Re: [問卦] reddit:台灣人沒想像中的友善 職場很可怕

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※ 引述《usnavyseal (usmarine2008)》之銘言:
: 剛看reddit 台灣版

: 有網友問
: 是什麼讓台灣人友善
: What makes taiwanese people friendly?
: 從小有被灌輸什麼人生哲學嗎
: Is there an underlying philosophy taught since young?
: 網友回答
: 作為一個外國人,台灣有很「好客」的文化,超出我待過的其他地方
: 人們很慷慨,願意花錢或花時間幫我,並拒絕回報,只表示「以後在你的國家招待我吧」: As a foreign visitor I've found Taiwan has a strong "hospitality" culture,
: more than anywhere else I've visited. People have been generous both spending: their time to help out or show me round but also spent money and refused to: let me pay them back. They just said "if I ever visit your country, you can: do the same for me".
: 很多人忽略了,好客很棒,人們友善地幫你
: 在職場上完全相反,很多同事超級沒安全感
: 會盡力讓他們自己看上去比你好,沒有團隊精神
: That's the thing people seem to miss. Hospitality is great, where people are: supposed to be friendly they tend to go over and above what you get in other: places.
: The corporate environment is not like that at all, completely opposite where: a lot of them are super insecure and will do everything they can them look
: better than you. Not team players at
: 有時候在這裡生活 精神上有很大壓力,讓我覺得這裡有很多雙面人,在公開場合很假: 台灣人在職場和公開場合是兩種不同的經驗
: 每個國家都有「很假的人」,但我覺得台灣人在公開場合的友善過譽了
: 會讓你被第一次的職場經驗給嚇到
: And that's what makes living here mentally challenging sometimes. Made me
: feel like there's a lot of two faced people, or that they were being too fake: in public. Taiwanese at work and Taiwanese in public are two totally
: different experiences.
: There are "fake people" and such in every country, but I feel like the
: friendliness in public is so overboard that it's kind of shocking the first: time you experience the corporate environment.
: 對誰友善?菲律賓人?印尼人?黑人?白人旅客?看他們跟誰互動吧?
: Friendly to whom? Filipinos? Indonesians? Black people? White tourists? A lot: depends on who they are interacting with
: 在熱帶國家的人通常會比較「友善」
: 但我看來?台灣人的友善很表面,只有在短時間的互動才會發生
: People in places with warmer climates tend to be more "friendly".
: But in my honest opinion? Taiwanese people are only friendly on the surface: level and only if you interact with them for a short period of time.
: 我覺得你的經驗不一樣,我不是白人也不是東亞人,我在這裡的時間,
: 也沒遇到一般白人會有的友善
: 我沒有感受之前在希臘和哥倫比亞得到的友善
: I think your mileage may vary. I am not white and not east Asian. I haven't: felt the friendliness in my time here that, for example, a white tall blond: American would receive. My experience here doesn't approach the friendliness: I felt in places like Greece or Colombia.
: 作為一個高大的金髮美國人,我會說台灣人「友好」但不會說他們「友善」
: 例如我的同事都「友好」,會幫我找東西或翻譯但他們不是我的朋友
: 且經常拒絕的我的邀約,例如晚餐、喝咖啡、去看展等等
: 每個人在這座島上都覺得我不會講中文,跟之前在中國有的大量友善交流不同
: ,在這裏不會發生
: 如果要說有什麼不同的話,這裡的人是遇過最內向的地方之一
: Even as a tall blond American although I'd call the Taiwanese "nice" I
: wouldn't call them "friendly." i.e. although my coworkers are "nice" and will: help me look something up or translate a Chinese word they sure as hell
: aren't my friends and have turned down every invitation to get dinner,
: coffee, go to an art gallery, etc. Everyone on this island just assumes I
: don't speak Mandarin so the multitude of friendly convos I'd have with
: strangers like I would in China just don't happen here. If anything this has: been one of the more introverted distanced places I've ever lived or visited.:
: 有些人會直接問我「台灣人是世界上最友善的人吧?你同意嗎?」
: 但我反問他們為何沒次我過馬路時,他們企圖把我撞死,
: 我只會得到「我們也不喜歡那樣,但你同意台灣人是世界最友善的吧?」
: 好像是跟遊戲中的NPC對話
: Some people I meet just ask me straight up "Taiwanese are the friendliest
: people in the world right? You agree with that right?"
: When I ask them if they are so friendly why do they try to mow me down when I: cross the road I get just the "Oh we don't like that either but you agree
: that Taiwanese are the friendliest in the world?"
: Like talking to NPC in a game.
: 備註
: 大家怎麼看呢


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WAXNSIM 04/17 23:12化外之地就別提了。

FZ5566 04/17 23:13一把年紀了,這點沒梗的爛東西也發文

AKB5566 04/17 23:15你可以

LYS5566 04/17 23:17叔叔阿姨很好聊 小孩也很好聊 真的把人當

LYS5566 04/17 23:18空氣的就只剩二十幾的妹仔了 真的難聊

starwillow 04/17 23:23台灣詐騙那麼猖獗誰敢跟陌生人亂搭話

starwillow 04/17 23:24想友善的去北車三越那邊混一個月我保

starwillow 04/17 23:24證你看到陌生人搭話就煩

sali921 04/17 23:29缺資源又愛比較的慣老闆之地

ThisisLongID 04/17 23:33大叔大媽倒是很會搭話 年輕人就算了

budalearning 04/17 23:44@@不會吧 在台灣也很容易跟陌生人

budalearning 04/17 23:44認識 閒聊

BenShiuan 04/17 23:45最近看外國實境節目也有發現,他們不同

BenShiuan 04/17 23:45桌的客人也會聊起來,在台灣很難看到

weishin 04/17 23:49 自閉仔還創造裝熟這個詞來自我安慰

hTCe9 04/17 23:52你因為台灣詐騙之島啊

motoe680i 04/17 23:52今天才跟一位大哥跟大嬸聊起來,那位大

motoe680i 04/17 23:52哥一聊就是半小時,電動車跟腳踏車。

hTCe9 04/17 23:52自然而然就變得非常不想跟同桌的聊

motoe680i 04/18 00:00年輕的一堆低頭滑手機的。

Tim1844 04/18 00:28確實 我很抱歉他被騙來這個破幹爛島

lucifer648 04/18 01:29呃你要先想想台灣人會跟你開什麼破爛

lucifer648 04/18 01:32話題?聊到最後都在那邊講一堆北七政

lucifer648 04/18 01:32治、抱怨自己人生的幹話,我才不當陌

lucifer648 04/18 01:32生人的垃圾桶

lucifer648 04/18 01:35台灣人的人生就是跟圈養的牲畜一樣

lucifer648 04/18 01:36豬圈裡的豬是要聊什麼?

keroro39 04/18 01:36台灣人只想把別人當成自己垃圾桶xd

bigtien6292 04/18 03:16中國那個不是外向 是不尊重個人空間

bigtien6292 04/18 03:17很多中國人都直接問陌生人隱私問題

bigtien6292 04/18 03:17或好客到令人困擾例如狂灌酒

anmimo 04/18 08:44台灣很多直銷老鼠會都這樣陌生開發 嘻嘻

svcgood 04/18 10:00你沒見到台女看到老外的樣子