[問卦] goat之爭
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死人別來沾邊 連個直升機都搞不定
籃球有啥好吵的 幾乎所有運動都統一
[花邊] Shaq:GOAT討論請加入Kobe來源: "The only thing I don't like about the [GOAT] conversation is they don't put my boy [Kobe Bryant] in it... Michael, LeBron, or Kobe? Now y'all can debate." Shaq isn't hearing your GOAT debate if Kobe isn't in there (via @bigpodwithshaq)爆
[外絮] Al Harrington比較了LBJ和MJ的統治模式“Michael Jordan came up in the era where everybody hated each other, they did not f*** with each other” – Al Harrington says LeBron James can’t dominate an era like Michael Jordan Charles Eluemuno FOLLOW ANALYST爆
[花邊] Cade Cunningham: LBJ才是GOAT來源: LakersDaily 網址: Cade Cunningham calls LeBron James the G.O.A.T. over Michael Jordan 跟MJ來比較的話 Cade Cunningham說LeBron James才是GOAT Detroit Pistons rookie Cade Cunningham has cast his vote in the never-ending爆
[花邊] 老巴:說LBJ是GOAT的人大概沒看過MJ 打球Charles Barkley says those who defend LeBron James as GOAT never watched Micha el Jordan play “I love LeBron,” he said. “I love LeBron. But most of these people who are defending him as the greatest ever probably have never actually seen Michael J爆
[花邊] LBJ奧運金牌數超越MJAfter winning his third gold medal LeBron James adds another accolade to the end less GOAT debate Who is your GOAT? LeBron James or Michael Jordan爆
[外絮] Dirk談GOAT:若LBJ成為歷史得分王,我就Dirk談GOAT:若LBJ成為歷史得分王,我就有點沒理由再支持MJ了 The LeBron James and Michael Jordan debate has been around for a while now, and many people think it's closer than ever. LeBron James keeps making history with his displays in the league, and many people already call him the greatest of all time.12
[花邊] 嘴綠:Curry 已超越MJ和LBJ,成為GOATNBC–JARROD CASTILLO Draymond跟ESPN的記者解釋 Curry已經超越了LeBron James和 Michael Jordan,成為GOAT Draymond表示:「Curry最特別的地方是,他的自信與眾不同。6
[閒聊] TOYZ和西門誰才是GOAT?唯一能和TOYZ並列最偉大中路 就只有西門夜說 當年兩人聲望眾大 各自有擁護的粉絲 一派人馬說TOYZ強 另一派人說西門 平心而論西門有弒神FAKER兩次
[爆卦] 川普:加拿大總理辭職了,呼籲加拿大併美爆
[問卦] 台文使用者正式寫信要求爭鮮改掉底家爆
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