[問卦] Do the right thing and do things right
Do the right thing, do things right
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真的不能這麼比啦 這次的真的有點問題..
3K黨有用過嗎 沒用過就給過
Do the Right Thing,Vote Right
沒關係 柯粉繼續秀下限 繼續滑坡
看不懂這次爭議 可以去多念書 真的
[外絮] 小李:奪冠太難,不相信沒奪冠就是失敗Damian Lillard On Playing His Entire Career Without Winning A Ring: "There Are So Many People Who Have Played A Full Career Without Achieving That" "We play in an era right now, where you get criticized for not winning a ring. As if it is not the hardest thing to do in sports .80
Re: [新聞] 新納粹深植軍中 德國今日要對付內部原文抱歉吃光光… 說到這類話題,強者我同事又要準備牛棚熱身了。 如果有在肺炎疫情版混的,應該知道我所屬的單位是個相當歐派(不是二次元)的單位, 所以在疫情時期聊天中,會得到一些話題。 如從前所提,白人同事提過加拿大就是說英語的阿根廷,白人很多私房話題是不為外人道60
[情報] PJ Tucker因球隊練球懶散而發飆提醒隊友“Today (Wednesday), he got angry in practice because it was sloppy and he wen t off when nobody else did,” said coach Doc Rivers. “Those are the things th at people don’t—he just does so many things that are visible only to his tea m. That’s why you brought him here.” Doc Rivers在七六人練球的賽後媒體採訪時提到:「今天PJ Tucker在練球時發飆了,因9
Re: [討論] 民眾黨的文宣搞種族歧視?老實說,這就國小生也會用的抬槓 把一個看起來平凡無奇的話,給特定字句妖魔化就好了 比如Vote Right,就說是"投給右派" 那個柯屁最愛用的「Do the right thing do things right」 也直接翻成「做右派的事」與「做事要右派」算了6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/16現在你的生活可能發生了一些事,這使你有點緊張,阿牛。這跟你必須開始實施的改變有 關,而你現在可能非常懷疑它。一開始這感覺是個很正確的好主意。但現在你相當擔心且 關切它。不要擔心!讓它顯露。對你開啟的事物要有信心。給它一個機會證明自己。你可 能很緊張,因為最近其他事都沒有成功,但你應該要對這件事有信心,讓它發揮出來吧。 ——4
[情報] 06/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may need to be reminded today that it is sometimes wiser to judge someone by their intentions rather than their actions. When someone makes a mistake or does the wrong thing, but their intentions were to do good and to be honorable , you can hardly blame them since we don't always know how things would turn out in advance. You may be faced with a situation today where someone has done2
[情報] 4/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 19 2021 You may be wondering if you are looking at a current conflict without bias. The idea that you are willing to even consider this is a testament to your integrity, Capricorn. Although you may feel partial to one side of things, the fact that you can take a step back to do the right thing is quite noble. If you feel you can't be impartial now, give yourself some time to view the situation from a distance. Time and space will help you see things in the most balanced way possible. -- 你在想, 是不是能不帶偏見的看待一場衝突,2
[情報] 06/10/2021 Daily Horoscope有人說,好的東西不能得到太多,但我們知道這不是一定是正確的。 但是太多的冰淇淋對你的腰圍有害,太多的糖果對你的牙齒有害-不管你多麼喜歡這些東 西。 月之子,你現在可能在生活的某些領域以這個前提運作,並接受一些表面上看起來很好的 事情,但它可能對你來說並不是那麼好。2
[情報] 12/15 the daily horoscopeIt is easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking. One thing goes wrong, then another. Then someone says something to you that has hurtful or insulting connotations. And when you are already in a negative mindset, it is easy to interpret everything in a negative way. But if you catch yourself falling into a negative groove, Gemini, you can pull yourself out of it. If2
[討論] 這是我寫的歌Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And everything you do Yeah, they were all yellow I came along
[爆卦] 林秉文fb爆
[問卦] 國旅全部死光 各位真的OK嗎?爆
[問卦] threads 開始團購防彈衣 戰爭將至爆
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[爆卦] 事實查核中心:中國身分證核驗網是詐騙73
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[問卦] 家人被直銷洗腦到瘋了怎麼辦58
Re: [新聞] 立院三讀 警消海巡退休所得替代率最高80%爆
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[爆卦] 高嘉瑜fb: 排隊買臭豆腐(紅線擺攤)是日常59
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[問卦] 台南是不是快要被桃園超越了?47
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[問卦] 國旅的特色到底是什麼?37
Re: [新聞] 批數發部預算濫編 黃國昌:將再大刪「保證42
[問卦] 公司尾牙請饗食天堂該去嗎?47
[問卦] 漢草很好的妹子可以嗎79
[問卦] 國旅不補助 你真的ok?41
[問卦] 在特力屋買家具的我真是白癡:(36
[問卦]如果美國讓台灣當第51州 你OK嗎34
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[問卦] 老年張耀揚算帥哥嗎?24
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