[情報] Curry “The Speech” 改變了一切

看板G-S-WARRIORS標題[情報] Curry “The Speech” 改變了一切作者
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Steph Curry’s 50-point masterpiece started well before Game 7, with a speech
and a promise to his Warriors


SACRAMENTO — Stephen Curry’s epic Game 7 performance — in which his 50 poin
ts set a record for a win-or-go-home game — actually began Saturday morning.
Well before the Warriors’ 120-100 win over the Kings.

Stephen Curry的史詩般的G7表現 — 他在搶七大戰中創下了50分的紀錄 — 實際上是從

He was so angry after their Game 6 loss on Friday night, when they squandereda chance to clinch with a spirit-less loss at Chase Center. He was so disgusted by how they played, so disappointed in the division they allowed to seep in. Curry couldn’t sleep.

週五晚上在Chase Center進行的G6後,Curry非常憤怒,當時他們錯過了贏得比賽的機會,因為他們毫無拼戰精神地輸掉了比賽。Curry對他們的表現感到非常厭惡,對他們允許球隊內的不團結影響到比賽感到非常失望。Curry無法入睡。

When he gave up trying and got up, before the sun had even risen, he checked his phone and saw a text at 3:45 a.m. Turns out Draymond Green couldn’t sleep

當他放棄嘗試入睡並起床時,太陽還未升起,他查看手機,看到凌晨3:45的一條簡訊。原來Draymond Green也無法入睡。

They exchanged messages about their embarrassment, how Kings guard Malik Monkcalled them old, about the fractured focus they’ve witnessed in their huddle. Green was prepared to speak to the team, to try galvanizing the bunch. But Curry was fed up enough to tell Green, “let me take this one.” That was all Gr
een needed to hear.

他們互相傳訊談論他們的尷尬,談論國王隊後衛Malik Monk如何嘲笑他們老去,以及他們在團隊內部看到的破碎的注意力。Green已經準備好向球隊發表演說,試圖激勵大家。但Curry已經受夠了,告訴Green,「讓我來做這件事。」對格林來說,這就足夠了。

Before the start of Saturday’s film session, Curry stood before the group. In the glass-walled atrium on the ninth floor of Chase Center, a space known as“Above the Rim” that overlooks the Bay, he had their undivided attention.

在週六的影片分析會議開始之前,Curry站在團隊面前。在Chase Center九樓的玻璃圍牆中庭裡,這個能夠俯瞰著舊金山海灣,被稱為「籃框之上」的空間中,他吸引了所有人的注意力。

“I don’t even talk a lot,” Curry said to the team, “but I’ve got somethin
g to say.”


His speeches are scarce. His pep talks are mostly one-on-one. Teammates consider it rare, but when he does speak, everyone listens explicitly.


This speech, though, would become part of his legend. The prelude to perfection.


Even though he’s one of the guys, Curry still has an aura in the Warriors locker room. They see his humility, his jovial nature and approachability. But they know who he is, who they get to play with. His respect is unimpeachable. They recognize a legend in their midst.


“He is that guy,” Gary Payton II said at his locker after the game. “So whe
n he speaks, everybody better listen. Because 30 is usually quiet and lets his game speak for itself. But he had to say what he had to say, because he knewwhat type of vibe it was … and I don’t think he wanted to give this one up.
So he led and we followed.”


The reason they listen was on display at the Golden 1 Center on Sunday. In 38minutes, Curry snatched hope from the Kings. In 38 shots, Curry reminded the world of his greatness.

週日在Golden 1 Center,他們的聽從展現無遺。在38分鐘內,Curry從國王隊手中奪走了希望。38次的投籃讓世界再次見證到他的偉大。

And when he was done, he was telling the raucous Kings fans they weren’t ready for the wrath of a legend. He dropped 50 and then was looking for 50 Cent to light the beam. But on this afternoon, it wouldn’t be a purple laser piercing the sky. Instead a blue and gold goat signal.

