Re: [問卦] 喂 哪個英聽比較強的給個黃仁勳演講重點

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※ 引述《komuroboy (Love Paradise)》之銘言:
: 本佛震驚
: 去年差點下手號稱顯卡界最高階精品的RTX4090
: 的吸伊歐黃董來惹
: 但是它台語不好 國語普普 英文嚇嚇叫
: 聽的本佛只能一直看簡報上的中文字
: 喂 哪個英聽比較強的給個黃仁勳演講重點


各位女士、先生,老師,來賓,驕傲的父母們,以及 2023 年國立台灣大學的畢業生們,






,知道 NVIDIA 的 CUDA,推薦爸爸用它來做量子物理模擬實驗。我在這個實驗室看到滿

滿的 NVIDIA GeForce 遊戲顯卡,插在 PC 主機板上,走道上的架子開著好幾台電扇在散


陳博士以遊戲顯卡用台灣人的方式自製了超級電腦,這是一個展開 NVIDIA 旅程的故事,




我很高興能回到台大在你們的畢業典禮致詞。當時我從 Oregon State University 畢業

的時候,世界還很簡單,沒有液晶電視,也沒有有線電視跟 MTV,手機和電話這兩個詞是


那一年是 1984 年,IBM PC-AT 和蘋果 Macintosh 開啟個人電腦革命,也開創了我們所





AI 會創造過去不存在的新工作,每個人都要學習掌握 AI 紅利

在電腦產業創造了家用個人電腦 40 年後,我們發明了人工智慧,例如自動駕駛或辨識

X 光影像的軟體,AI 軟體為電腦自動化打開了大門,也開啟了價值數兆美元的產業——

醫療保健,金融服務,運輸和製造業等等,AI 創造了各種機會。

敏捷的公司利用 AI 提升他們的地位,反之,那些落後的公司將會滅亡。正在聽這場演講


AI 創造過去不存在的新工作,像資料工程,提示工程,AI 廠房營運與 AI 安全工程師等


這些都是以前沒有的工作,有些工作會因為自動化而過時了,但可以肯定的是,AI 將改



學著掌握 AI 的紅利,讓 AI 成為你的副駕駛,做出驚人的事業。

有些人擔心 AI 可能會搶走他們的工作,其實,是擅長使用 AI 的「人」會搶走這些人的

工作。我們處在重大科技時代的開端,像 PC,網路,手機和雲端等等。

但是 AI 的技術更基本,因為每個運算的層次都被重新打造,從我們如何寫軟體到它如何

運作,AI 從根本上重新創造了運算方式。


們就是電腦產業的基石,在未來的十年,我們的產業將以全新、加速的 AI 技術取代全球


NVIDIA 的第一個故事:面對錯誤,勇於求助

我的旅程比你們早 40 年開始,1984 年是畢業的好時節,我預期 2023 年也是如此。在


大畢業了。我畢業那天也是個成功人士,直到我創辦 NVIDIA 為止。

在 NVIDIA,我經歷了失敗,非常大的失敗。那段歷程充滿羞辱和尷尬,公司幾乎要完蛋

。讓我跟你們說三個關於 NVIDIA 的故事,這些故事定義了今日的 NVIDIA。

我們創辦 NVIDIA 來打造加速計算,我們第一個技術是 PC 遊戲的 3D 圖形。我們創造了

一種非傳統的 3D 技術,它叫前向材質貼圖和曲線(forward texture mapping and

curves)。這個技術的成本明顯較低,因此我們拿到了 SEGA 主機的合約,我們的平台吸


經過一年的開發,我們發現這個架構策略錯了,而且微軟發佈了 Windows 95 Direct 3D

,這是基於逆材質貼圖和三角(inverse texture mapping and triangles)的技術。

很多公司已經在開發支援這個標準的 3D 晶片,如果我們硬要完成 SEGA 的合約,我們的

技術不僅不怎麼樣,跟 Windows 不相容,而且還追趕不上。但是,如果我們不履行合約


我跟 SEGA 的 CEO 說,公司技術開發方向錯了,SEGA 應該要換合作夥伴,因為我們無法

履行合約,這個合作應該要終止。但我們需要 SEGA 的錢,不然 NVIDIA 就要倒閉了。

我很難為情地跟 SEGA 的 CEO 入交昭一郎(Irimajiri Shoichiro)提出這樣的要求,


他的理解和慷慨讓我們能再活六個月。因為這個機會,我們打造了 RIVA 128。就在我們

快要把錢燒光的時候,RIVA 128 讓剛起步的 3D 市場驚豔不已,我們被看見了,公司也



開啟了持續 25 年的合作關係。

面對自己犯下的錯,並以謙遜的態度向他人求助,這兩件事挽救 NVIDIA 免於倒閉,這樣


NVIDIA 的第二個故事:為了實現願景必然要忍受痛苦

2007 年,我們發表了 CUDA GPU 加速計算。我們的目標是讓 CUDA 成為一種程式設計模


從無到有創造一個全新的運算模型非常困難,過去很少人能做得到。CPU 運算模型自IBM

System 360 以來已成為世人的標準,它有 60 年的歷史了。CUDA 需要開發者撰寫應用程

