Re: [閒聊] 南方公園的預言又成真了
IBA reaffirms the position and removal of boxers from all events, aims to
protect female boxers, and condemns both the International Olympic Committee
and World Boxing for allowing ineligible athletes to compete
Further to the IBA statement made yesterday evening regarding the removal of
ineligible athletes from all IBA female competitions, we reiterate our stanceand firm position.
IBA remains committed in ensuring competitive fairness in all of our events,
we absolutely condemn the inconsistencies in eligibility to compete in the
boxing competition held in the Paris Olympic Games 2024. To reiterate, both
Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting post testing, did not meet the required
eligibility criteria to compete within the female category of our respective
The decision made by IBA on 24 March 2023, was subsequently ratified by the
IBA Board of Directors on 25 March 2023. The official record of this decisioncan be accessed on the IBA website here IBA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes. The urgent nature of the decision was justified, as the safety of our boxers is our top priority.
The disqualification was based on two trustworthy tests conducted on both
athletes in two independent laboratories as follows:
Test performed during the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships in Istanbul
Test performed during the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships in New Delhi 2023.
For clarification:
Lin Yu-ting did not appeal the IBA’s decision to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), thus rendering the decision legally binding.
Imane Khelif initially appealed the decision to CAS but withdrew the appeal
during the process, also making the IBA decision legally binding.
Further to the decisions made above, and knowingly allowing Imane Khelif to
compete, WORLD BOXING whose sole purpose of existence is to support the
Olympic movement, has equally endorsed and reinforced ineligible athletes to
compete in their very own recently announced events.
Alarmingly, the WORLD BOXING 2024 USA Boxing International Invitational
tournament saw Khelif compete in the finals on the 16th April 2024, with a
further outing that took place during the Eindhoven Box Cup, supported by
WORLD BOXING that took place on the 18th May 2024.
We absolutely do not understand why any organisation would put a boxer at risk with what could bring a potential serious injury within the ‘Field of Play’
(FOP). The main role of the referee in the ring is to manage the boxer’s
safety at all times. How is this reasonably practicable when a boxer fails tomeet the eligibility criteria to compete?
The IBA will never support any boxing bouts between the genders, as the
organization puts the safety and well-being of our athletes first. We are
protecting our women and their rights to compete in the ring against equal
