[問卦] 「民主已死」 英文怎麼說?

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Democracy is dead


英文不好 怕和外國朋友介紹錯誤




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choobii 05/23 03:44越直白越好 簡單明瞭

kai0829 05/23 03:44If you don’t support DPP, u r CCP

jojoStar 05/23 03:44DPP Dies in Darkness

A6 05/23 03:45Dead Democracy Present 簡稱DDP

supervisorz 05/23 03:452月就有人爆料習下令癱瘓立法院

jojoStar 05/23 03:45DPP R.I.P

supervisorz 05/23 03:45黃國昌就是習近平的棋子而已

supervisorz 05/23 03:45

challenge23 05/23 03:47大陸國台辦就指示國民黨,全員搞爛台

challenge23 05/23 03:47灣民主,看看韓總機跟傅崐萁做的多好

Doub1eK 05/23 03:48Green CCP is dead

WU3CO00J 05/23 03:49DPP LOSE

conqueror507 05/23 03:50get some help

challenge23 05/23 03:50這種惡意搞爛台灣的政黨還有400多萬

challenge23 05/23 03:50人投當總統,某人還頂著蔣家頭銜在

challenge23 05/23 03:50噁心台灣人,等著民主的盾牌在噁心台

sellgd 05/23 03:51DPP is minority

challenge23 05/23 03:51灣人

r85270607 05/23 03:51中共黨媒指名的台獨份子黃國昌

pelicanper 05/23 03:51Only DDP can

pelicanper 05/23 03:51DPP

r85270607 05/23 03:51黃國昌竟是中共同路人

r85270607 05/23 03:51台獨金孫聽到這笑話一定會覺得很好笑

sellgd 05/23 03:517樓有一個視覺失調的

r85270607 05/23 03:52笑著笑著 夢回幾年前初選就哭了

sellgd 05/23 03:5240%神經病 以為60%是被洗腦

rony98 05/23 03:52是不是少了進步黨三個字?

aladean 05/23 03:52多數怎麼會癱瘓立法院

theskyofblue 05/23 03:52DPP not work out

r85270607 05/23 03:53我就問啊 整天抹紅黃國昌

r85270607 05/23 03:53面對中共黨媒指名他是台獨份子這事

r85270607 05/23 03:53是失憶了?還是害怕想起來?

MalcolmX 05/23 03:53We are goblins.

r85270607 05/23 03:54好好回想一下2019年中的時候

r85270607 05/23 03:54中共有多生氣吧

r85270607 05/23 03:55現在的洗地是不是年資都不到三年啊

r85270607 05/23 03:55老鳥離職前都沒交接的嗎?

Eternal1028 05/23 03:55Green shit go to die

r85270607 05/23 03:56連老闆ㄌㄨㄚˋ被自己人差點咬死都忘

challenge23 05/23 03:56Blue shit win win

firose 05/23 03:56DPP is a scammer

jimlexus 05/23 03:57DPPer is despotic

rei196 05/23 03:58dpp is joke

haha7456 05/23 03:58DPP

colin0612 05/23 03:59dpp win

nightwing 05/23 03:59DDP

Qoo1213855 05/23 04:00NMSL

nightwing 05/23 04:00民主已死黨

giunrz 05/23 04:01cannabis Ke

chenjasen 05/23 04:01DPP go die

littleme1125 05/23 04:03DPP is dead

easonli000 05/23 04:05long live dpp

ronray7799 05/23 04:05DPP is SHIT.