式,並展示這款 GPU 的優點。

開發者需要龐大的安裝基礎,大型 CUDA 安裝基礎設施需要用戶購買新的應用程式。為了

解決先有雞還是先有蛋的問題,我們使用遊戲 GPU,也就是 GeForce 來建立安裝基礎,


但 CUDA 的額外成本非常高,NVIDIA 的利潤多年來表現不佳,我們的市值僅略高於10 億

美元。多年的低迷表現,讓我們的股東懷疑 CUDA 的能耐,他們希望我們專心提高獲利能


我們相信加速運算的時代終將來臨,我們開始辦 GTC 大會,也努力向全球推廣CUDA,接


從震測處理、CT 重建、分子動力學、粒子物理學、流體動力學到影像處理,各種科學研


進步非常快,到了 2012 年,AI 研究者發現了 CUDA。

大家熟知的 AlexNet 是在 GeForce GTX 580 上訓練的,AI 技術開始大爆發。幸運的是


險追求深度學習。10 年後,AI 革命開始了,現在的 NVIDIA 是全球 AI 開發者的引擎。

我們打造了 CUDA 並在加速運算和 AI 領域成為領導者,這個旅程塑造了 NVIDIA 的企業


NVIDIA 的第三個故事:有策略的撤退,決定什麼不去做

讓我再說一個故事。2010 年,Google 打算將 Android 開發成一款具有優秀圖形的行動

電腦。手機產業已有了數據機專業的晶片公司,NVIDIA 的運算和圖形專業使我們成為與

Android 合作的理想夥伴,我們因而進入了手機晶片市場。




NVIDIA 的使命是打造出一款電腦,它能解決一般電腦不能解決的問題。我們應該全力以




路處理器,有安全的結構進行 AI 演算。

在當時,這是一個零億美元的市場,我們離開了龐大的手機市場,跑去創立一個 0 元的


現在的 NVIDIA 的有數十億美元的汽車和機器人業務,並開創了一個新的產業。



2023 年的畢業生們,你們將進入正在經歷巨變的世界,就像當年的我身處 PC 和晶片革

命之中一樣,你們站在 AI 的起跑線上,每一個行業都將歷經革命,浴火重生。

你要為創新做好準備,擁有自己的想法。這 40 年來,人類創造 PC、網路、手機、雲端

技術,現在則進入了 AI 時代。








2023 年的畢業生們,我誠摯的祝福你們每一位。加油!

Full Transcript: NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang's Commencement Address at National

Taiwan University

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty members, distinguished guests, proud

parents, and above all, the 2023 graduating class of the National Taiwan

University. Today is a very special day for you, and a dream come true for

your parents.

You should be moving out soon. It is surely a day of pride and joy.So, your

parents have made sacrifices to see you on this day. My parents are here,

and so is my brother. Let's show all of our parents and our grandparents,

many of them are here, our appreciation.

I came to NTU for the first time over a decade ago. Dr. Chen invited me to

visit his computational physics lab. As I recall, his son, based in Silicon

Valley, had learned of NVIDIA's CUDA invention and recommended his father

utilize it for his quantum physics simulations.

When I arrived, he opened the door to show me what he had made. NVIDIA

GeForce gaming cards filled the room, plugged into open PC motherboards, and

sitting on metal shelves in the aisles were oscillating platform fans.