當他完成比賽時,他告訴那些熱情洋溢的國王球迷,他們還無法承受一個傳奇的憤怒。他拿下50分,然後找尋50 Cent來light the beam。但在這個下午,不會是一道紫色的激光劃破天空。而是一個藍金色的山羊信號。

Curry averaged 31 points on 22.3 shots over the first six games of the series. The Warriors had outscored the Kings by 33 points in his minutes heading into Game 7. Sunday, he had 27 shots through three quarters. By the time he checked out for good with 2:39 remaining, he was plus-25. The same Kings who lookedso close to knocking off the defending champions suddenly looked so far from the level the Warriors reached.


“At this point, he’s reminding people for no reason,” Jordan Poole said, “
He’s got the same edge as any of the other greats. Mamba Mentality, all of that s—. Steph got that s—. That’s what makes him so special. Maybe his appro
ach is a bit different than the other guys, but we know he’s a killer. Everybody in the world knows he’s a killer.”

「在這個時候,他提醒著人們,」Jordan Poole說,「他具有與其他偉大球員相同的特質——曼巴精神,所有那些狀態。Curry有那種狀態,這就是讓他如此特殊的原因。也許他

But the Warriors didn’t win solely because of Curry’s 50. They won because,
unlike in Game 6 at Chase Center, they were locked in for the biggest game ofthe season to date. Their team defense kept Sacramento to 42 second-half points. They were united as they took on the emboldened, youthful Kings, took on the frenzied crowd, took on the pressure of keeping their dynasty alive.

但勇士並不僅僅是因為 Curry的50分而獲勝。與在Chase Center的G6不同,他們在本賽季至今最重要的比賽中全神貫注。他們的團隊防守讓國王在下半場只得到42分。面對充滿自信、年輕的國王隊,面對瘋狂的觀眾,面對延續王朝的壓力,他們團結一致。

And they were together because Curry made sure of it. With what a few of his teammates called the greatest speech of his career.

而他們團結在一起是因為 Curry確保了這一點。據他的幾位隊友透露,這是他職業生涯最好的演說。

“It gave me chills,” Andrew Wiggins said. “No. 30, he’s different, man.”

「它讓我起雞皮疙瘩,」Andrew Wiggins說。「30號,他與眾不同。」

According to multiple sources in the private session, Curry told the team he believed in them, that they had enough to win. He asked for their trust in return. He assured them he could deliver victory if they all bought in. He implored them to put all of their feelings aside — which sources with knowledge of the locker room felt was messaging directed at Poole, Jonathan Kuminga and other guys who might’ve been unhappy for reasons such as playing time and role —
and lock in to the unified mission. Anyone who wanted to remain in their emotions, he told them to stay home. Anyone who was ready for their vacation, he told them not to get on the bus for Sacramento. But anyone who did get on the bus, Curry took that as a signature of approval, a binding agreement to be on board with the mission. And if they did that, if they got on the bus, he promised he’d deliver. With his game, his faith, their solidarity, they’d win.

據多名參加私人會議的消息人士透露,Curry告訴球隊他相信他們,他們有足夠的實力去贏得比賽。他要求他們回報他的信任,並且向他們保證,如果他們全力以赴,他可以帶來勝利。他懇求他們把所有的感情放在一邊 — 據了解更衣室情況的消息人士表示,這是針對Poole、Kuminga和其他可能因為出場時間和角色等原因而不高興的球員的訊息 — 聚焦於唯一的使命。Curry告訴那些只在乎自己的人,讓他們待在家裡,他告訴那些已經準備度假的人,不要上前往沙加緬度的大巴,但對於那些上了大巴的人,Curry把這看作是一個批准的簽名,一個同意支持使命,有約束力的協議。如果他們這樣做了,如果他們上了大巴,他承諾他會交出漂亮的答卷。靠著他的比賽、信仰和團結一致,他們會贏得勝利。

Because of who he is, and how rarely he does this, it hit home in a way only Curry could pull off. He saved the Warriors’ season before Game 7 even began.

