[爆卦] 超過40人在聖塔莫尼卡疏散區被抓!

看板Gossiping標題[爆卦] 超過40人在聖塔莫尼卡疏散區被抓!作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:7

LOS ANGELES (KTLA) – The Santa Monica Police Department has made over 40
arrests from the start of the Palisades Fire on Jan. 7 through Jan. 13.

The department said all of those arrested were in the city’s evacuation
zones, and most of them violated the curfew law enforcement put in place,
which lasts from sunset to sunrise.

LA大火發生一周以來 在緊鄰災區的聖塔莫尼塔 警方已經逮捕超過40人


準備零元購(X) 幫災民搬家(O) 的小夥伴們

可惜現在川普要上台 不能像以前疫情時一樣隨意採買了



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