rivals, and we will defend and support them in all instances; their hopes anddreams must never be taken away by organisations unwilling to do the right
thing under difficult circumstances.
IBA stands by its position and will continue to support all athletes within
the spirit of the rules.
IBA致力於確保我們所有賽事的競爭公平,我們絕對譴責巴黎奧運會2024年拳擊比賽資格不一致的情況。再次強調,經過測試,Imane Khelif和Lin Yu-ting均未達到參加我們相關比賽女子組別的資格標準。
IBA於2023年3月24日做出的決定,隨後於2023年3月25日經IBA董事會批准。此決定的官方記錄可在IBA網站上查閱 IBA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes。此決定的緊迫性是有正當理由的,因為拳擊手的安全是我們的首要任務。
Lin Yu-ting未向國際體育仲裁院(CAS)對IBA的決定提出上訴,因此該決定具有法律約束力。
Imane Khelif最初向CAS提出上訴,但在過程中撤回了上訴,也使IBA的決定具有法律約束力。
鑑於上述決定,並在知情情況下允許Imane Khelif參賽,唯一目的是支持奧林匹克運動的WORLD BOXING同樣支持並強化了不合格運動員參加他們最近宣布的賽事。
令人擔憂的是,WORLD BOXING 2024 USA Boxing International Invitational賽事於
2024年4月16日看到Khelif參加了決賽,並在2024年5月18日舉行的Eindhoven Box Cup期間再次出賽,該賽事得到了WORLD BOXING的支持。
首Poas title 上面這張南方公園圖大家最近應該很常看到 給大家一張比較少看到的哏圖好了X
1.媒體來源: TVBS新聞網 3.完整新聞標題: 巴黎奧運/才公審完林郁婷 JK羅琳再轟阿爾及利亞女將「霸凌」 4.完整新聞內文:14
這場跟XY染色體沒有關係吧 即使沒有男生染色體 看到正面守備都沒有直接用力扁一拳誰都會倒吧? 然後還有留言說她被取消的14
我這邊沒有要討論什麼證據或數據,講我的心得而已 我目前看討論下來 似乎起因是IBA的主席雖然有口頭上講因為驗到XY染色體所以取消獎牌 但一來在正式文件上沒提到;二來也沒有公開檢驗報告 結果舉證的責任反而落到兩位選手身上,很奇怪吧25
我對這議題心情滿複雜的, 一方面覺得女性主義者自己拉的屎自己擦, 一方面又同情這些選手遇到各式各樣的質疑, 包含那些明明是正常女性,卻只因為長得像男生, 就必須承受「以跨性別身份參加女子組」質疑的女選手。8
就一句話 超音波檢查下體 只要有子宮或卵巢 而無陰莖,睪丸,精囊 荷爾蒙達標8
XY基因而有女性性徵的情況不只一種 或者說那個Y基因能提供多少體能優勢是各情況不一 所以要公平的話 可能要去細分某選手的各自情況 比如打小影響就很少或沒有8
性器官來判斷性別真滴笑死人 女生天生無子宮、無卵巢的不是沒有,陰蒂比較長像雞雞的也會有。 男生天生外性器官沒分化看起來跟女生很像的也不是沒有 學過生物、遺傳、基因的根本不會用這麼簡單的方式在那邊判別性別,人體分化的複雜性比 一般人想的複雜很多好嗎?==7
這個議題蠻有趣的 當初跨跨小粉紅在亂 西洽這邊也是爆文一面倒挺JK羅琳 結果今天台灣選手被cue 我就看到一堆人髮夾彎 到底是只是樂子人找人戰你娘親還是純粹缺腦不得而知 以結果論而言 JK羅琳的說法和精神沒毛病
[爆卦]林郁婷拳擊世錦賽金牌無重大八卦請勿使用此分類,否則視同濫用爆卦鬧板(文章退回、水桶6個月) 未滿30繁體中文字 水桶3個月 不知道有沒有人深夜裡也在幫,遠在土耳其伊斯坦堡奮鬥的拳擊女將「林郁婷」加油! 她剛剛打完2022拳擊世界錦標賽 International Boxing Association (IBA)43
Re: [哈波] JK羅琳轉發質疑林郁婷參賽資格的報導估狗較早資料 沒有看到有跨性別、性別爭議等的問題 她就是女性 然後2023世錦賽的銅牌被撤銷 原因說是性別生化指數異常14
Re: [哈波] JK羅琳轉發質疑林郁婷參賽資格的報導中央社 國際拳總首度抽血測性別 林郁婷指數異常失銅牌 2023/3/27 16:11 以下僅節錄7
Re: [哈波] JK羅琳轉發質疑林郁婷參賽資格的報導IBA昨天發的聲明 Point to note, the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test, whereby the specifics remain confiden tial. This test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the requi5
Re: [問卦] 林郁婷是生理男是不爭的事實吧你的第1項 IOC發新聞說明參賽者沒問題後 IBA也有發新聞 節錄如下 昨(31)日國際拳擊協會(IBA)發布聲明,稱沒有對選手進行睪固酮檢驗,而是接受了 另一項具有公信力、但結果保密的檢驗 結果也沒特別提檢測什麼更沒提XY這點 目前看來就IOC跟IBA兩個檢測規定不同 這兩個協會就不對盤2
Re: 林郁婷巴黎奧運資格遭質疑 IOC認證:符合規定為啥IBA為撤銷資格? 因為管理、財務混亂問題? 笑破人家的內褲 實際上是因為2022年10月, 國際拳擊協會4
Re: [討論] 林郁婷到底是跨性別男還是女人阿早在 2019 年,俄羅斯主導的 IBA 就被 IOC 暫停認可 2023年6月正式因為 IBA 的 integrity 跟 ethics 問題將 IBA 從 IOC 中踢掉 "Boxing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics was organised by the IOC1
[討論] 由俄羅斯主導的國際拳擊總會IBA就是一個不透明組織------以上看完可使用 Ctrl+y 刪除------ 剛剛 IBA 發了一個聲明 "Point to note, the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test,- 林郁婷是因 荷爾蒙 (睪固酮) 檢測曾引起爭議,但並非性別檢測 主要是抽血看運動員體內的荷爾蒙 (睪固酮)濃度,性荷爾蒙 會影響到運動選手表現, 例如透過吃類固醇藥物增長肌肉,或補充男性荷爾蒙讓女性運動員肌力、爆發力提升 2023年 IBA 第一次採用 奧會標準的 性別生化檢測 (iba過往都是 染色體檢測) 但 IBA主席在事件發生後 口誤說成是 染色體檢測
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