正因為他是 Curry,以及他很少這樣做,所以這段話以他自己的方式產生了深刻的影響。在G7開始之前,他就挽救了勇士的賽季。

“You’re in this space where you gon’ fold or you gon’ rise up,” Green sai
d, his voice raising with excitement as he relived the speech. “Once he did that, you have no choice but to rise up. He f—ing got everybody locked in. ‘I
f you’re getting on this bus, you’re making a commitment to this team. No ma
tter if you play zero minutes or 40 minutes. You’re making a commitment to do whatever it takes. Prepare your mind and body for this opportunity we have. We got embarrassed the other night and we never f—ing going out like that.’”


Kevon Looney — who had his own career night, grabbing 20 or more rebounds for the third time this series — said he knew it was over when Curry, early in the game, waved off a screen. He wanted to go iso. That usually means his aggression is at max levels, that he sees a weakness and wants to attack it.

Kevon Looney——在本系列賽中第三次抓下20+籃板,締造了自己的職業生涯之夜——表
示,在比賽剛開始,當 Curry揮手拒絕了一個擋拆時,他就知道一切已經結束了,他想要單打。這通常意味著他的侵略性已經達到了最高水準,他看到了弱點,想要對其展開攻擊

He had 20 points by halftime. He went at Terence Davis, who replaced Davion Mitchell on Curry as the Kings sought more space and shooting. And when it wasn’t Davis, Curry was luring Keegan Murray onto him. But, very much on brand, it was the third quarter where Curry put his foot on the gas. He scored 14 points on 5-for-12 shooting in the quarter, leading the way as turning a small Kings halftime lead into a 10-point advantage.

他在上半場得到了20分。他在與Terence Davis對抗時,後者因國王希望獲得更多空間
和投籃機會,取代了Davion Mitchell主防Curry。當對手不是 Davis時,Curry會引誘Keegan Murray上門。但是,非常符合Curry的風格,在第三節,他加大了油門。他在這一節投12次,命中5次,得到14分,帶領球隊將國王在半場的微弱領先優勢變成10分。

Suddenly, it was the Kings who looked nervous, who felt the pressure of the moment. They started looking like so many have during this championship era, when the weight of the Warriors finally crushes them. The James Harden Rockets. The Damian Lillard Blazers. The Kevin Durant Thunder. The LeBron James Cavaliers. The Ja Morant Grizzlies. The Jayson Tatum Celtics. And now the De’Aaron Fox Kings.

突然間,看起來緊張的是國王隊,他們感受到了比賽的壓力。他們開始表現得像是在Curry時代的眾多球隊一樣,最終被勇士的壓力壓垮。James Harden的火箭隊、Damian Lillard的拓荒者隊、Kevin Durant的雷霆隊、LeBron James的騎士隊、Ja Morant的灰熊隊、Jayson Tatum的塞爾提克隊。現在又加上了De’Aaron Fox的國王隊。

The Warriors weren’t playing lights out. Wiggins, whose 17 points was the next highest for the Warriors, missed enough layups and free throws to leave himfrustrated. Klay Thompson was 4-for-19. The Warriors got just 18 points from their bench and made fewer than a third of their 3-pointers again. That doesn’t count a season full of drama they’d been lugging around like baggage. The fissures that were ready to rip open. The tired legs and wanting size.

勇士隊的表現並非出色。Wiggins得到了17分,是勇士隊第二高的得分,但他錯過的上籃和罰球讓他很挫敗。Klay 19投僅4中。勇士隊替補得到的分數只有18分,三分命中率再次低於33%。這還不包括整個賽季裡的戲劇性事件,球隊內部已經有矛盾快要爆發,球員們的腿開始感到疲累,球隊也缺乏體型上的優勢。

What the Warriors did have, however, was Curry and a newfound togetherness. They had a promise from one of the all-time greats and a bus loaded with commitment.

然而,勇士隊擁有的是 Curry和新建立的團結。他們擁有一位史上最偉大的球員的承諾和一輛充滿承諾的大巴。

When Curry finished his appeal to the team, he opened the floor for anyone else who had something to add. He started the seminal moment but was willing to share with a teammate.

