Re: [新聞] 賓士執行長:就算中國武力攻台,賓士也不
※ 引述《a15568 (玉米)》之銘言:
: 台灣這種奇奇怪怪的消息也太多。
: 去查一下原文。
: 根本沒說武力攻台這些話啊!
: 原文是說現在這種情況,要德國跟中國脫鉤是不現實的,他也知道目前德國的政策是要限制
: 中國對德國的滲透。
: 整篇原文都是在說,保持距離可以,但全面脫鉤目前還不現實。
: 從頭到尾沒說到兩岸戰爭,新聞標題可以這樣腦補。
: 台灣人會不會被假新聞餵到腦殘了?
那是因為你找錯篇了 你但用 Ola Kallenius, taiwan 和china
Mercedes-Benz Says It Isn’t Viable To Leave The Chinese Market
May 2, 2023
Mercedes-Benz boss Ola Kallenius has underlined the importance of the Chinesemarket for not only the German car manufacturer but also the broader
automotive market in a wide-ranging interview with Bild.
The 53-year-old chief executive of Mercedes recently visited China for three
weeks and during his time there, was asked about how the current political
climate in the country could impact the brand moving forward. According to
Kallenius, it would be very difficult to decouple from China were it to
invade Taiwan, even though Mercedes-Benz and many other brands left Russia
after the escalation of its war against Ukraine.
“The major players in the world economy, Europe, the USA and China, are so
closely intertwined that decoupling from China makes no sense,” he said when
asked about a Chinese attack on Taiwan. “It’s about win-win in terms of
growth and climate protection, not about competing against each other. We arenot naive. Of course, we see the political differences and tensions [between
China and Taiwan]. We have to become more resilient here and more independentof individual countries, for example when it comes to lithium batteries. But
a disengagement from China is an illusion and not desirable either.”
Kallenius added that it “would be unthinkable for almost the entire German
industry,” were Mercedes-Benz to ever discontinue its operations in China.
China is a hugely important market for Mercedes-Benz and last year, accountedfor 37% of the brand’s total sales and 18% of its revenue. Kallenius noted
that there are some areas where Chinese car manufacturers have an advantage
over some of Germany’s legacy automakers.
“What is done well there, for example, is the infotainment,” he told Bild.
“Entertainment electronics in cars has not played the most important role
for German customers so far. Chinese customers, on the other hand, attach
great importance to this. An example: karaoke in the car. They can therefore
also sing karaoke in the long version of the new E-Class.”
The boss of Mercedes-Benz also disputed an assertion that the German
manufacturers may be losing out to Chinese rivals.
“In China, electric mobility has so far developed via inexpensive small cars
and city cars,” he said. “Well over 90 percent of sales are achieved with
e-cars that cost less than 40,000 euros. We don’t even compete in that
segment. We don’t want to get involved in the price war in the volume market
either. Mercedes customers expect something special. Overall, we were able toincrease our sales of all-electric models in China by over 150 percent in
一篇不夠 再來一篇
Mercedes-Benz chief says cutting China ties would be ‘unthinkable’
Cutting ties with China would be “unthinkable for almost all of Germanindustry”, the chief executive of automaker Mercedes-Benz has said, as Europe’s largest economy grapples with its deep reliance on Beijing.
Ola Källenius said cutting ties with China was impossible and “not desirable
“The major players in the global economy — Europe, the USA and China — are
so closely intertwined that disengaging from China makes no sense,” Kä
llenius told the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag. “It’s about win-win on
growth and climate protection, not conflict.”
The economic reverberations of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s war in
Ukraine have triggered a wave of anxiety in Europe about the continent’s
even greater dependency on China.
But there is heated debate in German political and business spheres about thebest approach to the country’s deep economic ties to China, which was Germany’s most important trading partner for the seventh consecutive year in 2022.
An agreement by Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s three-way coalition in 2021 struck
a critical tone on China. But deep divisions have subsequently emerged
between Scholz, who is cautious about calls for drastic changes in Berlin’s
relationship with Beijing, and his Green party partners who have long been
more hawkish in their approach.
Concerns about the threat posed by China to Germany’s critical
infrastructure have prompted recent re-evaluations of the role of Chinese
telecoms company Huawei in the country’s communications networks. The
government is also being forced to re-examine a contentious decision to sell
a stake in a Hamburg port terminal to the Chinese shipping conglomerate Cosco.
Many of Germany’s largest companies, meanwhile, are not wavering in their
commitments to the world’s biggest and most important destination for
consumer goods.
China was the most important global market for Mercedes cars last year, with
a 37 per cent market share — compared with 31 per cent for Germany and other
European markets and 15 per cent for the US.
Källenius insisted that his company was “not naive” about the threats
posed to business by the mounting tensions between Washington and Beijing —
and the risk of an invasion of Taiwan.
“Of course, we see the political differences and tensions,” he said. “The
[coronavirus pandemic] showed how fragile supply chains are. We have to
become more resilient here and more independent of individual states in the
case of lithium batteries, for example.”
He added, however, that “decoupling from China is an illusion, and also not
Financial Times 總可信吧
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猴 又逆轉
吉利汽車+中國北汽 持有快兩成
那快阿 之後國民黨萬年執政
台灣這種奇奇怪怪的消息也太多。 去查一下原文。 根本沒說武力攻台這些話啊! 原文是說現在這種情況,要德國跟中國脫鉤是不現實的,他也知道目前德國的政策是要限制 中國對德國的滲透。3
説到 中國 入股 漢堡港 的問題,就不得不佩服德國外長360度姐的腦回路清奇了。 這件事是漢堡港占更大便宜,甚至説關乎漢堡港航運地位的生死攸關大事,逼得漢堡市長天 天着急。結果用杯葛自己得利的事情儅政績和談判籌碼,真搞笑。 中國反而不急,因爲中國已經參與和經營歐洲很多港口,多個漢堡港是錦上添花,少一個漢 堡港就把已經控制的港口做大就是了。4
一年多前早說不可能制裁中國 就死忠仔不信 "對中國可能不會有多了不起的經濟制裁 因為俄羅斯窮,大家就可以搞他 但天然氣還是照收,因為就是有需要1
都講到這樣了 那麼德國車商當初在那邊哭 車用晶片不夠用 還去請德國政府派官員來台 想施壓提前交貨晶片給德國車商 台灣是不是該考慮制裁一下賓士執行長那張嘴呢? 還是抗中保台 只是說說而已? 台積電赴德設廠 不暫緩一下嗎?1
=.= 拒買了 爛 欺負我們臺灣人 我阿肥不買這品牌車子 幹
- 老高的影片有說一個很厲害的預言家 她在她的blog 有關於2022年的預言 有預言 俄羅斯會打烏克蘭
Re: [新聞] 兩岸開戰美將毀台積電是錯誤訊息! 白先說結論 美國要毀台積電是真新聞 陶本和出來混淆視聽才是假新聞認知作戰 以下回復到3/13的報導 由美媒商業內幕放出的消息6
[情報] M-Benz 改變了無人駕駛技術的規劃來源: Mercedes-Benz ditches self-driving car development Mercedes has delayed the introduction of self-driving cars to focus on electric vehicles and autonomous trucks.1
[閒聊] 反擊譚德塞朋友沒有PTT的帳號 所以我來幫他發文 他看見呂秋遠發了一篇關於反擊譚德賽的文章 熱心的幫忙翻譯成英文 希望大家能多多分享到國外去
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