Dr. Chen had built a homemade supercomputer, the Taiwanese Way, out of gaming

graphics cards. He started here, an early example of NVIDIA's journey.

He was so proud, and he said to me, Mr. Huang, because of your work, I can do

my life's work. Those words touch me to this day, and perfectly capture our

company's purpose, to help the Einstein and Da Vinci of our time do their

life's work.

I am so happy to be back at NTU, and to be your commencement address. The

world was simpler when I graduated from Oregon State University. TVs were

not flat yet. There was no cable television, and MTV.

And the words mobile and phone didn't go together. The year was 1984. The IBM

PC-AT and Apple Macintosh launched the PC revolution.

And started the chip and software industry that we know today. You enter a

far more complex world, with geopolitical, social, and environmental changes

and challenges.

Surrounded by technology, we are now perpetually connected, and immersed in a

digital world that parallels our real world. Cars are starting to drive by


AI will create new jobs that didn't exist before

Forty years after the computer industry created the home PC, we invented

artificial intelligence. Like software that automatically drives a car, or

studies x-ray images, AI software has opened the door for computers to

automate tasks for the world's largest, multi-trillion dollars of industries.

Healthcare, financial services, transportation, and manufacturing. AI has

opened immense opportunities.

Agile companies will take advantage of AI, and boost their position.

Companies less so, will perish. Entrepreneurs, many of them here today, will

start new companies.

And like in every computing era before, create new industries. AI will

create new jobs that didn't exist before. Like data engineering, prompt

engineering, AI factory operations, and AI safety engineers.

These are jobs that never existed before. Automated tasks will obsolete some

jobs. And for sure, AI will change every job. Supercharging the performance

of programmers, designers, artists, marketers, and manufacturing planners.

Just as every generation before you embraced technologies to succeed, every

company, and you, must learn to take advantage of AI. And do amazing things

with an AI co-pilot by your side.

While some worry that AI may take their jobs, someone who expert with AI

will. We are at the beginning of a major technology era, like PC, internet,

mobile, and cloud. But AI is far more fundamental because every computing

layer has been reinvented, from how we write software to how it's processed.

AI has reinvented computing from the ground up. In every way, this is a

rebirth of the computer industry. And a golden opportunity for the companies

of Taiwan.

You are the foundation and bedrock of the computer industry. Within the next

decade, our industry will replace over a trillion dollars of the world's

traditional computers with new, accelerated AI computers.

The first story of NVIDIA: Confronting mistakes and asking for help

My journey started 40 years before yours. 1984 was a perfect year to

graduate. I predict that 2023 will be as well.

What can I tell you as you begin your journey? Today is the most successful

day of your life so far. You're graduating from the National Taiwan

University. I was also successful until I started NVIDIA.

At NVIDIA, I experienced failures. Great big ones. All humiliating and

embarrassing. Many nearly doomed us.

Let me tell you three NVIDIA stories that define us today.

We founded NVIDIA to create accelerated computing. Our first application was

3D graphics for PC gaming.

We invented an unconventional 3D approach called forward texture mapping and

curves. Our approach was substantially lower cost. We won a contract with

SEGA to build their game console, which attracted games for our platform and

funded our company.

After one year of development, we realized our architecture was the wrong

strategy. It was technically poor. And Microsoft was about to announce

Windows 95 Direct 3D based on inverse texture mapping and triangles.

Many companies were already working on 3D chips to support this standard. If

we completed SEGA's game console, we would have built inferior technology, be

incompatible with Windows, and be too far behind to catch up.

But we would be out of money if we didn't finish the contract. Either way,

we would be out of business. I contacted the CEO of SEGA and explained that

our invention was the wrong approach.

That SEGA should find another partner. And that we could not complete the

contract and the console. We had to stop. But I needed Sega to pay us in

whole. Or NVIDIA would be out of business.

I was embarrassed to ask. Irimajiri-san, the CEO of SEGA, to his credit and

my amazement, agreed.

His understanding and generosity gave us six months to live. With that, we

built RIVA 128. Just as we were running out of money. RIVA 128 shocked the

young 3D market, put us on the map, and saved the company.

The strong demand for our chip led me back to Taiwan after leaving at the age

of four to meet Morris Chang at TSMC and started a partnership that has

lasted 25 years. Confronting our mistake and with humility asking for help,

save NVIDIA.

