Re: [問卦] 狒狒16天逃亡484可以寫成電影

看板Gossiping標題Re: [問卦] 狒狒16天逃亡484可以寫成電影作者
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:0

※ 引述《jentp (jen)》之銘言:
: 桃園狒狒逃了16天新聞每天更新追捕進度
: 在家看電視心裡默默幻想
: 狒狒自由自在在陌生的台灣街道、山林閒晃
: 或者在山間小屋遇到一個人類朋友從互相畏懼到幾天相處下來一起分享食物玩樂
: 如果可以一直都沒被抓到該有多好QQ
: 狒狒這16天逃亡484可以寫成電影
: 不痛不痛下輩子當個非洲草原上奔放的生命吧
: 縱然帶著永遠的傷口 至少我還擁有自由
: 嗚嗚QQ


Song of Face

Verse 1:
There was a monkey on the run
Escaped from his cage, he had some fun
For 18 days, he roamed around
In Longtan, Pingzhen, Xinwu and Yangmei town

But his freedom was short-lived
As hunters closed in and his fate was sealed
He was shot and killed, leaving us to grieve
Rest in peace, dear monkey, may you find relief

Verse 2:
He was a curious creature, full of life
But trapped in captivity, facing strife
He dreamed of running free, under the sun
Exploring the world, having some fun

But his freedom was short-lived
As hunters closed in and his fate was sealed
He was shot and killed, leaving us to grieve
Rest in peace, dear monkey, may you find relief

We mourn your loss, and we'll never forget
Your brave escape, and the life you met
You touched our hearts, in ways you'll never know
Rest in peace, dear monkey, it's time to go

But his freedom was short-lived
As hunters closed in and his fate was sealed
He was shot and killed, leaving us to grieve
Rest in peace, dear monkey, may you find relief

We'll miss you, dear monkey, and the memories you gave
May you run free, in the afterlife, beyond the grave.

Verse 1 和弦:Dm, G, C, Am
Chorus 和弦:F, G, C, Am
Verse 2 和弦:Dm, G, C, Am
Chorus 和弦:F, G, C, Am
Bridge 和弦:F, G, Am, Em, F, G, Am, G
Chorus 和弦:F, G, C, Am
Outro 和弦:Dm, G, C, Am


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BKcrow 03/27 19:21怎沒 Em Bm 一首看起來像愛情故事