當 Curry完成了他對球隊的演說時,他讓其他想要發言的人發言。他開創了這一重要時刻,但願意與隊友分享。

But there was no need. After Curry speaks, nothing more needs to be said.

但是沒有必要。在 Curry說完之後,再也不需要說什麼。

“Enough said champ!” Green yelled in response to Curry. “Nobody got nothing
! That’s it. What else can be said?”


The only talking left to do was on the court.



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※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 05/01/2023 15:00:30

x12398778905/01 15:00推 巨星時刻

s941515405/01 15:01我光看翻譯想像老將站在前面談話的場景就有點雞皮疙瘩了

hauwie05/01 15:02感謝分享~

han72605/01 15:02curry主動出來喊話真的很少見 看到起雞皮疙瘩

leoncurry3005/01 15:03代表內部之前問題很大啊,幸好神主牌就是神主牌

inuyaksa05/01 15:04推,本來因為內部不團結很悲觀了,咖喱我超

gold9797200005/01 15:04感謝分享 超巨就是超巨

leoncurry3005/01 15:05這個時間的確需要咖哩出來講,嘴綠讓開是對的。他出

leoncurry3005/01 15:05來講會缺乏相當的說服力

cheesecake9305/01 15:05感謝翻譯

fdtu092805/01 15:07這篇太重要了!不想打的別上bus, 就是這種態度

SC30mvp05/01 15:07哭啊 感覺內部真的可能有點矛盾

SC30mvp05/01 15:07只能說年輕人要知道 想增加上場時間的最好方式是在有限

SC30mvp05/01 15:07的上場時間中拿出拼勁跟表現

suyisan05/01 15:07這才是超巨!

LA822105/01 15:07贏球能解決一切

LA822105/01 15:07咖哩做到了

fdtu092805/01 15:07當初三老的三場時間就是這樣要來的,別想一步登天了

SC30mvp05/01 15:08木笛都可以 相信下一輪阿嘎也可以 普洱也會好起來 一步一

SC30mvp05/01 15:08步來

fdtu092805/01 15:08*上場

nkjbond05/01 15:08看完這個文章更讓我佩服這個30號男人,ㄧ個ㄧ肩扛起偉大

nkjbond05/01 15:08球隊的頭號巨星。

s941515405/01 15:08年輕人看看老大哥吧 每個人都做好自己該做的

ghchen197805/01 15:09一般都是嘴綠當這個腳色的,不過這季嘴綠身分尷尬了點

LA822105/01 15:09這真的是我聽過的咖哩最好的演講

LA822105/01 15:09真的有曼巴精神

fdtu092805/01 15:10什麼叫球隊老大?這就是球隊老大啦!要大聲,強過我再說

leoncurry3005/01 15:10前一陣子我記得有人說這球隊的核心是嘴綠?我想再問

leoncurry3005/01 15:10一次Are you sure?這隻球隊唯一的核心唯一的神主牌

leoncurry3005/01 15:10不會離開的就只有咖哩,end

stephen052205/01 15:10Poole :

ghchen197805/01 15:10而且這季小將我覺得真的有點信心爆棚,都不太受控

LA822105/01 15:10而且今天真的是笑著打球拿50分

leoncurry3005/01 15:11不只小將啦。這一季唯一有資格大聲的就是咖哩

leoncurry3005/01 15:11如果沒受傷今天MVP候選人可能還有他

leoncurry3005/01 15:1235歲了每年都還在突破

guardian12805/01 15:12真的太喜歡咖哩了 好帥啊

ghchen197805/01 15:12木笛現在能有貢獻真的讓我意外,本來以為季後他上不了

alain05/01 15:13希望老將挺身而出打出這麼漂亮的表現後,接下來幾輪小將們

alain05/01 15:13能夠好好回應老將啊

fdtu092805/01 15:14這篇請版主要m 起來呀!一定史上留名的

Smile91605/01 15:18謝謝分享,也謝謝翻譯♥ ♥

Smile91605/01 15:18你怎能不愛咖喱♥ ♥ 文章快看哭了QvQ

jj98073405/01 15:18G7真的是被咖哩救起來的

hauwie05/01 15:18去年季後賽到現在跟本是curry完全體 心態跟技術都達到巔峰

Smile91605/01 15:19難怪今天黑眼圈很重,原來是失眠。

Smile91605/01 15:19下場大家拿出努力回應老將啊!!

