[情報] 國民日報記者:今年LCK要關錢包了?

看板LoL標題[情報] 國民日報記者:今年LCK要關錢包了?作者
時間推噓27 推:30 噓:3 →:34




Many teams are expected to close their wallets this year. Last year, teams generally said, "We're having a hard time," but this time, "We decided not to spend as much money as last year" and "If you've raised prospects in the meantime, youshould write them now" is the loudest voice. There are subtle nuances. Not all teams are like that.



We hear more often than ever before, pointing out or warning that player salaries are too high for the size of the league. A team official who has experienced ball games analyzed that, in comparison with the current market size of the LCK,a team's payroll should be around 2 billion won per year in order for the league to thrive.






This year is expected to be the first year the market will take the side of theteam. When a player says, 'Yes, it's enough to go abroad~', it is said that there is not much demand for LCK players with high salaries even in the West. An official said, "If you are not an S-class player, players in the free agency market should be good at self-objectification."



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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 11/13/2022 22:28:27

FncRookie00111/13 22:28不意外 景氣這樣中美又泡泡破掉

nahsnib 11/13 22:30我是覺得這樣真的比較健康,泡泡吹那麼大幹嘛

swbthj 11/13 22:33一隊薪資20億韓元那李哥一人可以抵幾隊啊

Tornadola 11/13 22:3320億...不是才一個選手的一年約嗎

peggy0410 11/13 22:35剛剛就有消息說KDF今年不打算花大錢 不會有S.A級選

peggy0410 11/13 22:35手 用新人

samsam80821 11/13 22:36尺哥又要哭了嗎

Nuey 11/13 22:36簡樸打電動囉

WhiteMouse 11/13 22:37Faker一直都在規格外吧 哪有差

MillerReggie11/13 22:37KDF二隊上中野該直接拉上來了吧

peggy0410 11/13 22:37尺有很多隊offer LCK有一隊超級想要他 應該還好吧

ses31904 11/13 22:38chovy一個人就超過20了

mokjb4a 11/13 22:38LPL或成最大贏家

ZhaireSmith 11/13 22:38Kanavi Viper這樣能去哪隊

nrtbf 11/13 22:38好奇踢萬其他人薪水落在哪 感覺錢都砸在李哥上

bear15328 11/13 22:38笑死 一個遊戲而已是要花多少錢

a524528 11/13 22:38LPL明年又要挖到冠軍了XD不一定要變強,可以讓妳

a524528 11/13 22:39變弱就好

Turas 11/13 22:39尺哥不會因為19年的3年約,剛好完美錯過薪資爆發吧

Mydickisbig 11/13 22:39李哥一定在規範外

hellyhappt 11/13 22:39faker商業價值划得來

peggy0410 11/13 22:41Kanavi應該差不多決定去LCK哪隊了 但Viper據說好像

peggy0410 11/13 22:41不會回LCK 他周邊的人說他在中國生活的很滿足

peggy0410 11/13 22:42剛剛H Dragon開台說的

Sovat 11/13 22:44T1是除了Faker以外再算20E的吧,不管花多少都要留fa

Sovat 11/13 22:44ker

aa6300158 11/13 22:46韓國之後就要搞民族性+情勒 使人不能去欸批欸吧==

aa6300158 11/13 22:46否則薪水如果差太多 誰不想去欸批欸賺

nahsnib 11/13 22:48澳批澳也有在調整吧我記得,哪來那麼多灑幣再灑幣

kevin50263 11/13 22:48正常 今年LPL也不灑錢了 甚至有隊伍直接不玩囉

a524528 11/13 22:49LPL的商業價值還是高LCK太多了,一定比較肯花

IaKoMu 11/13 22:51現在的選手薪水高的誇張 是時候降了

kevin50263 11/13 22:54今年就是大家一起陪LPL解決薪資泡沫

frankie3043211/13 23:06大家一起打"通膨"

OrangeStudip11/13 23:07現在越來越多選手加入經紀公司 應該有不少薪水要被

OrangeStudip11/13 23:07經紀公司抽走

NTUKarbe 11/13 23:52Faker只能發母公司股份來補了吧

uv5566 11/14 00:01LPL LCS今年縮手 LCK也聞到風向了吧

uv5566 11/14 00:01沒必要多花的錢就不用開惹

bigsun0709 11/14 00:05應該是看到LPL明年開始有薪資上限的設定了

habbit24 11/14 00:06Zeka一個人就20億了

uv5566 11/14 00:09zeka沒有20億只有10億多 那個JAG才剛講過

tofuco 11/14 00:09本來就不該這麼貴 尤其是選手表現很不穩定

tofuco 11/14 00:10看看那個牛鼓勵 花這麼多玩成這樣

ubiqui 11/14 00:12Zeka 10.5

wang111283 11/14 00:12奧批奧不高薪搶人 把行業玩涼了

JWrld4L 11/14 00:35尺哥:幹

aoe7250350 11/14 00:38二十億韓元哪夠Faker

Bachsan 11/14 00:51李哥20億但可以賺100億吧

Minekaze 11/14 01:01李哥貴但是超值

e71099 11/14 01:0220E可以買到李哥 一堆戰隊要吧

e71099 11/14 01:03你光看世界賽就好 沒T1跟有T1差多少

wayne790614 11/14 02:15有李哥和沒李哥的比賽收視率不在一個檔次的,李哥

wayne790614 11/14 02:16就是這款遊戲的票房保證

tung3d37 11/14 02:48faker費用另結

ahinetn123 11/14 04:18選手產值根本沒這麼高 中國大撒幣才逼著韓國跟上

a0561349 11/14 05:39前兩年簽的都賺爛了

q251425 11/14 08:02DEFT才是20億 可以吸代言還能吸選手 又可以洗白

q251425 11/14 08:0320億這價格除了實力外 還需要人氣才能吸代言 要老將

wade59420 11/14 09:29200億李哥都沒去了 20億能簽還不賺爛

sfh20230 11/14 09:50薪水確實太泡沫

varnanger 11/14 10:01T1赤字XD

ChHChen 11/14 11:05前陣子不是說奧批奧也設了工資上限,只有當年度冠

ChHChen 11/14 11:05軍可以拿頂約嗎

GodMune0608 11/14 11:27你什麼時候有了Faker的薪資是在規格內的錯覺?

as349349 11/15 08:36限制薪資是好事吧 誰像LPL隊伍背後超級大土豪那麼

as349349 11/15 08:36能灑錢