a606155123 05/23 04:06Fuck Dpp

george35157 05/23 04:07

Doub1eK 05/23 04:08怕被滲透 請大力支持立委有調查權 調查

Doub1eK 05/23 04:08誰出賣台灣 抓到有證據說謊就抓去關

Qoo1213855 05/23 04:09凌晨四點 底下連續推文 間隔不到一分

firose 05/23 04:10樓上竟然只差 1 分

Dinenger 05/23 04:11真的 四點誰會醒著推政治文

Dinenger 05/23 04:11蟑螂演都不演 太瓜張了

Doub1eK 05/23 04:11我要喝機油

ComfortPTT 05/23 04:12美國時間

Doub1eK 05/23 04:12機油好難喝

ComfortPTT 05/23 04:12美國人不能推文嗎

Dinenger 05/23 04:12上面推文的我通通黑單 演得太假了

equinoxz 05/23 04:13DPP suck

zed9104 05/23 04:13DPP is dead

FrontalLobe 05/23 04:13Democracy Pass away Party

Dinenger 05/23 04:13冰雪聰明如我 不會被帶風向的

Dinenger 05/23 04:13很明顯是有人想要上熱門

Doub1eK 05/23 04:14冰雪聰明的低能兒 蠻屌的

Dinenger 05/23 04:14有空我通通插你們IP 然後發文批判

aeug2005 05/23 04:15

a894392000 05/23 04:15fuck up DPP

prostar 05/23 04:16was

TwiEnable 05/23 04:16Winter is Coming

billybbb 05/23 04:17Dppis40%

sxxs 05/23 04:18DPP

marquelin 05/23 04:19DPP lose

rakuinn 05/23 04:20(ㄨ)民主已死、(〇)綠共已死

KillerMoDo 05/23 04:21dpp lose

ispy03532003 05/23 04:225樓說的是真的呀,你看DPP們把立法

goitaly 05/23 04:22Fuck non-dpper

ispy03532003 05/23 04:22院內跟院外癱瘓的多有效果呀ww

jay9968 05/23 04:27英文什麼都沒有說

Kaids 05/23 04:27Job fair is competitive

luciffar 05/23 04:32民主=DPP DPP IS DEAD

xeins 05/23 04:33I’m not in charge of

akamen 05/23 04:36現在是民進黨在癱瘓立法院 五樓是指民進

akamen 05/23 04:36黨接受習近平命令囉 難怪會有趙天麟跟中

akamen 05/23 04:36國鵬這種親中人士

magickanjay 05/23 04:37直接說 菜 英文

akamen 05/23 04:37咦 賴功德該不會偷跑去中國找習近平吃飯

akamen 05/23 04:37了吧?難怪叫民進黨癱瘓國會

r85270607 05/23 04:41台獨金孫跟國昌一樣被抹過中共同路人

r85270607 05/23 04:41照樓上akaman說 難道...不是巧合?

atari77 05/23 04:42DPP is in control

kikujiro 05/23 04:46DPP

ToumaKazusa 05/23 04:47DPP suck my dick

Warheart 05/23 04:47Goblin Slayer

Kao860623 05/23 04:49DPP still alive

asiaking5566 05/23 04:51Sieg EE

acergame5 05/23 04:53DPP lost

willyQQ 05/23 04:53Democracy Paralyzed Party = DPP

stvn2567 05/23 04:54President Xi 還是 Presidency

akamen 05/23 04:56不是我說 賴皮功德自己說想跟習近平吃飯

hkr91511208 05/23 04:57DPP rule the world

ATTW 05/23 04:58When DPP unhappy

Azimech 05/23 05:06DPP lie cheater.

dream0928 05/23 05:07DPP can't rule everything

ATTW 05/23 05:08democracy become shit

marktak 05/23 05:14the DPP was fallen!

s9234032 05/23 05:16dpp is not dominating

XAZA 05/23 05:16I want 200k.

GKKR 05/23 05:18她躲起來沒說啊

MichaelRedd 05/23 05:18DPP LOSE

handsomeKim 05/23 05:19dpp loser

sincsnow 05/23 05:21Dpp game is over.

mastoid 05/23 05:22dpp is the best

gguntank 05/23 05:24Green is always right

SuLiaen 05/23 05:25ur democracy is not DDP's democracy

SamuelLuo 05/23 05:26DPP equals to democracy

SuLiaen 05/23 05:26*DPP's :(

buslover 05/23 05:27DPP is dead. CC

q123038468 05/23 05:28XJP dead

cityport 05/23 05:34DPP = Democracy Perished Permanently

louis82828 05/23 05:39only DPP can win

xjiang 05/23 05:39dpp's dead

jackycheny 05/23 05:42dpp is trash

nicayoung 05/23 05:43dpp

stloqa 05/23 05:43黃國昌你老爸

miss2157 05/23 05:51fuck dpp

MikageSayo 05/23 05:51Lie Die

supremexiii 05/23 05:55DPP is guilty and evil

mikeeeee 05/23 05:59民主S

kingearth 05/23 06:03ddp 甲 賽 go to die

Fortopia3014 05/23 06:06時態我記得要分清楚,畢竟是已死所

Fortopia3014 05/23 06:06以是過去式才對,所以應該是Democra

Fortopia3014 05/23 06:06cy was died.