a093987732505/01 15:20看了這些你怎麼能不愛他

a093987732505/01 15:20不過我還是相信jp跟阿嘎他們能越來越好

fdtu092805/01 15:22小將心態擺正很容易看出來,上場就拼就對了。木迪做到了

bengowa05/01 15:22這路人半夜不睡覺怎麼還可以打出跟鬼一樣的成績= =

freshbox705/01 15:23偉大的球員都是用表現來說服人群而不是只用嘴,咖哩完

freshbox705/01 15:23美詮釋這部分。

kaede071105/01 15:23真的不要讓Curry生氣

ru7278805/01 15:23謝謝分享!你怎能不愛咖喱<3

EQUP05/01 15:23Curry從不食言,一直都是以身作則的典範

※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 05/01/2023 15:25:09

ivanxx063305/01 15:26真的要謝謝monk嘴勇士

Lin321201305/01 15:26感謝翻譯!

han72605/01 15:27阿嘎要加油啊 看到你沮喪的樣子我更沮喪QQ

Stupidwriter05/01 15:30希望能繼續保持這個心態到下一輪吧,小將們的狀況

Stupidwriter05/01 15:30讓我想到老巴在上節目時講到的:「如果成軍第一年

Stupidwriter05/01 15:30沒有拿到冠軍,第二年之後只會更難。第一年大家團

Stupidwriter05/01 15:30結一心,但第二年開始會有各種狀況,目標不再一致

Stupidwriter05/01 15:30。」

Stupidwriter05/01 15:30更不用說勇士這季板凳大換血,中間輪流受傷輪流撞

Stupidwriter05/01 15:30牆。真的是感謝有咖哩扛起來。

toroleaf05/01 15:30Monk的嘴臉 敵隊會很討厭

LA822105/01 15:31看完超巨的表演 阿嘎應該能明白舞台依舊是老人們的 盡力做

LA822105/01 15:31好自己角色吧 我相信阿嘎能振作

leoncurry3005/01 15:31Monk 就湖人養出來的啊就某人嘴臉喔,意外嗎

toroleaf05/01 15:33但這讓curry來說真的影響很大

panjanhon05/01 15:33平常可能都嘴綠來說 但讓咖哩來說表示問題已經很大了

toroleaf05/01 15:34Monk同隊的話很激情鼓舞士氣,也沒有不好啦~垃圾話很

toroleaf05/01 15:34多人都會說

malain05/01 15:34咖哩就平常不出聲給嘴綠去管啊,但你在幹嘛他都看在眼裡

malain05/01 15:34,真的到關鍵要爆了讓他牙起來就知道問題大了,你各位皮

malain05/01 15:34繃緊一點

panjanhon05/01 15:34這時候跳出來講話 真的是把全隊都重新聚集在一起 這季

panjanhon05/01 15:34還是以冠軍為目標 不是去年奪冠就隨便了

KeMBaWallKer05/01 15:35不用為黑而黑啦,季後賽就是互相放話才好看

KeMBaWallKer05/01 15:35而且他也沒講什麼什麼太嚴重的言論

malain05/01 15:35現在老頭子爆氣救了一次,等於再給你一次重來的機會,趕

malain05/01 15:35快醒醒

s941515405/01 15:35嘴綠也是讓別隊恨得牙癢癢的阿 還好啦

leoncurry3005/01 15:36膨脹真的沒好處啦,本來就一直希望嘴綠跟JP乖一點

leoncurry3005/01 15:36要放話輪不到他們

leoncurry3005/01 15:37KT 比4都有資格多了

allen1212605/01 15:40年輕人要加油啦,上場時間是用實力來爭取的

sa1456as05/01 15:43KT有資格 為什麼嘴綠沒資格?

