[閒聊] Yuki & Pierre
“This is Pierre! I can smell it!”
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 圍巾談勇士:我來之前他們就在贏球了圍巾談勇士:我來之前他們就在贏球了 ANDREW WIGGINS: For sure. There's more exposure. Doing it on a bigger stage, eve n when I used to score a lot in Minnesota or do anything special, it's like, you did that but you're losing, so no one really cares. But doing it on a winning t eam, it's appreciated more.爆
[外絮] 嘴綠:我不懂為什麼有人說LBJ不是得分手,嘴綠:我不懂為什麼有人說LBJ不是得分手,本身有在打球卻還這樣說的人很白痴 "I think over 48 minutes from a possession to possession basis, I think Luka loo ks to score a little bit more than LeBron has. Now in saying that, it just shows you also how great LeBron is because here I am saying Luka looks to score a lit tle bit more than LeBron and LeBron's some 1300 odd points away from passing Kar90
[花邊] 對球迷比中指 KI:我以同樣的能量回應他們面對賽爾提克球迷的嘘聲,Kl没有打算平白挨噓,而是在比賽中不斷地 對球迷比中指,為什麼他選擇這樣回應球迷呢? "Where I'm from, I'm used to all these antics and people being close nearby. It's nothing new when I come into this building of what it's going to be like." "我一直都習慣這些滑稽動作和這裡的人們,當我進入這間球場時這不是什麼新鮮事。 "It's the same energy they have for me, and I'm gonna have the same energy for them. And it's not every fan. I don't want to attack every Boston fan. But when people start yelling, 'p---y' or 'b---h' and 'f--- you' and all that stuff, there's only so much you can take as a competitor."67
[花邊] Booker:我聽說這是他們所做過的最屌的Booker:我聽說這是他們所做過的最“屌”的封面 I heard this the hardest cover they done did..? :) 我聽說這是他們所做過的最“屌”的封面..?:) 來源Booker twitter:79
[閒聊] 舒華在墨西哥演唱會的台上累倒了(G)I-DLE現在在世界巡迴演唱會, 昨天12日到墨西哥, 在唱到一半的時候舒華直接累倒在台上 看影片感覺要站起來都很吃力, 最後是雨琦上前攙扶下去休息QQ (G)I-DLE早上才到達墨西哥城, 晚上就直接上台開唱也太拚了吧65
[外絮] KI:Kobe在16年說勇士肯定奪冠激勵了我How Kobe motivated Kyrie to beat Dubs in 2016 NBA Finals KI近日在Twitch直播聊到Kobe在2016年總冠軍戰賽前對他的激勵 “He gave me some extra motivation, man, in the most Kobe way,” Irving told h is viewers during the live stream. “He was like, ‘Man, I think Golden State47
[花邊] Juan Toscano Anderson墨西哥第一位奪冠連結: 內文:奧克蘭特別持有的,Juan Toscano-Anderson是第一位墨西哥血統拿下NBA總冠軍球 員,他帶著NBA冠軍與他在墨西哥聯盟奪的冠軍放一起。 OAKLAND'S VERY OWN17
[問卦] 為何外面賣麻油雞飯的很少?如題啦 小弟正在吃媽媽煮的麻油雞飯 突然就想到 外面賣麻油雞麵線的一狗票16
[正妹] Katia Fialdini 墨西哥模特兒Katia Fialdini 墨西哥模特兒8
[閒聊] F1車手Yuki和Pierre引領熱潮AlphaTauri除了是同名車隊的贊助商,也是Oracle紅牛、DTM和F1的服裝供應商,我們和合作夥伴共同發展創新技術,將用同樣對賽車的精力探索時尚的可能性。AlphaTauri獨創的佳熱力列2.0讓你只需一鍵,就能為寒冷的秋天帶來一絲暖意。 聽起來是不是有點未來感?本系列與Schoeller Textil AG、Deutsche Telekom合作,使用者可透過APP設定想要的溫度,大衣上的嶄新面料能有效均衡前後兩個加熱帶的熱度,AlphaTauri將科技融入時尚,讓你不僅享受優雅的單排大衣還有大衣傳來的暖意。 這套服飾將在剩餘的賽事裡給予Yuki和Pierre個性化的舒適體驗。