deann 05/23 06:08DPP will dead

Sherlock95 05/23 06:08Green can,but you can‘t

hsushaochi 05/23 06:16tomorrow cook already four

gusser 05/23 06:16DPP love money

kikujiro 05/23 06:18DPP FOREVER

snow3804 05/23 06:18綠能你不能

canallchen 05/23 06:24DPP die

yangweiisi 05/23 06:24dpp go die

z900215ro 05/23 06:26Give me 200k

dogdream 05/23 06:27DPPer thinks shit tastes good

encoreb00124 05/23 06:28DPP

CindyLara 05/23 06:29supervisorz 貼 假消息 好玩 嗎?

meowchen 05/23 06:29DPPD

humorforever 05/23 06:30DDP is losing

tanchuchan 05/23 06:31DPP loser

shangyen 05/23 06:34DPP eat shit

snowrain 05/23 06:34這篇好讚

agong 05/23 06:34八卦山 WAS RIGHT

jk1982 05/23 06:36這也能推給中共喔?笑死我了

jk1982 05/23 06:37給大陸人看笑話而已

ice0101001 05/23 06:41不爽不要投

woaifafewen 05/23 06:41DPP is goblin

jokem 05/23 06:43DPP IS SHIT

zxzzzzzzzzzz 05/23 06:46DDP love 台灣

luoqr 05/23 06:46還在扯習 幹他媽這群猴子真的很容易被民進

luoqr 05/23 06:47黨洗腦

kaitokid1214 05/23 06:48DPPLikeshit

suijojo 05/23 06:48只有塔綠斑散播假消息都沒事,一般民眾

suijojo 05/23 06:48小心點,半夜警察會去案你家電鈴喔。

ukif 05/23 06:49goblin is king

anyweather 05/23 06:52DPP always right

soun121 05/23 06:52你昨天吃屎了嗎? 藐視一切

j33128 05/23 06:57DPP is dead

alexliao2027 05/23 06:59KMTMD就是支那國台辦台灣支部

kneo8899 05/23 07:00英文:好家在我卸任了 嘻嘻

pingwawa 05/23 07:00DPP

rogergon 05/23 07:02DPP is dead

tompi 05/23 07:02Democracy's Demise Proclaimed

nutrino 05/23 07:05Dpplikeshit

ImaiLisa 05/23 07:05forty percent is shit

hdw 05/23 07:05但現在搞事的是民進黨耶!所以是中國指使的~

hdw 05/23 07:06!!

wuwenjay 05/23 07:07DPP is dead

JACC 05/23 07:07民主已死 = 不照民進黨的意思(英文)

jailkobe5566 05/23 07:09DPP is your father

griffin0914 05/23 07:09可是破壞程序的就是民進黨啊,難道是

mk2mk3mk4 05/23 07:09DPP is dead

griffin0914 05/23 07:09中共同路人

qozxcv 05/23 07:10你怎麼不早說

gn01693664 05/23 07:11DPPer UCCU

stussy 05/23 07:12DPP

siyabear 05/23 07:12DPPs say fuck you

rcat2010 05/23 07:14DPP suck

ht91138 05/23 07:15煩不煩

chandlerchen 05/23 07:15倒裝 how 2 say English killed DPP

yfeel38 05/23 07:16english is dead

haw23 05/23 07:1667:not my fucking business

tttkkk 05/23 07:16現在才是台灣開始展現民主價值的時候

dangercat5 05/23 07:16Die PeoPle

Bluebluehsu 05/23 07:17DPP unhappy

taimu 05/23 07:17 END OF THE ROAD?

VirgilAeneid 05/23 07:18DPP loses.

JKjohnwick 05/23 07:18癱瘓的是民進黨吧?

