[閒聊] 有聲音的句子

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菜比八想到帶我入門的中文轉播 韋成 x 帛亨組合


嗨~電視機前面的觀眾朋友,歡迎跟我們一起收看XX大獎賽,我是主播錢韋成,在我身旁的是車評Hans 林帛亨,帛亨 (帛亨:哈囉,韋成~)






(帛亨:ok 韋成,我推測xx的車子設定比較中性,他們針對這個賽道的特性去做的調整,那這一段是非常需要下壓力的)


好了,xxx現在終於要進站了,但這一來一往其實很虧,好我們來看一下......come on,4.7秒,握的天哪~



哇~~~~在我們進廣告的時候xxx 跟 xxx發生了擦碰,帶出了安全車~~~~
不過沒有安全車的話,這的確是有機會成功的策略,well well well, you never know



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ApAzusa12611/03 15:07我們先進個……等等!先不要進廣告

pinestudy11/03 15:09刷缸

potatoes11/03 15:12It’s light out and the away we go.

gary503411/03 15:13get in there Lewis

Tenim11/03 15:13For what

chaulove11/03 15:14Good job mate!

RKO77102211/03 15:17Now we can fight

potatoes11/03 15:18I’m stupid

curlyphei11/03 15:19YEEEEEEES

silverache11/03 15:20GP2 ENGINE !!GP2 ENGINE !!

mathtsai11/03 15:22I think Ericsson hit us

ILoveBacon11/03 15:23Bono my tyres

wj11511/03 15:24its James

showgun556611/03 15:24just leave me along, I know what to do

zoe8912011/03 15:25Loosey goosey~

fishead111611/03 15:25bono my tyres are gone

zoe8912011/03 15:26BWOAH!

Transposon11/03 15:30Get in there Lewis

zoe8912011/03 15:30It’s Lewis Hamilton four-time world champion~~~~~~~

RickyRu9io11/03 15:34Grazie ragazzi

initiocat11/03 15:42I was having a shit

Howard198411/03 15:44YES! YES! YES!

Handsomeme11/03 15:45smooooooth operator~~~~

penny3102911/03 15:46Fuxxing! Fuxxing Raikkonen! What a Fuxxing Idiot!

mrYiDa11/03 15:55Get in there

UnicornSF11/03 15:56看得到是一回事,超掉又是另一回事

WBYKI211/03 16:00it's friday then it's saturday sunday what?

FoxtailMille11/03 16:15get in there lewis well done fantastic job

gully11/03 16:16Mein Gott! Muss das sein?!

BalaBalaDaBa11/03 16:20Grazie ragazzi !! Grazie mille

leehome1234511/03 16:31Ok Lewis,it’s hammer time

leehome1234511/03 16:34i'm moving up and down side to side like a roll

leehome1234511/03 16:34ercoaster

BalaBalaDaBa11/03 16:35GG boys

kenny91411/03 16:40in in in in in in in in

svuper11/03 16:40戒台ferrari刷缸了已經

s96151111/03 16:41鄉親阿~~

smallpig0211/03 16:41我的岩井都掉下來了(1998 匈牙利)

s1990091811/03 16:53沒看過中文轉播沒聲音

s1990091811/03 16:53blue flag~ blue flag~ blue flag~

DerekHolland11/03 17:03I think Ericsson hit us.

yakultsundae11/03 17:03especially

DerekHolland11/03 17:06Honestly

DerekHolland11/03 17:10Thank you guys!Now we can fight!

tatamishiau11/03 17:19香蕉(橡膠)留在路面……

slavis11/03 17:35box box, I am losing power!!

slavis11/03 17:42the tyres doesnt feel great

slavis11/03 17:42To whom it may concern, fxxx you

slavis11/03 17:43steering wheel, give me the steering wheel

Satomi52011/03 17:46只記得多年前 龔懷主的 燈滅 起跑!!

chocopie11/03 17:46

br131211/03 18:02delta delta delta delta delta... in in in in out out o

br131211/03 18:02ut

x7825411/03 18:12LANDOOOOOOOOOOOO

lepidoptera11/03 18:24鄧公:刷缸..

moonminnnnmy11/03 19:24Ok! Here is a task for you:

yanzistart11/03 19:28hanging like a cow

yanzistart11/03 19:29Fxxking Raikkonen

sniper57811/03 19:55燈滅起跑!

dodolong00011/03 19:58希望明年還能聽到韋成帛亨的轉播QQ

jimmyaspire11/03 20:01box!box!

tacoclement11/03 20:11Robin: 啊!~~~~(大叫)

ceylonblend11/03 20:19is that Glock?!

xeniaeo11/03 20:23Bwoah

alan061111/03 20:31Valtteri, it’s James

Norya072311/03 20:46本文+留言一堆聲音XD然後我也希望明年能再聽到韋成帛亨

Norya072311/03 20:46的聲音QQ

yimaymay11/03 20:49Karma!

JameC11/03 20:58Oh NO NO

Scent5611/03 21:13It's broken! Anti stall… F**k!

SledgeHammer11/03 21:28賊台米納底 傷當厲害

york3060911/03 21:35leave me along

prozen2111/03 21:35honestly what are we doing racing or ping pong?

jason30911/03 21:43Box Box

SahoYaho11/03 21:58It's Friday then...♪

georgewu11/03 22:32竟然沒有steering wheel! gloves and steering wheel!

josephv11/03 22:57they race me so hard

johnwick952711/03 23:08Oh no no

tyytt11/03 23:39what a yoke

brandon1015311/04 00:15Yes boys

brandon1015311/04 00:16I think Ericsson hit us

brandon1015311/04 00:17To whom it may concern Fxxx you

jarviswang1211/04 00:21GP2 engine~

oweny87501211/04 00:54we have nothing to lose

mimiIce11/04 01:29Bwoah

spire11/04 04:08推鄧公的傷當厲害

rockho11/04 08:21For what !?

andykychang11/04 10:36Not bad for a No. 2 driver.

mmas11/04 11:34box box box

tim025911/05 00:19no no no leave me along

pazudora11/05 01:19you mean like FOREVER?

xx87xx11/05 04:09某年龔懷主:Alonso下班啦~~~

quicknick11/05 13:24Fucking Raikkonen! What a fucking idiot!

eeddded11/05 14:20帛亨的推頭呢

aaron122611/05 17:42希望明年還能聽到帛亨聲音 雖然有時講話很卡XD

yanzistart11/05 19:48not bad for a second driver

sos0258852011/05 20:55box box

james18212811/06 02:29he fxxking smash my door

oberonz11/09 08:25my fucking head