[閒聊] Monaco Historic Grand Prix 2021 Day 2

看板FORMULA1標題[閒聊] Monaco Historic Grand Prix 2021 Day 2作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:17

It's race day at the Monaco Historic Grand Prix
and we're showing every race live! Today features cars
from every era of F1 from the very first F1 races in 1950
up until the ground effect F1 era in 1980. There are also
pre-war Grand Prix cars – from the era before F1
was even a thing, and sportscars celebrating the
time that the Monaco Grand Prix ran as a sportscar race.
The Monaco Historic runs on exactly the same course as
the F1 race with races running through today from
8am untilo 4.30pm. We'll be brinign you every
single moment.

Timeable (all times British Summer Time):

08:00 Pre 1961 F1 cars
09:05 Pre War Grand Prix cars
10:10 F1 cars 1961-1965
11:15 F1 cars 1966-1972
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Sporscars 1952-1957
14:05 F1 cars 1973-1976
15:25 F1 cars 1977-1980

從二戰前還未定名Formula One的歐洲大獎賽開始
開創現今F1的地面效應車 想看側裙的今天在
Monaco Historic Grand Prix 2021 一次看的夠 XD
賽道路線同F1皇冠上的明珠 摩納哥大獎賽一樣
從英國夏令時間8am到4.30pm (+7為台灣時間)

目前午餐休息時間 連結的直播可以拉回去看喔
補個Sky Sport F1 轉播


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※ 編輯: Eclipsis ( 臺灣), 04/25/2021 19:21:02

j5a6s7o8n04/25 19:24推一個 看老車!

Lipatti04/25 21:07好懷舊,好好玩啊

FoxtailMille04/25 21:29刺激耶

FoxtailMille04/25 21:301973 - 1976 這場

Lipatti04/25 21:32簡直是當年Senna擋Mansell的翻版

j5a6s7o8n04/25 21:33碰牆QQ

Lipatti04/25 21:33法拉利輪胎軟腳?

FoxtailMille04/25 21:35是沒加速才被撞的嗎?

j5a6s7o8n04/25 21:36覺得是前面有東西斷 不然不會直接拐上牆

FoxtailMille04/25 21:37lotus有撞到

j5a6s7o8n04/25 21:38了解 那就無法度了0.0....

Lipatti04/25 21:47沒聽清楚Werner到底是什麼原因被罰掉到第三

KashiwaCheng04/25 21:47撞到法拉利吧,罰50秒

KashiwaCheng04/25 21:48他連獎盃都不拿了...

Lipatti04/25 21:50主播好像說因為沒有遙測數據,所以也無法斷定Alesi是否

Lipatti04/25 21:50有刻意放慢來阻擋

Eclipsis04/25 22:03頒獎冠軍也復古用真桂冠 是說這個傳統什麼時候停掉了?

Vincent802604/25 22:21查了一下,應該是1986左右停的

Vincent802604/25 22:22會遮到胸前的廣告

Eclipsis04/25 22:23原來是廣告露出的因素 Vincent大大thanks!

clark353004/26 09:34不是說Alesi是因為換檔失誤變慢???

Eclipsis04/26 14:20 Alesi開著Lauda的車碰牆

Eclipsis04/26 14:20好痛QQ