Phamalpha 05/23 07:18DPPers are dinner guy

s9623452 05/23 07:19Green can you cant

Alpha99 05/23 07:20笛屁屁 too good to die

jacky7744111 05/23 07:22DDP is angry

TomChu 05/23 07:23DDP IS DEAD

Delerium 05/23 07:23DPP

ht91138 05/23 07:26

nightyao 05/23 07:27五樓說反了吧,是民進黨才是中共的棋子

nightyao 05/23 07:27。誰在癱瘓立法院很明顯啊。

ht91138 05/23 07:29

Asato163 05/23 07:30big baby DPP

yeh0416 05/23 07:31DPP is my lord

best0811 05/23 07:32綠畜還在扯習XDD 人一綠腦就殘不是說假

best0811 05/23 07:32的耶

ht91138 05/23 07:32

r2589 05/23 07:33DDP subuchi

dboy1980 05/23 07:33Fuck U DPP

pikochu 05/23 07:34DPP cannot be dictator=民主已死

ht91138 05/23 07:34

tiltheday 05/23 07:36DPP feels uncomfortable

ht91138 05/23 07:36

greedy32325 05/23 07:37DPP is Shit

jayway1983 05/23 07:40DPP IS DEAD

yeng1217 05/23 07:42DPP IS DEAD

rancilio 05/23 07:42DPP eats my shit.

ht91138 05/23 07:43

MisterBoar 05/23 07:43DDP need help.

cat5672 05/23 07:44dpp is fuck

DontPLZ 05/23 07:44Dpp sucks

ojizz4u 05/23 07:45onlygreencan

liangda 05/23 07:45「DPP = Democracy」

bearKQG 05/23 07:45DPP is dead

BIGETC 05/23 07:46dpp must win

godofdeath 05/23 07:46DPP is losing 對牠們就是民主已死

ya2138 05/23 07:47Support dpp or go to hell

ljbright 05/23 07:48DPP is monkey

joesong 05/23 07:51DPP is fucked

cpylislv 05/23 07:52IT IS TIME TO GO TO BED

FLy60169 05/23 07:52民juice

xiao07 05/23 07:54KP LOSER

Azimech 05/23 07:55All hail DPP

stage0317 05/23 07:55胎彎壹錦民進黨了,沒有救了

assa123143 05/23 07:58原來習近平可以控制DDP?不然怎麼知道

assa123143 05/23 07:59DDP要癱瘓立法院?

Euglena 05/23 08:00拿出碎紙機做表演,比用說的更生動。

Topwater 05/23 08:02我深信ecfa喊要斷卻沒斷才是中共同路人

Tenging 05/23 08:05dpp is prostitution

silentforest 05/23 08:06dpp lose

jose50203 05/23 08:07Dpp is right

mot96 05/23 08:08Dpp is an opposite party

AoWsL 05/23 08:10你是挑戰者 不是受害者 歡迎面試

h034826567 05/23 08:11ddp is good

jeff198801 05/23 08:13DPP

mcyangtw 05/23 08:13kmt is backing

dark0224 05/23 08:14DPP is dead

sexybox 05/23 08:14dont make dpp unhappy

adon0313 05/23 08:14dpp is air ,light ,water

AirLee 05/23 08:17藍白綠不分垃圾,垃圾不分藍白綠

RLH 05/23 08:17Hail DPP

max995511 05/23 08:18dpp useless

secretmen 05/23 08:20Diss DPP, you dead

j3 05/23 08:21DPP can't lose

flashseal 05/23 08:24DPP 輸不起

linesid 05/23 08:28Green can you can't

OLDBOY 05/23 08:28Shame on DPP

fcz973 05/23 08:28DPP didn’t win=民主已死

fcz973 05/23 08:28KMT didn’t win=中華民國滅亡

lucifa38 05/23 08:29DPP very very darkness

neweb 05/23 08:30over DDPer’s dead body

a0684712 05/23 08:33DPP is dead

DDhow 05/23 08:36DPP is shit

EXTECH 05/23 08:36DPP is nothing

linkinchez 05/23 08:36DDP not happy

DAHOO 05/23 08:36綠畜打不過就抹紅,變不出新把戲

skizard 05/23 08:38DPP lost the election.

