[閒聊] Luna的未來 復甦計畫
The Terra community must reconstitute the chain to preserve the community and the developer ecosystem.
Validators should reset the network ownership to 1B tokens, distributed among:
400M (40%) to Luna holders before the depegging event (last $1 tick before the depeg on Binance should be reasonable), bLuna, LunaX and Luna held in contracts should also be recipients, minus the Terraform Labs account at terra1dp0taj85ruc299rkdvzp4z5pfg6z6swaed74e6. The new chain should be community owned. Preserving decent ownership of the network in its strongest believers and builders is important.
400M (40%) to UST holders pro-rata at the time of the new network upgrade. UST holders need to be made whole as much as possible
100M (10%) to Luna holders at the final moment of the chain halt – last minute marginal luna buyers should be compensated for their role in attempting to provide stability for the network
100M (10%) to the Community Pool to fund future development.
All Luna besides the third tranche should be staked at the network genesis state.
The network should incentivize its security with a reasonable inflation rate, say 7%, as fees will no longer be enough to pay for security without the swap fees.
脫勾後賣掉的不就賺2次 這方法只會更混亂而已
如果沒有 快照重啟1萬次還是崩
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