Re: [新聞] App Store總收入7成「遊戲戶佔不到10%」

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Apple must open up App Store payments, court decrees

In the 185-page ruling (available here) the judge wrote:

“ Ultimately, after evaluating the trial evidence, the Court finds that the
relevant market here is digital mobile gaming transactions, not gaming
generally and not Apple’s own internal operating systems related to the App
Store. The mobile gaming market itself is a $100 billion industry. The size
of this market explains Epic Games’ motive in bringing this action. Having
penetrated all other video game markets, the mobile gaming market was Epic
Games’ next target and it views Apple as an impediment.

“Further, the evidence demonstrates that most App Store revenue is generated
by mobile gaming apps, not all apps. Thus, defining the market to focus on
gaming apps is appropriate. Generally speaking, on a revenue basis, gaming
apps account for approximately 70% of all App Store revenues. This 70% of
revenue is generated by less than 10% of all App Store consumers. These
gaming-app consumers are primarily making in-app purchases which is the focusof Epic Games’ claims. By contrast, over 80% of all consumer accounts
generate virtually no revenue, as 80% of all apps on the App Store are free.

The judgement also says
“Having defined the relevant market as digital mobile gaming transactions,
the Court next evaluated Apple’s conduct in that market. Given the trial
record, the Court cannot ultimately conclude that Apple is a monopolist undereither federal or state antitrust laws. While the Court finds that Apple
enjoys considerable market share of over 55% and extraordinarily high profit
margins, these factors alone do not show antitrust conduct. Success is not
illegal. The final trial record did not include evidence of other critical
factors, such as barriers to entry and conduct decreasing output or
decreasing innovation in the relevant market. The Court does not find that itis impossible; only that Epic Games failed in its burden to demonstrate Appleis an illegal monopolist.”










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※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 09/12/2021 10:30:38

fragmentwing09/12 10:31用app數量看怪怪的吧

fragmentwing09/12 10:31平均一顆睪丸的概念

fragmentwing09/12 10:33比如一個雨林國家只有10%人從事林木業 再考慮動手放

fragmentwing09/12 10:33火的可能連1%都不到 全球氣候變遷就不干這國家的事

fragmentwing09/12 10:33了?

wizardfizban09/12 10:33不是..你要說人家壟斷市場 那你得先定義「市場」呀

wizardfizban09/12 10:34而本案中的市場是移動遊戲市場 不是App市場

tindy09/12 10:34新聞本身的問題吧 你要專注在遊戲市場

fragmentwing09/12 10:35你的app10%是指蘋果內嗎?

tindy09/12 10:35那關注點應該是,是不是所有遊戲都只能經由蘋果商店

scotttomlee09/12 10:35用數量看真的很奇怪 如果是全APP收入的10%還差不多

改一下 有地方錯了 是用戶才對

※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 09/12/2021 10:37:07

fragmentwing09/12 10:36不過就算是那樣還是怪 畢竟這是一場有關利潤分配的

fragmentwing09/12 10:36官司

godlike61209/12 10:36確實不能說是壟斷啊 除非google store被消滅了 不然

godlike61209/12 10:36頂多是寡占市場

tindy09/12 10:37談遊戲市場,結果拿整個非遊戲APP來比,很奇怪吧

godlike61209/12 10:38然後界定市場本來就很難 有免費不含內購的 免費但含

godlike61209/12 10:38內購的 免費但是不內購不能用的 一次付費的 付費也有

godlike61209/12 10:38內購的app

wanjack09/12 10:38總覺得能理解…內購並不是只有遊戲app才能做 既然要求是

wanjack09/12 10:38開放其他支付管道,那就把全部app放一起看的意思?

wizardfizban09/12 10:39開放支付管道和壟斷無關

wizardfizban09/12 10:39是違反加州的公平競爭法 所以才要求蘋果開放

scotttomlee09/12 10:39用戶10%就證明這些用戶是課金大戶而已跟蘋果關係不大

fragmentwing09/12 10:40用戶10%可以理解

arrenwu09/12 10:41其實你們講的 壟斷 會造成的問題就是違反公平競爭法

arrenwu09/12 10:41只是要看是什麼行為 以及有沒有真的違反公平競爭法

arrenwu09/12 10:41畢竟 成功不是罪啊!

ttrreeee09/12 10:42玉米糖漿是不是糖

wizardfizban09/12 10:43我記得以前也看過在論反壟斷法的學者指出市場定義

wizardfizban09/12 10:43問題很大...有些東西不是定義個市場就能分清的

wizardfizban09/12 10:44反正我也不太懂 看有沒有高手要說明

wizardfizban09/12 10:44而且看一下相關新聞 移動遊戲市場這個範圍好像還是

wizardfizban09/12 10:44Epic自己提的....

watermelon9209/12 10:44感覺是說因為遊戲用戶只佔了不到10%,而且80%的app

watermelon9209/12 10:44是免費的,無法證明消費者權益有受損

eva00ave09/12 10:45平均一顆睾丸就是故意把無關的事物扯在一起滑坡的用法

eva00ave09/12 10:45特例從一開始就不會算在平均內

marchcharlie09/12 10:47好像就是在吵被壟斷的市場到底是什麼 雙方都給了個

marchcharlie09/12 10:48定義但最後法院兩邊都不採用而是自己給了個定義

atst209/12 10:48簡單講,遊戲市場(100B==Android+iOS+others)

atst209/12 10:49Epic指控蘋果籠斷則是AppStore(iOS遊戲+其他應用)

wizardfizban09/12 10:49反壟斷法的爭議一向也是在「市場」上

atst209/12 10:49但現在市場定義是遊戲市場時,看不出Apple有籠斷

lbowlbow09/12 10:51要算籠斷的話應該要看整個app收費市場的apple比例吧

marchcharlie09/12 10:52我看的分析是法官認為本案的相關市場不是appstore

marchcharlie09/12 10:52也不是遊戲市場 而是行動遊戲的金流服務

marchcharlie09/12 10:52以這個角度來看apple確實是有反競爭的行為

atst209/12 10:53後面收入10%那段,應該是指出AppStore不是遊戲專門的Store

atst209/12 10:53即便收入大多來自遊戲,但不能說他在「遊戲市場」上有籠斷

alan310009/12 11:02apple壟斷ios裝置的appstore市場沒錯呀 可能法律沒定義

alan310009/12 11:13像google用自家產品優勢打壓其他公司就被歐盟罰很重

marchcharlie09/12 11:15好像歐盟跟美國對這方面的認知不太一樣吧

poke00109/12 12:29如果只定義遊戲市場 那是不是遊戲以外的APP就跟以前不能

poke00109/12 12:30提供其他管道?

tindy09/12 12:37市場是在講壟斷的部分,第三方支付跟壟斷無關