These traits are the hardest for the brightest and most successful like


The second story of NVIDIA: Endure pain and suffering needed to realize your


In 2007, we announced CUDA GPU Accelerated Computing. Our aspiration was for

CUDA to become a programming model that boosts applications from scientific

computing and physics simulations to image processing. Creating a new

computing model is incredibly hard and rarely done in history.

The CPU computing model has been the standard for 60 years since the IBM

System 360. CUDA needed developers to write applications and demonstrate the

benefits of the GPU.

Developers needed a large installed base. A large CUDA installed base needed

customers buying new applications. To solve the chicken or the egg problem,

we used GeForce, our gaming GPU, which already had a large market of gamers,

to build the installed base.

But the added cost of CUDA was very high. NVIDIA's profits took a huge hit

for many years. Our market cap hovered just above $1 billion.

We suffered many years of poor performance. Our shareholders were skeptical

of CUDA. And preferred we focused on improving profitability. But we


We believed a time for accelerated computing would come. We created a

conference called GTC and promoted CUDA tirelessly worldwide. Then the

applications came.

Seismic processing, CT reconstruction, molecular dynamics, particle physics,

fluid dynamics, and image processing. One science domain after another, they


We worked with each developer to write their algorithms and achieved

incredible speedups. Then, in 2012, AI researchers discovered CUDA.

The famous AlexNet trained on GeForce GTX 580 started the Big Bang of AI.

Fortunately, we realized the potential of deep learning as a whole new

software approach. And turned every aspect of our company to advance this new


We risked everything to pursue deep learning. A decade later, the AI

revolution started. And NVIDIA is the engine of AI developers worldwide.

We invented CUDA and pioneered accelerated computing and AI. But the journey

forged our corporate character to endure the pain and suffering that is

always needed to realize a vision.

The third story of NVIDIA: Strategic retreat

One more story. In 2010, Google aimed to develop Android into a mobile

computer with excellent graphics.

The phone industry had chip companies with modem expertise. NVIDIA's

computing and graphics expertise made us an ideal partner to help build

Android. So we entered the mobile chip market.

We were instantly successful. And our business and stock price surged. The

competition quickly swarmed. Modem chip makers were learning how to build

computing chips. And we were learning how to build modems.

The phone market is huge. We could fight for share. Instead, we made a hard

decision and sacrificed the market.

NVIDIA's mission is to build computers to solve problems that ordinary

computers cannot. We should dedicate ourselves to realizing our vision and

to making a unique contribution.

Our strategic retreat paid off. By leaving the phone market, we opened our

minds to invent a new one. We imagined creating a new type of computer for

robotic computers.With neural network processor, safety architectures that

run AI algorithms.

At the time, this was a zero billion dollar market. To retreat from a giant

phone market to create a zero billion dollar robotics market. We now have

billions of dollars of automotive and robotics business and started a new

industry. Retreat does not come easily to the brightest and most successful

people like yourself.

Yet, strategic retreat, sacrifice, deciding what to give up, is that a core,

the very core of success?

Class of 2023, you're about to go into a world witnessing great change. And

just as I was with the PC and chip revolution, you're at the beginning, at

the starting line of AI. Every industry will be revolutionized. Reborn.

Ready for new ideas. Your ideas. In 40 years, we created the PC, internet,

mobile, cloud, and now the AI era.

What will you create? Whatever it is, run after it like we did. Run. Don't

walk. Remember, either you're running for food, or you are running from being


I hope that part can be translated into Chinese so that everyone can


Either you're running for food, or you are running from becoming food.

And oftentimes, you can't tell which. Either way, run. And for your

journey, take along some of my learnings. That you will have the humility to

confront failure, admit a mistake, and ask for help.

You will endure pain and suffering needed to realize your dreams. And you

will make sacrifices to dedicate yourself to a life of purpose and doing your

life's work.

Class of 2023, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each one of you.


最後那個Jiayou!(加油!)改成Cheer up!會不會比較好?


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Wolverin5566 05/29 14:05感謝gpt

ralfeistein 05/29 14:05原PO問的是今天的發表會吧

chinaeatshit 05/29 14:06end推

ralfeistein 05/29 14:07