[問卦] 「霸王級寒流」的英文怎麼說啊

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「霸王級寒流」的英文怎麼說啊作者
時間推噓97 推:109 噓:12 →:45

如題 , 聽說台灣今天非常冷


King of cold air???


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

Owen93 01/23 16:28China taiwan

Mx1720 01/23 16:29Hello world !

soulmola 01/23 16:29Fuck China

Vassili242 01/23 16:29ba wan gi han liu

cuteSquirrel 01/23 16:29Emperor of cold storm

fir191938 01/23 16:29Ba wang gi han liu

hsu0612 01/23 16:29fucking cold

xxx5566xxx 01/23 16:30this is book

rwr 01/23 16:30Level DPP ice storm

sali921 01/23 16:30LBJ cold snap!!!

kenro 01/23 16:30霸王龍寒流啊

cchsiao 01/23 16:30overlord level cold current

gigongwen 01/23 16:30Fuckingvegetablehan

welcome 01/23 16:30King cold flow選我正解

lewisk 01/23 16:30Costco

joesong 01/23 16:31John mu ya

PeikangShin 01/23 16:31Cobaw cold

harkk2001 01/23 16:31外國人一致認為台灣濕冷世界第一

vickyshan 01/23 16:32the king of cold river

Virness 01/23 16:32barking cold

samuel1201 01/23 16:33Ikea

kenro 01/23 16:33那來一致啊,真的不要唬爛,比我們冷的很多

eatyourshit 01/23 16:33跟他說:fuck my ass

lats 01/23 16:33Bar Want Geek Hang Leo

tf010714 01/23 16:33bawanggihanriou

minipopy0314 01/23 16:33Chinese Taipei

chaoswarudo 01/23 16:33Kingkpop

simon0529 01/23 16:33Freaking Crazy Cold

akira01 01/23 16:33the king of cold wave

perching0120 01/23 16:33Farewell My Concubine Hallyu

gn00573224 01/23 16:33菜英文

pshuang 01/23 16:34bawan level cold flow

ProE 01/23 16:34Ikea Lin god cow bad.

wsad50232 01/23 16:34super fucking cold

inoce 01/23 16:34Fucking Cold

wp972160 01/23 16:35sunflower cold

brans 01/23 16:35Trex cold

devil0915 01/23 16:35How are you

tuanlin 01/23 16:35Taiwan very cold

akira01 01/23 16:36ultimate fucking cold

arenoe 01/23 16:36Winter is coming

sunnyyoung 01/23 16:36Nat King Cold

ridecule 01/23 16:37Goddamn Cold

speed2 01/23 16:37Super power cold XDD

esho 01/23 16:37super pie cold wave

alwaysboy 01/23 16:38我今天外出時還看到一個老外穿短T短褲

andytaso 01/23 16:38Mega Cold

alwaysboy 01/23 16:38在等公車唷,還沒到老外覺得冷。

blue1204 01/23 16:38Cold promax

LenardLee 01/23 16:39美德贏台灣

flymyfinger 01/23 16:39morning call

speed2 01/23 16:39Bar want G han lang ???

Arens5566 01/23 16:39Taiwanese feeble cold river

meowchen 01/23 16:39meatballs cold snap

kof70380 01/23 16:40老外老家都下雪的吧 台灣這叫低溫?

garcia 01/23 16:40Look World Cold

diablohinet 01/23 16:40BA WANG G HAN LIU

smpian 01/23 16:40日本是說冬將軍

Like5566Like 01/23 16:41霸王祥吼泉

jimlexus 01/23 16:42King of Cold

ohrring 01/23 16:43COOL AS FUCK

THE7088 01/23 16:43一開放 車輪黨網軍就上工 辛苦了

ab4daa 01/23 16:43king of frost storm

SamMark 01/23 16:43Father King Chickon

Lukewear 01/23 16:43fuk Dpp

poco0960 01/23 16:43fucking cold

PSP156 01/23 16:44let it go

ptychodera 01/23 16:44Chinese Taipei cold

jimmy12332 01/23 16:45winter is coming

legendd 01/23 16:45唯一支持 霸王薑母鴨

double2783 01/23 16:46hen general manager in coming

ivan761016 01/23 16:46我都唸 Costco

TOMMY75410 01/23 16:47father of Korea

s87087 01/23 16:47coldzilla

jimmy12332 01/23 16:47John snow is dead

chouvincent 01/23 16:48Lie cheater

JoJoSonic 01/23 16:48warm

Axarz631 01/23 16:49Winter King

PtT0615s 01/23 16:49king kong level cold

holybless 01/23 16:49blizzard hazard

BKcrow 01/23 16:50Lie Winter in Taiwan

superbeast 01/23 16:51fucking cold

zeroofgod 01/23 16:51How are you

BKcrow 01/23 16:52We cold

JER2725 01/23 16:53so fucking cold

ohrring 01/23 16:53winter cum in

shintz 01/23 16:55Taiwan hot!! 進音樂!!!

