Re: [問卦] 川普攻擊林郁婷 青鳥飛出來了沒?
Dear Trump,
We are writing to express our gravest concern over the recent statement made by you on social medias regarding the gender issue of Taiwanese
boxer Lin Yu Ting, who just won a gold medal in Olympics 2024.
In response to Your false comments, we would like to clarify that Lin Yu Ting’s eligibility to participate in women’s boxing in the Olympics has been cle
arly confirmed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
It is deeply regrettable to see that you chosen to verbally attack a biological f
emale based on unfounded accusations, misinformation and her appearance. Suchaction will only jeopardize the solidarity of women and undermine the genuinespirit of feminism.
Therefore, we sincerely urge you to pull out those inappropriate posts on social medias such as X in respect of Ling Yu Ting, and to put an end to the act of spreading disinformation and harmful comments.
Team Taiwan
※ 引述《rich22084 (習近平肛交惡徒)》之銘言:
: 那個啦
: 川普公開暗諷林郁婷變性人
: 愛台灣的青鳥出征了嗎?
: 過一天了怎麼川普的推特還沒看到青鳥飛過去
: 卦?
Sent from MeowPtt on my iPhone
[問卦] 國際拳擊協會主席證實 林郁婷有XY染色體好了啦,不要懷疑JK羅琳了, 國際拳擊協會主席去年已經證實,林郁婷和阿爾及利亞選手哈利芙(Imane Khelif)有XY 染色體。 以下內容引述自《華盛頓郵報》: IBA President Umar Kremlev told the Russian news agency Tass last year the2X
[問卦] IBA醫師證實林郁婷XY染色體檢測呈陽性更新 → coffee112: 08/06 01:14 林自己要求拳總不要公佈報告的 [新聞] 巴黎奧運》林郁婷捲性別爭議 國際拳總:台灣要求勿透露生理指標7
[問卦] IBA將頒發獎金給打輸林郁婷的女拳手國際拳擊協會(IBA)將頒發獎金給打輸中華台北林郁婷的女拳手 IBA網站最新消息原文如下 == IBA is to award Angela Carini of Italy with Olympic champion prize money11
[問卦] 油管留言兄弟你真丟臉台灣之恥!罷凌林郁婷一打開youtube就看到推薦的澳洲天空新聞油管影片 身為台灣拳王粉當然要看一下底下留言 留言底下竟然一堆紅脖子在洗林郁婷是男的、打女人 、兄弟你真丟臉之類的仇恨留言, 看到台灣拳王被這樣造謠實在不能忍8
[問卦] 外國朋友說林郁婷為何不公開報告如何反駁外國朋友說林郁婷為何不公開手上的報告 紅脖子友人傳以下IBA造謠抹黑記者會的影片剪輯給我看 ,說國際拳邪(IBA)的報告在林郁婷手上,為何不拿出來自清 如何反駁? 國際拳邪(IBA)記者會影片剪輯如下7
[問卦] 是不是只有台灣人認為林郁婷是女的?記不記得有一張中國女跑者的圖片 看了一下國外論壇 似乎很多人認為Lin Yu Ting也是一樣 有沒有八卦? --1
Re: [新聞] 外館挺林郁婷盼「撤文」 英媒批:恫嚇他原文是這篇 Taiwan attempts to silence UK women’s right campaigners in Olympics gender row Exclusive: Criticism aimed after asking activists to delete posts referring1
Re: [轉錄] 賴清德FB:堅定支持林郁婷!與她同在蔡英文在X上挺了,請您一起幫忙加油。 蔡英文的網軍就應該這樣用,不應該用來攻擊賴清德 卸任總統不要躲起來 多用網軍做點事情好嗎 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen- IBA reaffirms the position and removal of boxers from all events, aims to protect female boxers, and condemns both the International Olympic Committee and World Boxing for allowing ineligible athletes to compete from-all-events/
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