[爆卦] ivermectin 的機轉研究上了nature的子期

看板Gossiping標題[爆卦] ivermectin 的機轉研究上了nature的子期作者
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就introduction 內容看來,這個藥感覺可以寄與厚望(如果我讀錯了歡迎打臉我),也開?



Several doctor-initiated clinical trial protocols that aimed to evaluate outcomes, such as reduction in mortality figures, shortened length of intensive care unit stay and/or hospital stay and elimination of the virus with ivermectin use have been registered at the US [7].
Real-time data is also available with a meta-analysis of 55 studies to date.
As per data available on 16 May 2021, 100% of 36 early treatment and prophylaxis studies report positive effects (96% of all 55 studies).

Of these, 26 studies show statistically significant improvements in isolation.其中有26個有非常顯著的正面效果

Random effects meta-analysis with pooled effects using the most serious outcome reported 79% and 85% improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis respectively (RR 0.21 [0.11–0.37] and 0.15 [0.09–0.25]).

The results were similar after exclusion based sensitivity analysis: 81% and 87% (RR 0.19 [0.14–0.26] and 0.13 [0.07–0.25]), and after restriction to 29 peer-reviewed studies: 82% and 88% (RR 0.18 [0.11–0.31] and 0.12 [0.05–0.30]).
即使拿到比較不嚴謹的實驗 也有很好的結果

Statistically significant improvements were seen for mortality, ventilation, hospitalization, cases, and viral clearance. 100% of the 17 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) for early treatment and prophylaxis report positive effects, with an estimated improvement of 73% and 83% respectively (RR 0.27 [0.18–0.41] and 0.17 [0.05–0.61]), and 93% of all 28 RCTs.

These studies are tabulated in Table 1. The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive for the 55 studies to date is estimated to be 1 in 23 trillion (p = 0.000000000000043). The consistency of positive results across a wide variety of cases has been remarkable. It is extremely unlikely that the observed results could have occurred by chance [8].



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andy199113 06/19 00:22看不懂

infoman 06/19 00:24tire1

※ 編輯: MPDK ( 臺灣), 06/19/2021 00:35:39

ev331 06/19 00:24記者去生一篇讓大家看得懂

King5566 06/19 00:25五樓請翻譯

a27588679 06/19 00:25坐等懶人包

puretruthson 06/19 00:27可樂果鎖屁眼Cosplay ikea 傢俱

puretruthson 06/19 00:27不客氣

speeddd 06/19 00:29不用大驚小怪的好嗎...

l75cm 06/19 00:30你英文看得懂,讀得懂 為什麼不翻譯給大家?

s505015 06/19 00:30簡單說他們覺得這可以抑制細胞激素

s505015 06/19 00:31看圖大概就好了

s505015 06/19 00:31會抑制一堆發炎相關

s505015 06/19 00:31像NFkb

TISH12311 06/19 00:32印度仔不可信拉

s505015 06/19 00:32還有ifn no 一堆ckemokine

s505015 06/19 00:32chemokine

l75cm 06/19 00:32你以為大家英文/專業程度跟你一樣好??

rc001968 06/19 00:32再怎樣找證據力也不會高於黨推的清冠一

rc001968 06/19 00:32

chxx 06/19 00:32廢文,不懂什麼叫tier 1不要亂講

rc001968 06/19 00:35

MPDK 06/19 00:38我還真不懂生物的期刊分類

s505015 06/19 00:40可以查 而且大部分是用q1

swommy 06/19 00:40這機轉就是先阻擋ace-2 還有是老藥了 要

swommy 06/19 00:40做藥動學可以比較快

MPDK 06/19 00:41我是看國外推友用 我就跟著用 不過都是指頂

MPDK 06/19 00:41尖期刊的意思吧

swommy 06/19 00:41看不懂的用chrome開 然後翻譯啦

MPDK 06/19 00:42所以就是病毒需要ace-2但是這個藥會把ace-2

MPDK 06/19 00:43關起來的意思吧

flyeagle1978 06/19 01:01簡單說 IVM會抑制病毒接上ACE2所產

flyeagle1978 06/19 01:01生的發炎反應並且活化身體的抗病毒

flyeagle1978 06/19 01:01機制 並減少病毒複製

potionx 06/19 01:11點進去原始網頁看就知道引用的資料超級多

potionx 06/19 01:12原PO節錄的只是一小段

potionx 06/19 01:15我光按pagedown就要30下 才到參考的開頭

jnecoj 06/19 01:22綠粉焦急噓

tdjpl 06/19 01:24這是review paper…..

sdbb 06/19 01:32汪汪隊立大功

lain2002 06/19 01:36水很深

yogurtbass 06/19 02:58怎麼有人把網頁當正文啊......referen

yogurtbass 06/19 02:58ce看完再發文好嗎?

nzj 06/19 07:06ivermectin已在很多疾病或病毒研究過,所以

nzj 06/19 07:06這藥的分子機制早就被提出來,而這篇文章只

nzj 06/19 07:06是根據臨床資料推測這藥在SARS-CoV-2的可能

nzj 06/19 07:06機制

pttjoe 06/19 07:09藥商腦筋動得快的話,應該知道要做什麼了

drlee1231 06/19 07:34蟑螂很急著噓喔!怕主子的疫苗股票跌停

SRadiant 06/19 09:11其實你看完第一段,就告訴你答案了,還

SRadiant 06/19 09:11在做研究,尚無定論,不是嗎?

SRadiant 06/19 09:11不然他們幹嘛做臨床研究XD

stja 06/19 12:28