igeomoya05/01 15:44可以拍成電影了 雞皮疙瘩

yayiisme05/01 15:44沒有團隊意識不適合這裡,幸好留下了wiggs

Stupidwriter05/01 15:47放話ok啦,美國從來沒再跟你溫良恭儉讓的。反正每

Stupidwriter05/01 15:47年30隊只有一隊冠軍,尷尬都有人陪。酸民要開酸也

Stupidwriter05/01 15:47不見得會看你有沒有放話,討厭就是討厭。

kaede071105/01 15:48木笛大概是菜雞中態度最好的 才能一上場馬上知道自己

kaede071105/01 15:48要幹嘛

a093987732505/01 15:50我也不知道為啥綠沒資格比4,王朝不就合力拿下來的嗎

hiro122105/01 15:50年輕人有機會上場就要拼沒機會就好好加油學習

hiro122105/01 15:51三老能拿4個冠軍不是躺來的

kaede071105/01 15:52其實鐵三角都有資格說話啦 但是湯本來就不管事的性格

kaede071105/01 15:52 green算是代理班長 真的要出來講話沒有人有資格對Cu

kaede071105/01 15:52rry有意見

conqueror50705/01 15:54今天打最好的就是咖哩,魯尼跟嘴綠了

xiaodon05/01 15:54推 謝謝Curry

gold9797200005/01 15:55Green是風紀股長

Stupidwriter05/01 15:56Moody的評價一直都蠻成熟的,本來也是預期他會先打

Stupidwriter05/01 15:56出來,是阿嘎的成長曲線加速了XD

※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 05/01/2023 15:58:58

igeomoya05/01 15:59如果竹馬兩個人都能長出來 前途無可限量啊

ttmm05/01 15:59湯神不說話的 嘴綠說半夜訊息給他也不回

igeomoya05/01 16:00笑死湯湯根本塑膠大王

ttmm05/01 16:01ptt和推特都白嫖the athletes 真的很好笑

fdtu092805/01 16:02湯神超好笑。賽後他就講說作夢都想在親友前和湖人一戰

fdtu092805/01 16:02好像G7 的一切和他無關那樣XD 他真是超天的一個人

Stupidwriter05/01 16:03K湯就是這樣,連Kerr都說他退休後可能會環遊世界然

Stupidwriter05/01 16:03後大家都找不到他XD

kobe778507505/01 16:06curry真的是我的神 關鍵比賽感覺只要他全力打都能贏

x12398778905/01 16:06湯哥真的是活寶

chen21012105/01 16:06K湯這系列賽防守有上線 籃板也有認真卡位 剩下籃子

cury05/01 16:07年輕人全部砍掉重練好了,寧願看到咖哩拼到最後一刻退休,勇

cury05/01 16:07士再慢慢重建,也不想看到他生涯末期還要陪公子練球

Timmons05/01 16:10上一場防守真的吐血

mk168905/01 16:13能讓老將出來演講,跟某些雲通靈的好像不衝突了…現在跳出

mk168905/01 16:13來解決問題勇士才能繼續走下去,而不是把事情繼續壓住。

Peci05/01 16:15你怎麼能不愛路人

leoncurry3005/01 16:16咖哩要處理內外紛擾,對外有講話行為招黑的,對內要

leoncurry3005/01 16:16處理氣氛,真的不得不開金口

leoncurry3005/01 16:16今天咖哩沒發威我看嘴綠跟JP大概這個三月都不用好好

leoncurry3005/01 16:16睡覺了準備每天等交易通知

LA822105/01 16:18新的cba 制度更需要新秀了 不會打掉重練

cury05/01 16:21阿嘎又回到季初上不了場生悶氣的老問題

e8e8805/01 16:22推 咖哩這時候站出來真的很有領袖擔當

Max716905/01 16:24確實moody有驚豔到我 不過苦命不是很ey 老話一句時間是用

Max716905/01 16:24實力證明

leoncurry3005/01 16:25Kuminga 心態真的不夠成熟,需要磨練

tiarasoyeon05/01 16:29所以代表一直有年輕的在休息室出怪聲沒錯吧?....

