[問卦] 「你為什麼要推我?」英文怎麼說?

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時間推噓33 推:40 噓:7 →:20






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tml7415 08/24 15:33東他取蜜

s999132 08/24 15:33東踏取密

hebeisme5566 08/24 15:34why you pull me

Expend 08/24 15:34

glion 08/24 15:34Yellow Card

YJM1106 08/24 15:35why you twitter me

noreg0393933 08/24 15:35This is a pen.

ihl123456 08/24 15:35don't touch me

levs 08/24 15:36不是故意的你這樣問也很怪吧?

gigongwen 08/24 15:36Costco ikea

applewolf 08/24 15:36三樓英文堪憂

anti87 08/24 15:36why u 脫殼米?

vowpool 08/24 15:36How dare you

howdo1793 08/24 15:37how old are you

gprs910 08/24 15:37Who cars

shadowdio 08/24 15:38沙汪假內

levs 08/24 15:38衝沙小:What's the problem with you?

keycho5566 08/24 15:38push butt push oh?

gtor7923 08/24 15:38wuo jia yun boa

tearness 08/24 15:38who let the dogs out~~

skristy 08/24 15:39IKEA

levs 08/24 15:39小心講了被槍擊

ihl123456 08/24 15:39how dare

GOD5566 08/24 15:39Whosyoursaddy

oOWENo 08/24 15:41東踏取蜜

levs 08/24 15:41政治梗欠噓

oOWENo 08/24 15:42 push butt push oh? -->太可愛零威脅性

ampeial 08/24 15:42howdoyouturnthison

Dhack5321 08/24 15:48You why want push me?

LBruce 08/24 15:51why did you pussy me!

lmf770410 08/24 15:53You shall not pass!!!!

vin850411 08/24 15:54英文還在神隱沒出來說

small91051 08/24 15:54好爹油

blufish 08/24 15:55好爹油

MeeToo 08/24 15:58I am 賴皮。你好 我爸董事長

CrowChes 08/24 16:00Green can. You can’t .

TaiwanSirius 08/24 16:02你們要自立自強啊

p2p8ppp 08/24 16:04DONT ASK ME ANY QUESTION

wayne0120 08/24 16:11I’m DPP

fsih 08/24 16:14green can industry

hsuhsinjen 08/24 16:15A….A….A….(選我正解)

HeavensFeel 08/24 16:19Shut up and vote me

HeavensFeel 08/24 16:19You idiots

iorijkl 08/24 16:19英文會說:自己去跟老闆講啊

suhaw 08/24 16:26i am beautiful

asdsk456456 08/24 16:27Lie:AAA ~ don’t touch me

jerrylin 08/24 16:27don't touch me

qwas0413 08/24 16:28英文在睡覺沒空

chukenren 08/24 16:29How cup r u?

gracotw 08/24 16:37push 個 bullshit

fir191938 08/24 16:40You need to be strong by yourself

elia0325 08/24 16:46how dare you?

momo3921d 08/24 16:52Dont push me

star1023 08/24 16:52人家女生欸吧

x58420 08/24 16:58東踏取密

linlaosure 08/24 17:15Why not hug me

macauboy 08/24 17:16自立自強

WeiMinChen 08/24 17:18pollo

DurianLover 08/24 17:39Green can, you can’t.

flyaway0519 08/24 18:24I’m GREENEer

LSDsochill 08/24 19:05I'm DPP

lion198 08/24 19:42shit

Eide 08/24 20:10吃把費嚕貓中,沒空

Zarmy 08/24 20:48why u turn me down

ShockHo222 08/24 22:22DPP

clyde0816 08/24 23:41Don’t fuck me

sumsum 08/25 16:59自立自強