[情報] Lance Stroll考慮退役轉戰網球?

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At the age of 24, and despite his dad owning Aston Martin, Lance Stroll is
reportedly considering retirement from Formula 1.

據傳年僅24歲的Aston Martin車隊少東Lance Stroll正考慮從F1退役。

The rumour came from Ben Anderson on The Race podcast, who revealed that the
Canadian is contemplating leaving the wheel to try his hand at professional

The journalist and former editor of GP Racing magazine, released the
information, claiming that the 'culprit' is Fernando Alonso.

"He's too far behind his teammate at Aston Martin but, in reality, he's
probably only leaving the team voluntarily because he has an automatically
renewable contract thanks to his father," he said.

GP Racing雜志前編輯Ben Anderson在The Race podcast上爆料加拿大車手正考慮從F1退役,並嘗試從事職業網球選手。Anderson也說到Stroll與Alonso在Aston Martin車隊的

In light of this, Lance Stroll could switch sports and take up a racket:
"There are some reports that he is considering a switch to professional
tennis, so if he leaves Aston Martin, that would open up a place to take his
seat," Ben Anderson stressed.

Anderson説到Lance Stroll可能選擇轉換跑道並拿起球拍,當他離開車隊時將會有一個

Who would be Lance Stroll's replacement at Aston Martin?
誰會成爲Lance Stroll的替代者?

As for the candidates on the British team's shortlist, they would be
graduates of Red Bull's driver academy.

英國車隊考慮著來自Red Bull青訓體系出道的車手。

"If that's the case, in theory the seat would be vacant for the 2024 or 2025
season, and there are some who are ahead in the queue like Daniel Ricciardo,
and behind him would be Alex Albon or Yuki Tsunoda, who are drivers who have
a close relationship with Honda, who will be supplying Aston Martin's enginesfrom 2026 onwards.

若是這樣,Daniel Ricciardo, Alex Albon或角田裕毅因與本田的關係將成爲Aston

"But the team wouldn't be closed to other options either, such as Oscar
Piastri, who is making a big impression as a rookie; and after his McLaren
contract is up, he's certainly someone you'd like to listen to and talk to."

在處子賽季中令人印象深刻的Oscar Piastri,在和McLaren車隊的合約結束后將是炙手

Lance Stroll has been a disappointment in the 2023 F1 season
Lance Stroll令人失望的2023年F1賽季

After 12 races, the Canadian continues to underperform at Aston Martin
compared to teammate Fernando Alonso.

While the Spaniard has six podium finishes, Lance Stroll's best result has
been fourth, and he is 102 points behind his teammate.

12場比賽后,加拿大車手的表現對比隊友Fernando Alonso差强人意。西班牙人已在2023年登上6次頒獎臺,而Lance Stroll最佳成績為P4,且年度積分已落後102分。

1. Lance Stroll因感染缺席本周的荷蘭戰記者會。(PlanetF1)

2. Charles Leclerc在法拉利的合約將在2024年末到期。目前雙方尚未就此事進行洽談。Leclerc同時也是紅牛,賓士和AM的車手人選,但前車手Damon Hill和Ralf Schumacher,及評論員David Croft相信Leclerc最早會在2024年加盟AM(AM將付違約金)。

[情報] 蔡主席反對給紅牛引擎,法拉利為選項之一 #1LxhNH5s (FORMULA1)

scottnet: 蔡主席...= = 09/08 18:29
wsx1678904: 請蔡主席放過紅牛09/08 18:30
leoturkey: 蔡主席XDD09/08 18:31
ArSaBuLu: F1不是躺著開 是開到躺下來惹 09/08 18:38
F35B: 蔡主席:我們尊重紅牛的閉關修練 09/08 18:39


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Scent5608/25 00:40據説Lance Stroll的網球水準堪比職業選手

Scent5608/25 00:41會出來當車手是遵從父親的意思

milkypine08/25 00:50夏休時,David Croft表示少爺(當時)是天才網球選手

milkypine08/25 00:52但他手受傷,感覺轉職有一定難度

wsx167890408/25 00:56堪比職業選手也要看是堪比到第幾名耶

wsx167890408/25 00:56網球我感覺前後的落差真的很大

tiesto0620208/25 01:09老農回歸之路?

