[情報] 06/09 the daily horoscope
This is a great day to share your love and your inspiration with someone who needs you. Who might that be? You never know, dear Gemini. That's why it wouldbe great to just break out into a big smile around anyone you encounter. Someone could be going through trials and tribulations you would never guess at, or they may need a hug, or they may need words of wisdom. Whenever a thought strikes you, say something good to someone. If they don't need to hear it, it won't hurt. But if they do, you can make a world of difference.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoIs it okay to do the right thing for the wrong reason, or the wrong thing for the right reason? You might be facing a dilemma of this kind right now, dear G emini. Your moral compass may be flying in all directions as you contemplate t he rights and wrongs of your situation. The main question you have to ask your self, however, is this: Will anyone be hurt or otherwise negatively influenced1
首PoBe careful who you align yourself with today, Gemini. You may feel driven to b ecome involved in a goal or a personal mission, but someone out there may sens e your drive and misrepresent what they are all about. As a sociable person, y ou take others at face value, but there are people out there who are not worth y of trust right away. Keep your guard up. You can find exactly the right fit1
首PoYou can control your own emotions, Gemini, but you can't control someone else' s. With your good sense of humor and your playful nature, you can often put so meone at ease and in a happier state when you want to, but they must first be receptive. If you find yourself surrounded by drama lovers today - which is ve ry possible given the frenetic nature of your day and the sizzling energy that1
首PoSomeone may be trying to tell you that you do not have a right to certain info rmation as you struggle to work through an assignment or a project of your own . Yes, you do have that right, dear Gemini. However, you probably aren't going to get it from the same person who is trying to stop you. You will have to co me up with another source of information if you want to proceed. Don't limit y
[情報] 08/19 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期三 8月 19 Gemini horoscope for 星期三 8月 19 You might feel silly or foolish admitting that you don't know all there is to know about a situation you are becoming involved in. You might even be trying to hide this from others, dear Gemini. But recognizing that you don't know eve2
[情報] 01/21 the daily horoscopeMany people have experienced a moment when the person in the car ahead of you at the drive-through fast-food restaurant paid for your meal, or someone bough t you a coffee at your favorite coffee shop - or really any kind of a small ki ndness. Even though these gestures are not expensive, they can bring a smile t o someone's face and make a big difference in their day. If you have the urge2
[情報] 02/08 the daily horoscopeYou may be hoping for validation for a choice you made recently, dear Gemini. And because you are craving that reinforcement, you might be turning to the wr ong people if the right ones aren't available. But the feedback you receive wi ll only be as good as the people you seek it from. Keep that in mind today. Al so consider that you are an expert on this in your own right, and you don't re1
[情報] 03/17 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期二 3月 17 Gemini horoscope for 星期二 3月 17 You may now be forming an impression of some venture you wish to explore. Alth ough you would like to be hopeful about it, dear Gemini, the other party may b e painting a rather gloomy picture of it. But if someone else were to offer th1
[情報] 06/16 the daily horoscopeThe great value of an offer or opportunity you have received - or will soon re ceive - may not be obvious at first glance, dear Gemini. You are an observant person, but even with some analysis, the value of this may not be clear right away. That is why it's very important that you don't reject anything out of ha nd, apply your imagination to whatever you learn, and seek out reasons to be h1
[情報] 04/06 the daily horoscopeTomorrow is not promised, and that's why they call today the "present" - becau se it's a gift. We hear so many inspirational messages of this kind that they begin to feel like cliches. But if you are now in need of inspiration, dear Ge mini, this is a good one to think about. If you concentrate on enjoying, learn ing from, and relishing every moment today, you will see things that you would1
[情報] 06/03 the daily horoscopeYou may be so fed up with people right now because of something that recently occurred that you just want to close the shades and pretend you're not home to avoid everyone. But feeling negative about everyone you may encounter is not productive or even realistic. You may have had a rough break connected to some one who let you down, but the best way to fight that pessimistic feeling is to1
[情報] 11/07 the daily horoscopeYou may be in the process of making a decision that you see as more than just financial. Yet you may be experiencing a conflict because someone else believe s it should be purely financial. You would prefer to blend in empathy and comp assion before coming to a decision, dear Gemini. Maybe you are being criticize d for that. The most honorable decisions are often subject to criticism, but i- If a source of wisdom comes to you today and it helps you to answer a question you have been struggling with, don't question it. You may receive inspiration or an answer in an unusual way and from an odd place, but that does not lesse n its power, Gemini. If it feels right, it probably is right. And since you ha ve most likely been putting your question out there for a while now, it stands