Re: [新聞] (翻譯標題) 比利時核電廠延役十年

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※ 引述《assxass (包子)》之銘言:
: 備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除
: 1.媒體來源:
: 外電
: 2.記者署名:
: Anne-Sophie Gayet
: 3.完整新聞標題:
: Belgian nuclear reactors extended for another 10 years
: (翻譯 比利時核能電廠延役十年)
: 4.完整新聞內文:
: The government and French company Engie agreed to extend the lives of nuclear: reactors Doel 4 and Tihange 3 to help mitigate the ongoing energy crisis.
: Doel 4 and Tihange 3 nuclear reactors – Belgium’s most recent nuclear
: reactors – were to stop their activities from 1 July 2025 and 1 September
: 2025, respectively, according to the 2003 Belgian law on nuclear phase-out.: But following month-long discussions about extending operations, a decision: was taken to extend the life of both reactors for ten years from 2026.
: “Important decision for energy security today. Firstly, with this decision,: work for the extension of the two most recent reactors can start tomorrow.
: Secondly, with this decision, we take our energy destiny back into our own
: hands,” Prime Minister Alexander de Croo told a press conference.
: Extending the reactors so they can operate for another 10 years aims to
: ensure Belgium does not face electricity shortages.
: Without these reactors, the 2026-2027 winter would be difficult, and it would: have been the same for the following five to ten winters, the prime minister: said this summer.
: And indeed, for several politicians and organisations like 100TWh and the
: Forum nucléaire belge, the development of renewable energies and the
: establishment of gas-fired power plants to compensate for the closing of
: nuclear reactors would have been insufficient to make it up the lost
: production capacity of two nuclear reactors.
: Moreover, uncertainties caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine, the resulting
: energy crisis, and the uncertainties surrounding the French nuclear park, as: many reactors in France are currently shut down for repairs, were also taken: into account when making the decision.
: Energy Minister Tinne Van Der Straeten also highlighted during the press
: conference on Monday that this decision would allow for “less volatile prices: ” on the electricity market and “greater energy independence”.
: “Belgium is well secured for the coming winters […]. Today we are an energy: exporter, and this will also be the case for the coming winters. […] The
: decision-making centres were no longer in Belgium [and with today’s
: agreement,] our country regains control over a very important element of its: energy supply,” de Croo told LN24.
: The agreement also provides for the immediate undertaking of environmental
: and technical studies required to obtain the authorisations related to the
: extension.
: In exchange for the extension, Engie obtained a cap on the cost of nuclear
: waste management, La Libre reported. However, the exact amount has not been: revealed yet.
: Before the closing of Doel 3 (1006 MW) in September last year, the total
: capacity of the Doel power plant was 2,935 megawatts (MW), compared to 3,008: MW for Tihange.
: Together, the two only power plants in Belgium accounted for 50% of the
: country’s annual electricity consumption and were equivalent to 42 billion
: kWh per year.
: Doel 4 is Doels’ biggest reactor with a capacity of 1,039 MW, as Tihange 3
: is also Tihange’s biggest reactor with a capacity of 1,038 MW.
: 懶人包翻譯
: Doel 4 和 Tihange 3 這兩個反應爐 原本2003年規劃2025年廢爐
: But 檔不住種種因素 (戰爭 天然氣大漲 減碳等) 決定延役十年
: 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等轉載媒體:
: 6.備註:
: 世界怎麼追得上台灣~~
: 日本、德國、比利時 這三個宣布要非核的國家轉彎後
: 台灣就變成了世界上的 No 1 也是 Only 1



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kinki999 01/11 11:38可以向蜥蜴人借地心熱度來發電嗎

蜥蜴人引入地表水 一邊冷卻一邊燒開水發電 超讚的冷氣吹不停 但比較需要的是海水淡化技術吧 直接燒海水會一堆鹽 很不方便

※ 編輯: VVizZ ( 臺灣), 01/11/2023 11:41:07

hoder 01/11 11:42其實小蔣在北部蓋核電廠是軍事用途

VVizZ 01/11 11:46核盾 保護首都不被攻擊

VVizZ 01/11 11:46但現在導彈準度比較高那個沒用了

VVizZ 01/11 11:47主要還是經濟考量 長遠來看就是成本穩定

VVizZ 01/11 11:47發電量也穩定 日夜運轉最適合當基載

tonyian 01/11 11:59核融合才是上帝之火,核分裂是惡魔之火

屁啦 上帝創造萬物包括惡魔都是自己的分靈體

※ 編輯: VVizZ ( 臺灣), 01/11/2023 12:01:19

t95912 01/11 12:38你就不怕遇到不鳥戰爭法的瘋子喔?

t95912 01/11 12:41核融合才是光明 核分裂只是惡魔

很多殺人犯也不鳥刑法 你都敢上街出門了 為什麼要放棄便利的生活 賭那一個比天災還小的可能性呢

※ 編輯: VVizZ ( 臺灣), 01/11/2023 13:40:34