[問卦] Adam Silver摸頭失敗 該怎麼辦?
阿銀說他找cp3跟 Scott Foster談過啦
每場都 叫Scott Foster去吹?
※ PTT 留言評論
[花邊] CP3賽中跟Foster不停拜託來源: Please! Please!” - Chris Paul to Scott Foster after he called the last foul. Paul is looking to break a 13-game losing streak with Foster officiating. (via @TomerAzarly)爆
[情報] CP3季後賽在Foster執法下14連敗CP3季後賽在Foster執法下14連敗 Chris Paul has lost 14 straight playoff games officiated by Scott Foster. How to win91
[花邊] Scott Foster 再度把CP3驅逐出場“You’re a bi*ch.” 你是個婊子 Chris Paul was Heated after Scott Foster ejected him97
[情報] 有人看到Scott Foster在密爾瓦基市來源: 亞利桑那共和報專欄作家Kent Somers推特 網址: There has been a Scott Foster sighting in downtown Milwaukee. No announcement about officials for Game 6 has been made. 已經有人目擊到Scott Foster在密爾瓦基市中心區。目前對於Game 6的裁判名單還沒有公82
[花邊] CP3:我跟SF的私人恩怨持續很久了Chris Paul just said it's been personal with him and Scott Foster for a long t ime. He's even met with him with his brother, father and Doc Rivers. He says Scott uses techs to get his point across. CP3說他跟Scott Foster的私人恩怨已經持續很久了,CP3甚至和兄弟、爸爸、老河的陪同66
[花邊] 阿銀:找CP3和Foster談過 CP3:並沒有“[Chris Paul and NBA Referee Scott Foster] don’t have to be friends but you both have to go out and do your jobs”. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver explains to @TermineRadio & @JumpShot8 his expectations with Paul and Foster moving forward 阿銀:79
[花邊] CP3生涯季後賽遇Scott Foster時 0勝13敗Tonight's Suns-Pelicans Game 2 will have a battle within a battle as Chris Paul and his longtime playoff nemesis Scott Foster clash once again. Will CP3 finally break the 'curse' tonight? 太陽鵜鶘系列賽G274
[情報] CP3 終結對 Foster 的季後賽13連敗Chris Paul in the final 3 minutes: — Mid-range jumper — Steal on Westbrook47
[情報] CP3在季後賽場上遇到Foster 12戰全輸消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: Chris Paul’s teams are 1-12 in the last 13 playoff games officiated by Scott Fo ster.35
[分享] CP3生涯季後賽面對Foster不少外媒報導或是圖片是寫14連敗 也有報導是寫12連敗(不含今日) 用basketball-reference一場一場看 CP3總共面對Foster19次 戰績為2W-17L
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