[問卦] 黨國不分的英文怎麼講

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 黨國不分的英文怎麼講作者
時間推噓推:115 噓:3 →:46











※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

neoa01 09/02 21:37Dpp

zoeapezoo 09/02 21:37DPPcan

tmgl 09/02 21:37dpp

kinki5566 09/02 21:38DPP style

edward198791 09/02 21:38DPP

shun1008 09/02 21:38DPP IS SHIT

chadmu 09/02 21:38regardless of party or country

s0914714 09/02 21:38We are DPP

King5566 09/02 21:38你們要自立自強啊

monitor 09/02 21:38司法改革=東廠復辟

seuil 09/02 21:38dpp is always right

AWPER 09/02 21:39Dpp = Shit

qweertyui891 09/02 21:39政教合一

qDaniel 09/02 21:39我真的沒想到有這天 但就是DPPer

suzer 09/02 21:39All shits mixed.

super0949 09/02 21:39Dpper

bobocatcat 09/02 21:39Lie cheater

haroldliu 09/02 21:39DPP is fired

SuLiaen 09/02 21:40DPP

nutrino 09/02 21:40Dpplikeshit

dean1990 09/02 21:40Communism

a1684114 09/02 21:40DPP

tim32142000 09/02 21:41英文說 下一任的事 他不管

mikechang829 09/02 21:41DPP money money

a5413eric 09/02 21:41I can you can’t

jimlexus 09/02 21:41DDP is God

saiga12416 09/02 21:42英文什麼都沒說

bluepahahaha 09/02 21:42DPP policy

Lipton66g 09/02 21:42英文:呃..這個..呃..我..呃呃 鵝鵝鵝~

babosa633 09/02 21:42依黨行政,綠共保證

jackycheny 09/02 21:42DPP is definitely right!

luciffar 09/02 21:43DPP SUCK

bat2007x 09/02 21:43Dpp

nxdwx 09/02 21:43DPP is good

treeman47 09/02 21:44DPP is shit

j0987 09/02 21:45同島一命

timidwei 09/02 21:45DPP lie god

bearKQG 09/02 21:45DDP

vivi507 09/02 21:46Dpp

Elsinore 09/02 21:46dpp

SAMON5566 09/02 21:46partystate, 黨國

kitten123 09/02 21:46DPP

ju06080719 09/02 21:47DPP

misandre 09/02 21:47以前是KMT,現在是DDP

alvinpom 09/02 21:47DPP

bbyygg 09/02 21:47KP: I don’t know

Informatik 09/02 21:47英文這樣說 那是威廉不是我

smart8122 09/02 21:47DDP

AWPER 09/02 21:47dpp : i can not stop

lionheart66 09/02 21:47DPP啊

jickey 09/02 21:48dpp can you cant

WoaVoa 09/02 21:48DPP

inmee 09/02 21:48Down Go NO Fan

STi2011 09/02 21:48The party is my parents


snobbish 09/02 21:49SaNiaoDpp

Jeff911 09/02 21:50DPP

ericleft 09/02 21:51Dpper

cage820518 09/02 21:51DPP

fa88520 09/02 21:51DPP

cosmite 09/02 21:51DPP can but you cannot

isefer 09/02 21:51L'État, c'est moi 朕即國家

jaceda 09/02 21:52Fuck you DPP

xxx5566xxx 09/02 21:52民主進步黨是現在黨國不分的代表名稱

cosmite 09/02 21:53

KH8019 09/02 21:56All are DDPs

poorenglish 09/02 21:56DPP

Rootless 09/02 21:56中文是民進黨

a22880897 09/02 21:56DPP

cfesun 09/02 21:57Green

eason10 09/02 21:57DDPer

snsdakb48 09/02 21:58DPP

jose50203 09/02 21:58Dpp

kkkyyy 09/02 22:00DPP IS SHIT

NakedSnake 09/02 22:00DPP owns your ass

x58420 09/02 22:01 dpp

zzff92 09/02 22:01DPP = Dictator Policy Party

jbleedkai 09/02 22:04DPP bad bad

tony90125 09/02 22:06DPP

sweetsmoke 09/02 22:07dpp吧

ad1339 09/02 22:08DPP is CCP~

asay 09/02 22:09DPP shit

fonzae 09/02 22:10DPP Can You can't

gx9900824 09/02 22:10EE IS SHIT

tryit076187 09/02 22:11GCYC,Green Can You Can't

obelisk 09/02 22:12KMT、TMD!