LADKUO5608/25 01:14看來少爺是開到沒信心了

smallpig0208/25 01:24F1的天才太多了,少爺很平凡

Vincent802608/25 01:41升級到最後,連自己升級掉了

Vincent802608/25 01:42自己辦盃賽打,每一場都在中央球場

shingatter08/25 01:52紅牛福特已經為了26年引擎跟Zak互動,表示本田也該開

shingatter08/25 01:52始與AM來往。那Tsu還真的很有機會耶

alex058908/25 02:09早點認清自己非頂級車手是明智的

Luvsic08/25 05:52生涯有桿位有頒獎台其實也算不錯了

jlincredible08/25 06:56他也有不錯的賽車生涯了

ShaNe199308/25 07:16不是為什麼這麼多人提少爺擔心轉戰問題,都是去玩

ShaNe199308/25 07:16玩,等年紀到了再去讀書學爸爸經商而已XD

numbtch23608/25 07:18他離隊老爸還願意繼續丟錢嗎

Kowdan08/25 07:54到F1還有這表現也很猛了,他的速度也都挺快的

justaegg08/25 07:59其實他跟林帛亨也有點像,家族帶給他庇蔭,也讓他承受

justaegg08/25 07:59相當的壓力

LedMirage08/25 08:01網球王子

tacoclement08/25 08:10老爸有兒法夢,成功的商人收購車隊外,還要全力發展

tacoclement08/25 08:10自主研發,並把車手冠軍夢加諸在兒子身上;但兒子不

tacoclement08/25 08:10見得有兒法夢

kakashi7108/25 08:49網球職業選手的上下限很大欸

kakashi7108/25 08:49不是那麼簡單的

shargo08/25 08:59可是玩f1至少還有前二十名 打網球能不能進前兩百都難說..

shargo08/25 08:59. 場場一輪遊也是常態 可能會更受挫...

poz9308/25 09:07網球都那幾個老妖怪再玩 比F1更難

poz9308/25 09:08我以為他會自願離隊去念點書 然後接手老爸公司或來AM當領

poz9308/25 09:08

VL100308/25 09:25我是覺得... 少爺想做什麼就去做吧? 真的不行就接家業而

VL100308/25 09:25以,好像真的輪不到我們擔心?

Scent5608/25 09:30少爺高興就好,只怕他老爸不讓他走

rayen08/25 09:48跟身邊的富二代一樣,一下子開開店一下子經營yt頻道

rayen08/25 09:49反正做爽的,平常收租月入50萬,一陣子興趣又換了

rtfgyrtfgy08/25 10:01真的 少爺輪不到我們擔心

franchy08/25 10:01被Alonso贏到心態崩潰嗎

hydeless08/25 10:19據說就是有訓練輕鬆進前百的水準

ten022708/25 10:47輪不到我們擔心+1

ken72033108/25 11:33他算很有競爭心態的富二代了

ken72033108/25 11:34F1不算很輕鬆的運動

REI317308/25 11:37加拿大跡部

lll156k152908/25 12:07輕鬆進前百真的天賦很高 能賽車能打球 運動天才

pewdiepie08/25 12:15網球其實進前百就很強了 主要是前30都怪物

pewdiepie08/25 12:15而且網球輸贏很平常 很吃狀態 狀態差就一輪游

fujisawa08/25 12:22反正他也不必靠獎金養活自己 如果喜歡打網球 去打也滿好

Tiger2308/25 12:36難道...老農龍嫂同隊?

shingatter08/25 12:41Ham的合約談這麼久是不是在等AM

shingatter08/25 12:41夢回當年麥啦啦

sdd542608/25 13:01網球沒球隊老爸要怎麼買

kakashi7108/25 13:48其實大家也不是擔心他,而是很好奇他網球實力到底是如

kakashi7108/25 13:48何啊XD

kakashi7108/25 13:49網球老爸可以幫他找很厲害的教練跟訓練團隊

taxlaw199108/25 14:58網球不用買球隊 可以買場邊廣告啊

taxlaw199108/25 14:58搞不好曝光率比F1高

Rain102573008/25 17:10網球再強應該也只是在業餘選手裡很強吧

bushcorpese08/25 17:10有比賽的時候買球場廣告,讓對手視角出現一堆少爺的

bushcorpese08/25 17:10

danielgogogo08/25 17:11他是不是差一個換輪胎喝紅茶就可以變成真實版蘭德爾

danielgogogo08/25 17:11啊 好扯

uranusjr08/25 17:15蘭德爾是奧地利貴族, Stroll 只是個有錢人

karkkunt08/25 17:41AM今年PIT的表現,要換胎時喝紅茶也毫無難度唷

hydeless08/25 18:34其實少爺速度就中段也就是輸十個人左右,遠遠比網球來得

hydeless08/25 18:35強啦,不太可能會放棄的,輸龍哥也沒啥了不起的

grapesnake08/25 18:55主要是本人似乎更喜歡網球一點 迎合老爸才跑賽車的

doro020208/25 23:02生涯表現在天賦車手裡面也算前段班了

hazel009308/26 00:06網球王子可以出新角色了

tomwdc08/26 00:13已富二代來說他算不錯了

tomwdc08/26 00:14Alonso讓他看清現實

tpe18865108/26 09:49這個意思就跟雖然你考進台大醫學系,但台大醫學系裡還

tpe18865108/26 09:49是有分超級天才與天才的

rapkin08/26 20:15跟雙倍新人同隊沒一個是輕鬆的吧

elve787808/26 20:31原來Lance喜歡打網球