一堆好笑韭菜

gofigure01/09 23:21你要嘛捕錢 要嘛賣掉一些部位就可以解決的事情

SamuelLuo01/09 23:59補錢啦幹

SamuelLuo01/10 00:00錢又不是動物可以用捕的?

fbifxxkma01/10 08:33直接買了放冷錢包不就好,搞一些有的沒的平台也太累

jdes97324101/10 15:40調整保證金公告不到八小時,我一覺起來就被平倉了,這

jdes97324101/10 15:40公告時間合理?