jjler05/01 16:31話最少的那個都最狠..

cto300005/01 16:32勇士球迷都這麼氣氛了,更衣室有氣氛也很正常(?

fdtu092805/01 16:34輸球時哪隊不氣氛?贏球治百病啦

stocktonty05/01 16:40平常笑嘻嘻不發脾氣的人特別認真嚴肅的時候

stocktonty05/01 16:40代表你各位真的要好好專注 別再漫不經心了

stocktonty05/01 16:43投不進沒關係 但是不要出現一些莫名其妙恍神失誤

Broyz05/01 16:43希望嘴綠之後每一場都是今天G7的態度,少抱怨、把心投入場

Broyz05/01 16:43

stocktonty05/01 16:45做好該做的事 就算勝負不如己意也不會有什麼遺憾

cury05/01 16:49出怪聲是不一定,不出聲死氣沈沈也有可能

fdtu092805/01 16:54有人反抗還不是最差的。放爛不出聲有時更糟真的

Ivor05/01 16:57moody很怪 去年季後賽也是不錯 今年常規賽卻不行 季後又回溫

Ivor05/01 16:58一直想kerr會怎樣變陣對抗 結果是curry跳出來硬扛

dalinman05/01 17:15老將一生推 期待各位上緊發條後的比賽A_A

linchez05/01 17:25推領袖風範

linchez05/01 17:25還說到做到

alain05/01 17:28如果球員專注力沒拿回來,真的要變什麼陣都很難啊

hiro122105/01 17:32Kerr也不算沒變陣他減少Poole的持球

hiro122105/01 17:33讓Curry打擋拆簡單而且減少傳球失誤

hiro122105/01 17:34只是Kerr很少會這樣打,因為他建立的體系是讓每個人都

hiro122105/01 17:34能傳導

hiro122105/01 17:35但上一場太多無謂的失誤

SHetler05/01 17:43他是有意識的覺得這一席話 不適合由綠說嗎

slohave05/01 17:45只要Curry還在,勇士就是Curry的球隊,小將要接班還早,跟

slohave05/01 17:45著學習、磨練,總有一天會輪到他們,但勇士真的很多稍微養

slohave05/01 17:45出來的小將心態都飄了..

