Re: [請益] TD 現金部位的利息
(Cash alternatives),也就是你查到的現金轉去MMF
With respect to your inquiry, the redemption and purchase transactions you
are seeing are what are called a "sweep" transactions. These transactions aresimply related to Money Market Purchase and redemption/flow of funds through
sub-accounts. In your case these funds were being swept to an from the FDIC
insured cash sweep account, also known as the IDA (insured deposit account).
However, as of July 2021, clients who do not have a U.S. or U.S. Territory
physical address cannot be enrolled in the IDA (Insured Deposit Account) Sweep Impacted accounts, such as your own, are now enrolled in "TD
Ameritrade Cash". We also sent you notification of this change at this time
as well. This means that deposits of cash into your brokerage account will
remain in the account and earn interest paid by TD Ameritrade. This is calledthe TD Ameritrade Cash feature. This is why you no longer see those sweep
transactions anymore.
While both cash features currently pay 0.35%, there are some minor
differences in how interest is paid and when interest begins accruing. Both
the IDA and the TD Ameritrade Cash Feature pays accrued interest on the last
business day of each month. In some instances, accrued interest will be paidearlier in the month for clients in the IDA. Additionally, cash deposits
into the TD Ameritrade Cash Feature begin accruing interest on the date of
deposit while interest does not begin accruing for deposits into the IDA
until the next trading day.
As a result of your cash feature changing from the IDA feature to the TD
Ameritrade Cash feature, your cash balance will no longer be insured by the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC"). Instead, the cash balances
in your brokerage account will be eligible for coverage by the Securities
Investor Protection Corporation ("SIPC") of which TD Ameritrade is a member.
SIPC protects the assets of its members' clients up to $500,000, including upto $250,000 for claims for cash, including your TD Ameritrade Cash feature
balances. Additional information about SIPC is available at
Additionally, TD Ameritrade provides each client $149.5 million worth of
protection for securities and $2 million of protection for cash through
supplemental coverage provided by London insurers, up to the aggregate policylimit of $500 million.
@pttccbbs 那個前10000還是0%,超過10000後的才有利息
[請益] TD過久沒入金要被取消帳號?!前幾天接到一封信,大意是TD希望30天內要有資金轉入,不然要取消帳號。個人已經 有CS跟FT,這兩家也都有卡片,TD和CS又要合併了,想請教需要特別去轉資金進去維持TD帳 號嗎?(有何優點?)謝謝 Dear xxxx Thank you for being a TD Ameritrade client. We want to help you stay active with9
Re: [請益] 請問資金該放多券商or單一券商?不太懂以下這句話: Client securities accounts at Interactive Brokers LLC are protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation ("SIPC") for a maximum coverage of $500,000 (with a cash sublimit of $250,000) and under Interactive Brokers6
Re: [券商] 嘉信應該很穩吧?一直以來對這塊一直有個疑問~~ ---- 我們的SIPC保障加上額外保障為客戶提供總計高達6億美元的保障,每個客戶的總保障限 額為1.5億美元,其中現金保障上限為115萬美元。該保障僅適用於證券投資者保護公司的4
[請益] FT購買美股問題大家好 小弟第一次使用FT以及買美國股票 昨天入金美金5000今天開盤前用市價買了些股票 結果總購買金額超過5000 我的帳戶結餘目前顯示如下4
Re: [請益] 券商之間轉帳?推文回得很亂 重來 兩個券商的brokerage要互轉通常比較麻煩 要問問券商才能知道 如果券商說可以 但如果是account transfer這種 就不要用了 你要的不是這個 如果不行 那就只能在etrade跟ft兩邊各開一個checking accounts或cash managment 兩邊的錢是藉由checking account/cash management account互轉4
[請益] Firstrade的cash call通知一早收到Firstrade的cash call通知,整個一頭霧水。我近期也沒有任何操作,也沒有融資 或槓桿,但FT通知我有469的cash call...有人收過樣的信件嗎?這會強制清算個股或是ETF 嗎? (已經先寫信給客服等回覆) The recent purchase of securities or fees assessed in your Firstrade account has1
Re: [請益] 關於MANDATORY REORGANIZATION FEE(原文略) 原文及這篇 #1UZPGQDy 分享了被收取此費用情形 查了一下覺得網站上說明有點籠統 所以寄信給客服 詢問能否進一步說明? 以下節錄回覆 提供參考 -----1
[請益] 想請教券商對客戶的保障問題請問一下: 1. IB的最高保障是$30 million 還是$150 million? 如果是後者 他提到 30 million意義為何? 2. 裡面提到maximum coverage of 或 up to an additional $30 million 中的 maximum 或up 都表示[最多賠你] 萬一倒閉 客戶太多 理賠金不夠1
[券商] Charles Schwab USD2Z嘉信施瓦布理財 USD2Z高利貨幣基金要收掉了 原本7天利息0.01% 變成年利率0.01% "Your Schwab account(s) is currently enrolled in the Schwab U.S. Dollar Liquid A- 上次在TD網站上看到TDA7002.pdf檔案中提到 cash sweep有提供 Money Market Funds的選項 但是我在網頁上並沒有發現這樣內容,我就寫信問Client Service得到回信如下 As of August 8, 2019 TD Ameritrade has discontinued the use of money market funds as a cash sweep vehicle.