newti 09/02 22:12Dong go no different

ForeverZARD 09/02 22:13Dpp 人民共和國

k2020445 09/02 22:14DPP

kimono1022 09/02 22:16DPP only

tiger911 09/02 22:19DPP is good

BroSin 09/02 22:19Democracy Progress

elibra01 09/02 22:20Dpp

kissung 09/02 22:20Dpper

lukelove 09/02 22:22你問30年前大概是KMT, 但nowadays 是 DP

jeffboy 09/02 22:22DPP No.1

lukelove 09/02 22:22P

deony 09/02 22:22DPP

alexjeter 09/02 22:22綠圾價值

beyond780705 09/02 22:23DppKmt

nightwindce 09/02 22:23It was KMT before, now it's DPP

simo520 09/02 22:24Dpp

capitalofz 09/02 22:27DPP is good

chandlerchen 09/02 22:29DPPlikeshit

NDSLite 09/02 22:31Party is Contry

kobe143 09/02 22:31DPP

Allensph 09/02 22:32Party-state

kevin8290 09/02 22:34DPP

chris71620 09/02 22:35DPP will fuck you up

a9564208 09/02 22:36Country in party

kaitokid1214 09/02 22:38DPPLikeshit

azcooper 09/02 22:38DPP=PRC

MJ02 09/02 22:40DPP

garcia 09/02 22:43Hail DPP

yiting428 09/02 22:44DPP can help

tcypost 09/02 22:47communist country

howard812 09/02 22:47Green can other can’t

edwardtp 09/02 22:49DPP

lukee 09/02 22:53Dirty PeoPle

joe75172003 09/02 23:01Both party suck

keith780902 09/02 23:01DPP only

siyabear 09/02 23:04DPP have everything

ccjj8 09/02 23:12Red Green family

controlgod 09/02 23:13

Green7979 09/02 23:14英文沒有說

tenlove 09/02 23:14dpp number one

Kaderia 09/02 23:16Done Guo Blu Fen

Kaderia 09/02 23:16Google 翻譯有87%像,有時真佩服自己

behero 09/02 23:16DPP turn over the car

wbvfn0615 09/02 23:18Delet democracy party?

CL63 09/02 23:20KMTed, DPPing

SpongebobMac 09/02 23:28dppcanyoucant

CGMS 09/02 23:33DPP

mike42 09/02 23:34Dang Kuo bu fang

kickflip 09/02 23:36DPP is king of Taiwan

tonyhome 09/02 23:40fuck dpp bullshit

marquelin 09/02 23:52dpp

wl00533180 09/02 23:54DPPTeam

iamhemry 09/03 00:10DPP

shi21 09/03 00:16DPP

cmcmcmcm2 09/03 00:16DPP=CCP

JukeFF 09/03 00:28DPP

saniyan 09/03 00:34DPP

sharkimage 09/03 00:35DPP

r30385 09/03 00:35dpp pussy ass bitch suck my dick

applejone 09/03 00:46kmt&dpp

HGJman 09/03 01:05党國不分的英文已經卸任,現在是党國不分

HGJman 09/03 01:05的cheater

chysh 09/03 01:06Taiwan (Dpp only)

achiow 09/03 01:06DPP all right

sbflight 09/03 01:44_ _ _ ist eine faschistische Partei

kitten123 09/03 01:56DPP?

asters 09/03 01:59Dpp

maniac 09/03 02:13DPP can, but you can’t

birdskingla 09/03 02:49DPP

nakato 09/03 04:44dpp

Kaderia 09/03 04:58

tinuo 09/03 08:00DPP

whotear 09/03 08:14Dpp

Lolira 09/03 10:09DanGuouBuFen

aaamigo 09/03 10:11DPP

monkeyboy041 09/03 12:04Dpp

aa2425 09/03 13:07DPP

akk98 09/03 14:40DPPDPP 朝聖