[閒聊] 下雨天讓老漢興奮了

看板FORMULA1標題[閒聊] 下雨天讓老漢興奮了作者
時間推噓19 推:19 噓:0 →:5


"As soon as I saw the rain coming I got excited because in the dry we were not quick enough.


"So when the rain came I thought we would have a better opportunity and that's when it came alive."


"It really depends on what the conditions will be. If it's wet, we will have a chance of being somewhere up there," added Hamilton on his chances in the Sprint.

"If it's dry, the Ferraris and Red Bulls will come by, but maybe we can hold off some of the others."



TOTO : 是不是有人在臭?


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Vincent802604/19 22:19所以 那半秒呢?

jk18904/19 22:24老漢:那半秒哪來的?

Arsenalhenry04/19 22:26真的是風見

kobe76090304/19 22:33沒下雨一圈輸一秒

Boasoul04/19 22:36結論:還是QQ車一台..

oliver8140504/20 00:00Waku waku

Raikkonen07904/20 00:20老漢可以推動F1增設基隆站 興奮的機率很大啊

LucyH04/20 00:23基隆我真的笑出來

LeaveMealOne04/20 00:29結果紅旗等雨停

bgrich04/20 00:33英國記得比基隆還會下雨,多辦幾場英國站好了

jlincredible04/20 01:12今天雨戰看下來最強最適應的車手是老漢跟龍嫂

jlincredible04/20 01:12結果最後懶多半路殺出真的有意外

airphone04/20 01:48白話就是車爛 需要靠雨才有競爭力

airphone04/20 01:48明天若乾地 馬上就變拖拉機被狂超了

fallacious04/20 07:20看一下上海天氣如何,週末降雨機率

robinkidd04/20 07:22根本就ZERO時期的風見

FATDUDU04/20 07:48基隆站帥啊 XD

bass1704/20 09:12變相臭車太慢

milkypine04/20 09:18受夠這台車.jpg

shargo04/20 09:25光明正大臭~

ARTOFHIDE04/20 09:26亞馬遜開一站不定時下雨興奮不斷

freshbox704/20 10:39講出事實罷了,賓士現在就地球組慢車

asdwsx1597504/20 10:51風見是你

SCLPAL04/20 15:36講的是真的QQ