kaede071105/01 17:46這場JP在場上是真的很乖的交出球權 連切入都是先找魯

kaede071105/01 17:46尼打give&go

kaede071105/01 17:46唯一那球有機會枴氣的進攻犯規kerr馬上讓他下去蹲板凳

kaede071105/01 17:46xd

MTK51505/01 17:48年輕人因為一些事件注意力不集中情有可原啦,要通往偉大

MTK51505/01 17:48誰不是這樣過來的,還是要感激勇士三老的傳承

MTK51505/01 17:49三老能帶給勇士的絕不只場上經驗、技術,還有太多了,這

MTK51505/01 17:49些也是勇士與一般強隊的差別所在

LA822105/01 17:51那球進犯我是覺得KM在移動啦

LA822105/01 17:51但是JP被吹一個進犯難保心態炸裂 還是換下去好了

starkiller1305/01 17:53啊啊啊啊啊我好感動RRRRR

starkiller1305/01 17:54圍巾難得露出疲態投籃嚴重失準

starkiller1305/01 17:56咖哩跟圍巾2罰不中的時候我完全挫勒但

starkiller1305/01 17:58佩服咖哩迅速調整狀態回頭笑砍50分

starkiller1305/01 17:58回去麻煩全隊幫咖哩魯尼好好馬殺雞

coyoteY05/01 17:59JP今年心態很容易炸裂,例行賽讓你搞,但重要關頭可不行

alain05/01 18:00年輕人想要有表現容易急是正常的 這時候有個穩定軍心的領袖

alain05/01 18:00很重要

ma3g005/01 18:02最後苦命垃圾時間上場的時候感覺還是沒在認真守 輕易就被過

ma3g005/01 18:02

Riemann05/01 18:02話說g6後的三老閉門談話 結論該不會是下一場老柯你是射

Riemann05/01 18:02手 你負責幹分

st891101205/01 18:07感謝分享,咖喱的喊話和以身作則真的也太帥了吧,魯尼

st891101205/01 18:07的支援也超讚

kobebrian05/01 18:14看到某J說完全是靠魯尼改變比賽而不是咖哩就覺得硬要

kobebrian05/01 18:14黑真的完全可以閉著眼睛講話蠻厲害的

kobebrian05/01 18:14還說不是勇士防守多好XDD

kobebrian05/01 18:14

kobebrian05/01 18:15其實從上半場開始勇士的防守就不錯了 只是國王還能投

kobebrian05/01 18:15進高難度出手 下半場就沒力了

kobebrian05/01 18:16可惜被桶沒辦法打臉他

jj98073405/01 18:28人家就帶著立場說話的,不意外

robf05/01 18:35而且還自以為是什麼了不起的創見一般推了好幾次

amo071705/01 18:55咖哩跟嘴綠講話的重量差很多

ptt82110505/01 19:11老咖硬起來

omegabug05/01 19:16一生咖哩粉QQ太帥了

luluderla05/01 19:18謝謝分享 超級感動

Oskar05/01 19:19超棒的

norman55220005/01 19:21那J就咖黑 好像咖喱得50分是應該的 魯超搶到籃板才

norman55220005/01 19:21是努力的結果

norman55220005/01 19:22能看到這樣子的表現 前面原來還有個振奮人心的演說

norman55220005/01 19:22 任誰都是刮目相看

wu583405/01 19:35正常啦 勇酸尤其Curry酸 他們最愛放大勇士隊友的強 最小化

wu583405/01 19:36Curry的功勞 從當年的小AI KD KT 到現在的Looney 始終如一

wu583405/01 19:38這些智障酸民還特愛拿Curry打贏的明星數據 最經典的言論:

wu583405/01 19:38“OO隊輸了但OO球星沒輸;勇士贏了但Curry 沒贏”根本智障

karmel05/01 19:39贏球魯尼確實功不可沒 但咖哩絕對是扛著球隊前進的那個

ddey05/01 19:44JK例行賽的垃圾時間就打很爛了 他是非常情緒化的球員

ddey05/01 19:44上場時間短 打的不興奮 通常就打得很爛

kaede071105/01 19:56那隻是出了名的廢話王 完全沒參考價值

leoncurry3005/01 19:58原本不想討論那個人的,但既然討論其實就別理他就好

leoncurry3005/01 19:58了,今天沒人鳥他就跑回去取暖了

leoncurry3005/01 19:59四年迷真的是一堆真鐵湖迷轉隊支持勇士或公牛的最大

leoncurry3005/01 19:59原因

wu583405/01 20:00嗯點到為止 反正不用鳥那死忠仔勇黑 Curry的強大家都懂

kaede071105/01 20:02Curry這場上半場20下半場30 很明顯下半場表現更火爆

kaede071105/01 20:02都破G7得分紀錄了還能鬼扯蛋真的是別浪費時間生命了

shawn888705/01 20:16這篇寫的真好

hsuan1148805/01 20:59Curry太帥了!看得好感動啊

macchiatorei05/01 21:17謝謝分享!

hst091105/01 21:30真的很感動還能持續看到curry的蛻變與進步,展現霸氣

killuaz05/01 22:12curry我大哥,這才是領袖風範,而不是一直要球團補強或

killuaz05/01 22:12賣我

bigaltis0105/01 22:31咖哩跟某人最大差別是

bigaltis0105/01 22:31咖哩的強跟偉大 從不用靠自己說

bigaltis0105/01 22:31從不必自己帶皇冠

bigaltis0105/01 22:32下一輪就讓我們終結這場加冕鬧劇吧

scatman05/01 22:53推 傳奇

tony90084505/02 11:05相信我之術

malain05/02 11:31不用理他啦,那咖的廢話連自己人看到受不了噴他了,還自

malain05/02 11:31以為中立有見解真的笑鼠