xhung 05/23 08:39綠覺青: ddp is dad

s102324011 05/23 08:41DPP ONLY

lsw0529 05/23 08:43DPP DIE

paz1117 05/23 08:44熟悉的抹紅又來了 DDPer fuk yourself

thouloveme 05/23 08:44DPP should win forever

sjr500 05/23 08:45yo R so goddam green

thouloveme 05/23 08:45Hahaha

weekend88123 05/23 08:46DPP

DavidFoster 05/23 08:48DPP is not happy

copybrown 05/23 08:51DPP is dead

EXTECH 05/23 08:5151 is useless

ljxc 05/23 08:51civil host already die

mikeeeee 05/23 08:52

bcmaple 05/23 08:53DPP eats shit

PTThph 05/23 08:542024不關我的事

hiphopboy7 05/23 08:56You guys are shi zhong

johnhahaha 05/23 08:57DPP dead

douxid 05/23 08:58Fuck you D D P

schuey 05/23 09:00DPPers are salary thieves

topahot9303 05/23 09:02黃國昌是中共被黑名單不能入境中國

nitero 05/23 09:02Fuck DDP

topahot9303 05/23 09:03的台獨份子好嗎 前幾樓要抹紅做點功

nenini 05/23 09:08Death of Democracy Party

im31519 05/23 09:09DPP IS RIGHT

Jinx 05/23 09:09DPP is dead

mygogocow 05/23 09:10DPP is gone

shitpost 05/23 09:12習下令癱瘓立法院?那現在癱瘓立法院的

shitpost 05/23 09:12是民進黨,所以民進黨受習指揮?

deerdriver 05/23 09:14DPP forever

wertes 05/23 09:17DPP 7414

Diver123 05/23 09:18DPP is dead

gulugulupp 05/23 09:21FUCK dead DPP

c642358 05/23 09:25衰尾功德

blueweak 05/23 09:29KMT fuck TMD

summer68101 05/23 09:29發QDPP

DarkerDuck 05/23 09:35Useless DPP

kizajan 05/23 09:36DPP is right

norechang 05/23 09:37DPP is Dead?

deathbead 05/23 09:37蔡英文:民主已死,不對,2024不關我的

deathbead 05/23 09:38

godchildtw 05/23 09:38DPP go to jail

mouce101 05/23 09:44demon crazy is dead

IamKUO 05/23 09:49DPP like CCP

NTPUpigeyes 05/23 09:51fucking DPP

beholdli 05/23 09:52Lie is dead.

xhl12000 05/23 09:53All hail DPP

wellstart 05/23 09:54Democracy turn into communism

sxbear 05/23 10:01DPP can

Kafkers 05/23 10:01嗯 這題不會考

oaihs 05/23 10:05塔綠班有民主外送與民主鐵拳不怕

kuoiop 05/23 10:08DPP is dead

starwish00 05/23 10:08DPP die

x58420 05/23 10:11DDP not

Hsu1025 05/23 10:23DPP got fucked

kattte 05/23 10:25乾脆說習近平授意賴清德拉高兩岸緊張好了

maverik 05/23 10:29all hail餸PP

maverik 05/23 10:29all hail餸PP

treasurekid 05/23 10:39菜EE

e86117934 05/23 10:48認真說用was gone比較適合。

nxuanr 05/23 10:53蔡英文是垃圾

wernetizen 05/23 12:03Democracy has perished.

vincecarterx 05/23 12:16ddp is our truth

dreamfree 05/23 12:20看到哥布林在發瘋?笑死

shadowdio 05/23 12:21omae ha mou shindeiru

markkao456 05/23 12:21現在進行式

gangrel 05/23 12:29EE

oldgj123 05/23 12:37D麻夕丫

momofishj 05/23 12:44democratic progressive

eggbird 05/23 13:27DPP is my everything.

cathychg 05/23 13:38

cathychg 05/23 13:38

cathychg 05/23 13:38

cathychg 05/23 13:38

RD30678 05/23 13:41黃國昌早被列入禁止進入中國香港

RD30678 05/23 13:41還有人在說是中共同路人

Casper50 05/23 13:45Xi Wei Ni is coming

ray801046 05/23 14:28大家英文真好 有夠好笑

kobe143 05/23 15:32DPP is dead

hhjjhhgg 05/23 16:26敏進洞出刷

Andosinjo 05/23 17:42

henry4204aaa 05/23 18:45DPP dad

leviathan36 05/23 19:29皮猿仿人

sa66l662 05/23 21:52KMT win the vote

asay 05/23 21:58Dpp SUCK

NASH0201 05/24 00:47DPP

mirce 05/24 01:16If you don't support DDP, go hell!