[爆卦] 烏克蘭指控匈牙利與俄羅斯利用ROC交易戰俘

看板Gossiping標題[爆卦] 烏克蘭指控匈牙利與俄羅斯利用ROC交易戰俘作者
時間推噓17 推:22 噓:5 →:17

Hungary confirms the statement of the Russian Orthodox Church on the transferof Ukrainian prisoners of war. Kyiv does not know about this

Hungary confirmed that the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) returned to it 11
Ukrainian servicemen of Transcarpathian origin from captivity.

This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister of Hungary Zholt Shemien, who isalso responsible for church affairs, in a comment to the Hungarian
publication atv.

"This is my human and patriotic duty," Zholt Chemien noted.

The Ukrainian side did not know about it and was not involved in the process
in any way. In a comment to "Babel", the representative of the Main
Directorate of Intelligence (MDI) Andriy Yusov stated that the issue of
prisoners of war is dealt with exclusively by the Coordination Headquarters,
with which neither the ROC nor Hungary contacted. Currently, the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the State Government are establishing all the
circumstances, clarifying the names of those released and working on their

On June 8, the Russian Orthodox Church informed that it had handed over to
Hungary Ukrainian prisoners of war of Transcarpathian origin who took part
in hostilities.

匈牙利證實 俄羅斯利用Russian Orthodox Church (ROC 東正教會)

向匈牙利歸還11位 喀爾巴阡山脈的烏克蘭軍人

Press conference by Ukrainian POWs in Hungary to denounce Ukraine, praise
Russian Orthodox Church

烏克蘭戰俘 在匈牙利開記者會控訴烏克蘭強迫動員

Ukrainian prisoners of war in Hungary are reportedly preparing to publicly
criticize Ukraine and express gratitude to the Russian Orthodox Church, as
part of a mandatory condition for their release from Russia.

Ukrainian prisoners of war who were transferred to Hungary by the Russian
Orthodox Church (ROC) instead of going to Ukraine are reportedly preparing
for a press conference, where they are expected to criticize Ukraine and
express gratitude to the ROC, the Ukrainian media RBK reports, citing its
sources in Ukrainian intelligence.

According to the source, making such statements was a mandatory condition fortheir release from Russia. The prisoners are said to be under armed guard,
with their location undisclosed to Ukraine and no contact allowed.

“At the press conference, the captives are supposed to talk about how they
were allegedly forcibly mobilized, the supposed harsh conditions they fought
in, the excellent Hungarian government, and the ROC, among other things. Thispublic activity, including criticism of Ukraine and gratitude towards the
ROC, was voiced to Ukrainian prisoners as a mandatory condition for their
release from Russia,” RBC’s source in the intelligence revealed.

A representative of the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence Directorate confirmed
that the prisoners’ whereabouts were being kept secret from Ukraine, and
they were still unable to move freely or return to Ukraine.

Orban’s 11 hostages: how Russian Orthodox Church and Russian authorities “
trade” Ukrainians with the Hungarian government

烏克蘭官員指控 這是匈牙利與俄羅斯利用ROC進行人口交易

喔對了 很多人看到這里 可能會覺得奇怪

為什麼烏克蘭人要在匈牙利開記者會 而且匈牙利會接受烏克蘭戰俘


同時具有匈牙利籍 在離境時被征招入伍

甚至有部分人指出 烏克蘭刻意在邊境守株待兔征招匈牙利族



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※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2023 22:46:41

Golbeza 06/14 22:45抓到了ROC!!

jma306 06/14 22:45 ROC

chadmu 06/14 22:45古巴共和國?

wilson3435 06/14 22:46嚇死我了

Warheart 06/14 22:47我們沒有 不是我們 別亂說

negotiates 06/14 22:48抓到 ROC的藍白粉又在害人了

spirit119 06/14 22:48匈牙利是俄羅斯同路人 不意外

namelessSZY 06/14 22:49抓到

ralfeistein 06/14 22:50抓到 又ROC

www115ui8 06/14 22:51開戰初期在邊境徵召是常有的事

itwt 06/14 22:56匈牙利就愛挺俄,挺到被抓去當兵XD

不是匈牙利人 是居住在烏克蘭的匈牙利族 匈牙利和烏克蘭 幾年前還在邊境爭議地區對峙過

HNCB2880 06/14 22:56台灣又搞事了

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2023 22:58:10

physicsdk 06/14 22:57上面是有沒有看清楚,現在疑似是烏在

physicsdk 06/14 22:57徵召匈牙利人欸

狹義的說居住烏克蘭的 匈牙利族 不是匈牙利人 廣義的說 在匈牙利後來的國籍法中 只要是匈牙利族 就可以申請匈牙利籍 這些可以說是匈牙利人

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2023 23:00:33

buddyricky 06/14 22:59好好笑

clover1211 06/14 23:00所以這部份人有兩國國籍嗎?

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2023 23:01:55

fenway18 06/14 23:01所以這些人有沒有服匈牙利的兵役?

你在台灣 沒聽過僑民嗎? 僑民服兵役嗎? 僑民在台灣每年居住不滿時間 好像也不用服兵役吧

yamakazi 06/14 23:03台灣也差不多阿,看政府敢不敢在機場抓

yamakazi 06/14 23:04有雙重國籍的人 打仗前一律抓來當兵

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2023 23:04:48

sobiNOva 06/14 23:04歐洲國籍就很亂 因為當時亂亂切

allofme 06/14 23:05前幾天的消息,山地旅128不就是從那抓人

allofme 06/14 23:05

angellll 06/14 23:21交換戰俘 匈牙利有俄國戰俘?

你好 烏克蘭用的是trade 我翻譯的也是交易 不是exchange 交換

q34355997 06/14 23:25烏克蘭到處強抓人當兵 砲灰不夠用

polypress 06/15 00:09軍武版主mmmimi11tw不喜歡這篇文章:(

zeugen 06/15 01:24俄羅斯東正教

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 06/15/2023 01:33:50

leterg 06/15 02:31這些人就以前被劃入烏克蘭,住邊境,但還

leterg 06/15 02:31是有發給匈牙利籍,也有烏克蘭籍

leterg 06/15 02:41匈牙利這種行為算正常,當初武漢封城時,

leterg 06/15 02:41沒有人能出武漢,他們也交涉派軍機去武漢

leterg 06/15 02:41把被封的匈人載回國(民航機不能降落)

suanruei 06/15 07:29臺灣以後也去機場抓美國人當兵

dbwu 06/15 10:18消息來源

我貼了三個不同的消息來源 你是一個都沒看?? 你是沒眼睛嗎????

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 06/15/2023 10:53:59

lau6m2002 06/15 12:47這樣感覺是烏克蘭的問題怎變他們是指責

lau6m2002 06/15 12:47方?

Antihuman 06/15 13:47roc?藍白糞崩潰

看到 ROC會崩潰的只有小粉紅和小粉綠

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 06/15/2023 13:54:14

azc3144 06/15 14:05看起來是烏問題比較大 是在叫幾點?

cat5672 06/15 14:09我還以為是俄羅斯奧委會

baliallin 06/15 14:13因為是烏克蘭籍匈牙利裔吧?當然得當烏

baliallin 06/15 14:14克蘭兵

squelch 06/15 14:24給推

elvis30901 06/15 14:35

www115ui8 06/15 14:47正常程序是先跟烏克蘭換俘匈牙利再跟

www115ui8 06/15 14:47烏克蘭談

你可以參考韓戰 聯合國軍的處理方式 不是送中國 而是根據戰俘意願

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 06/15/2023 16:09:38