SydLrio 01/23 16:56Fucking Tsai Ing Wen

leohayashi1 01/23 16:56直接說a cold wave 就好,不需要像

leohayashi1 01/23 16:56中文過多形容詞,寒流本來就有致命

leohayashi1 01/23 16:56風險

a85201207 01/23 16:57world hen da

sareed 01/23 16:57like, you know, really cold, so cold

Diver123 01/23 16:58Ikea

MintSu 01/23 17:03so cool

xian 01/23 17:04bakinglv coldstream

olin7745 01/23 17:04Lebron Cold

iamdota 01/23 17:07kobe winter coming

Insania 01/23 17:10too cold to make your dick gone

ping870224 01/23 17:11T REX Cold

malaman 01/23 17:12BA Want G

gunfighter 01/23 17:13Cold your dick off

tsukasaxx 01/23 17:15老外口音:爸汪級含流~

starwillow 01/23 17:16terminator cold

fire124 01/23 17:16taiwan cold

THEHELY 01/23 17:16Costco

PandaSir 01/23 17:16king of the cold

agb202214 01/23 17:20Ikea

josephpu 01/23 17:22your mama thought you're cold

goodboylin77 01/23 17:24超派寒流

chunyee 01/23 17:26Cold stone

BKcrow 01/23 17:28Are you ready cold ? Let’s cold

r9527126 01/23 17:29Superpie storm

leo255112 01/23 17:29Ba Wang han liu

dream1009 01/23 17:31Boss Cold

d8731400 01/23 17:3126% dildo

Mandingo 01/23 17:32Fucking cold

wsxe2007 01/23 17:32cold pro max

giantwinter 01/23 17:35Grand Ice Storm

aska521 01/23 17:36Cow bay lin

sanxiao 01/23 17:40項羽 let me cold

kenzzsjuntt 01/23 17:41C8763 class cold wind.

panex0845 01/23 17:42super slam cold snap

andken 01/23 17:43維大力!!

gwog 01/23 17:43Freeze your ass off

oo2830oo 01/23 17:44Taiwan NO.1 cold la.

loJ1206 01/23 17:46Violent storm

StarTouching 01/23 17:46Taiwan No.1 Cold

heartstorm 01/23 17:54Godzilla cold flow

way951753 01/23 17:55King Level Winter

freshego 01/23 17:55KING KONG!!!

twoboy 01/23 17:59Lychee testicles

harryshenTHS 01/23 18:02Tyrant King Level Cold Flow

a0972723495 01/23 18:03Winter pro max

doublecroxx 01/23 18:07謝謝你覺得台灣比較冷

CTUST 01/23 18:08T-rex cold

gamecubemomo 01/23 18:11Fuck you

yajam 01/23 18:16Cold daw cow bay

minipc 01/23 18:19bar king level han flow

cobrasgo 01/23 18:21法國菜好好吃

viwa77068194 01/23 18:29Monster

yvonne0520q 01/23 18:29飛翔宇宙浩瀚無敵

xinyuxiao 01/23 18:37colder than you <3

herculus6502 01/23 18:43godzilla cold front

ukcm 01/23 18:52Han Guoyu

unikuo096 01/23 18:59Eat Hot pot NOW

ComeThrough 01/23 19:09Taiwanese joke

kintaro1219 01/23 19:11over my cold body

ElrosHsun 01/23 19:34呆腦獸cold

Taiwanpoker 01/23 19:34How you doing

iAsshole 01/23 19:36未看先猜推文一堆自以為好笑的北爛。

alanismei 01/23 19:36Extremely cold waves

dylancdylanc 01/23 19:37Taiwaness feel fucking cold

buslover 01/23 19:39King of Cold Creek 寒溪之王 嘻嘻

qaz214536 01/23 19:55So cool

sallyna123 01/23 20:06Fucking China

andyjaw 01/23 20:46Super dry

smallkop 01/23 21:05very cold

knik119 01/23 21:12barwanggi cold flow

mixtape7 01/23 21:25i dot car

mosw 01/23 21:59媚登峰 sora-Q

ilovenynyny 01/23 22:47Kawbei Lin

xjiang 01/24 00:25bawanggy hanryu

p25488148 01/24 04:42So fucking cold biatch

deerdriver 01/24 05:57Winter is coming

squarerinoa 01/24 08:30Vegetable English