[問卦] 死道友,不死貧道。英文怎說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 死道友,不死貧道。英文怎說?作者
時間推噓35 推:38 噓:3 →:19



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SYSH24 04/24 04:42it's soy sauce not channel

Julian9x9x9 04/24 04:45die way friend no die poor way

webster1112 04/24 04:45 die friend, not me !

webster1112 04/24 04:46靠邀 我 信雅達都有

WeAntiTVBS 04/24 04:54see soy sauce not see channel (?

pxndx 04/24 05:07I'm coming, you're welcome

yswu 04/24 05:07Style,no die channel!

MadAngel 04/24 05:08Not my circus, Not my monkey.

MadAngel 04/24 05:11還真的滿難的 暫時想不出別的 o_o

firemothra 04/24 05:17Go fxxx yourself

rogergon 04/24 05:20ChatGPT: “every man for himself “

emiya5352 04/24 05:35S dao yo, pus pen dao

kinki5566 04/24 05:37die path friend, not die poor path

sthelse 04/24 05:40you jump, I won't

unrealstars 04/24 05:44Die soy sauce, Immortal channel

taimu 04/24 05:45go go you first

AlianF 04/24 05:48dead pool

diyaworld 04/24 05:52Taiwan People's Party

alanismei 04/24 06:00You go die, I stay alive

rockiey 04/24 06:01you die, ok?

tgth 04/24 06:02style per spindle (x

MadAngel 04/24 06:28我覺得認真找的話應該可以從絕命律師的

MadAngel 04/24 06:28Saul Goodman的台詞找到類似的quote

MadAngel 04/24 06:29畢竟這兩個角色也滿像的 某方面而言

JavaBass 04/24 06:30IKEA

ptychodera 04/24 06:31Taiwan poor, Dpp rich

will1118 04/24 06:38一開始看不懂一樓的翻譯

kiergh 04/24 06:40die u no die me

gtcb 04/24 06:43People die, DPP live.

buslover 04/24 06:44Si dou yu mu si bin dou 大概4醬 嘻嘻

gouba 04/24 06:47Let friends die, omly me servive

secretapple 04/24 06:49go eat shit by yourself

Golven 04/24 06:51You sacrifice, I survive.

deann 04/24 07:03Anti China you go first

Howard61313 04/24 07:10You die, I stay alive.這樣翻

miliq 04/24 07:12Tsai Ing-wen

Testudines 04/24 07:19Go,I will take care of your wife.

dyc2008 04/24 07:27Costco and ikea

icemonkey200 04/24 07:37You can't, but Green

a0189148 04/24 07:49"Let others face death, but I shall n

a0189148 04/24 07:49ot sacrifice myself."

xian 04/24 08:03you die i no die

mopigou 04/24 08:10DPP

lefthander22 04/24 08:25go fuck yourself

darkbaby978 04/24 08:34英文:你們要自立自強啊

heacoun 04/24 08:40Die you, not me

Stupidog5566 04/24 08:43see do you, but see pink do

doluir 04/24 09:36Style, not spindle.

Garbolin 04/24 09:49See you good bye

zckater 04/24 10:13die, my friend, pussy me!

raku 04/24 10:16腦袋裡有蔭屍人 秦假仙的聲音是正常的嗎?

raku 04/24 10:24Let others go throught the minefield fir

raku 04/24 10:24st.

uni1 04/24 11:09My peers died but I survived. :o

uni1 04/24 11:13Go die my peers;I'm enjoying. :o

tikowm 04/24 11:44See down you book see pin down

vvrr 04/24 11:581F XDDD

aresa 04/24 12:37I die I don’t

wingner 04/24 12:52去跟你老闆說