Re: [爆卦] 德國外交部長控:中國提供疫苗有政治目的

看板Gossiping標題Re: [爆卦] 德國外交部長控:中國提供疫苗有政治目的作者
時間推噓11 推:14 噓:3 →:40

: Germany says China’s Covid-19 vaccine diplomacy has political purpose
: China is using its Covid-19 vaccine diplomacy for political purposes, accordin: g to Germany’s foreign minister.
: Heiko Maas said on Tuesday that both Russia and China had been good at public: promoting the delivery of their vaccines to other countries, but also pursue: d other aims in doing so.
: “We note, in particular with China, that the supply of vaccines was also used: to make very clear political demands of various countries,” he said.
: Speaking to reporters during a trip to Kalamazoo, Michigan, where he visited a: pfizer production facility, Maas said such behaviour should be rejected.
: To prevent this happening in the first place we don’t just have to criticise: it, but we have to ensure that the affected countries have alternatives,” he: said.
: ?
: “Those alternative are the vaccines we have available and which we of course: want to make available to as many countries and regions in the world as possib: le. (That way) the Russians and the Chinese can’t continue to conduct their d: ifficult vaccine diplomacy in this fashion, which only has the purpose of incr: easing their own influence and not necessarily to save people’s lives in the: first instance.”
: While he did not provide any specific examples, Taiwan has accused Beijing of: using the delivery of its shots to pressure countries into dropping their supp: ort for the self-ruled island, which it claims as its own.



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c07strange 07/14 14:12他為什麼又台派的 被你歸進去的嗎

恩 我歸的 因為這種謬論從所謂的「台派」看到太多了 似是而非移花接木

capricornlin 07/14 14:13文章內有提到台灣噎 你沒看到?

Taiwan has accused Beijing of using the delivery of its shots to pressure countries into dropping their supp ort for the self-ruled island, which it claims as its own. 台灣,控訴北京利用輸送中國的疫苗來使這個自治島嶼的支持力量拋棄它們 這比較像是在嘴中共拿疫苗去打台灣邦交國欸,跟台灣本土疫苗有個屁關係阿 再說一次,要引用外電先去背單字好嗎

kkman2 07/14 14:13好會歸

chunfo 07/14 14:13不是台派難道是中共同路人嗎

yangweiisi 07/14 14:13倭國米國捐疫苗也是在玩疫苗外交啊,

yangweiisi 07/14 14:13怎不見雙標綠蛆出來氣噗噗抨擊呢?

jongam 07/14 14:14綠蟑螂套路:移花接木、斷章取義

c07strange 07/14 14:14所以所謂台派都是外人給的嘛

阿災,你們台派自己去鬥一鬥,反正我歸類上這種邏輯不通,看到一粒米說成一缸米的 是很明顯的台派特質

nikewang 07/14 14:15剛推文還有人嗆: 看不懂英文嗎?

SamZJ 07/14 14:15不讀內文的太多了,只說台灣有指控中國阻

SamZJ 07/14 14:16擋取得疫苗,問題是主體在講中國和俄羅斯

SamZJ 07/14 14:16在用自己國產的疫苗達到政治目的,啊科興

SamZJ 07/14 14:16國藥關台灣屁事

bankauditor 07/14 14:17似是而非不就是這波攻擊政府沒買疫苗

bankauditor 07/14 14:17的人最長用的手段?

就事論事阿 我看到的英文內文,德外相根本沒有說指向具體的目標 而是記者引用台灣說法,表示台灣指控北京利用疫苗挖角邦交國來佐證德外相的說法 結果到你們這邊就變成了 德國外相提出台灣被被精力用疫苗挖角邦交國? 整個倒果為因 況且,挖角邦交國,跟台灣內部供應疫苗政策失序有個屁關係阿 先去背單字再來嘴砲啦 zz 連英文都看不懂就高潮 有夠丟臉

c07strange 07/14 14:17哦 連我都變台派了

john0312 07/14 14:17不是很認同把他歸到台派,但你打他論點

john0312 07/14 14:18的部份我認同,他確實曲解新聞了。

c07strange 07/14 14:18我有甚麼邏輯不通被你看到嗎

chunfo 07/14 14:19事實上的確很多跳樑小丑自稱台派

castjane 07/14 14:19希望德國提供歐盟認證疫苗


ten9di9 07/14 14:21台派一堆學店自嗨

GamaloveVaca 07/14 14:21民進黨和他的側翼全家確診火化啦

cosmite 07/14 14:24

kkjjrtlym 07/14 14:25不是台派就譴責阿 既定印象都被搞差

takenouch 07/14 14:25你最後還是乖乖投綠啦 講那麼多幹嘛

kanokazurin 07/14 14:34書讀得好不會想當台派

jma306 07/14 14:37(這波攻擊政府..) 民進黨籍的吳子嘉也罵很

jma306 07/14 14:37爽 但有些人看出他只是幫蔡英文責任切割

jma306 07/14 14:38然後把心機政府出包的部分 先踢給替死鬼

jma306 07/14 14:38 預備獻祭

jma306 07/14 14:38 到時候 蔡大祭司 可以出來主持正義 祭

jma306 07/14 14:38

jma306 07/14 14:39政府的邊境管控+疫苗採購 真的爛到讓台灣

jma306 07/14 14:39天下大亂 台灣人身受其害了 還不能罵就

jma306 07/14 14:39太麻木不仁˙

hosen 07/14 14:40台派都是跳梁小丑,沒有其他

hosen 07/14 14:40

jma306 07/14 14:41說台派都客氣了 我都說綠獨

hosen 07/14 14:41有申請,是陳時中拒絕的,bnt 也不收,才送

jma306 07/14 14:41 說獨也是有點偏差 因為那些是假獨

hosen 07/14 14:41到新加坡

jma306 07/14 14:42 但是假獨 並非不獨 只是能力不足才導致

jma306 07/14 14:42變異

XiWen 07/14 14:46台派不就3Q 范雲 雞排妹 焦糖 丁丁 王定宇

XiWen 07/14 14:46浩呆,不然什麼是台派?

leaderweb 07/14 14:47Taiwan has accused Beijing of

leaderweb 07/14 14:48using the delivery這句明明就是指說

leaderweb 07/14 14:48北京利用疫苗手法使意圖顛覆政府的國

leaderweb 07/14 14:48民黨 共產黨 白柯粉有著力點 使這個自

leaderweb 07/14 14:48治島嶼失去支持力量

你是不是看不懂accused of 是什麼意思? 有夠好笑,就這種程度還上來噓文哦? 我另外隨便翻了一篇給你們這些英文文盲看啦,自己拉下去看 有夠丟臉= =

wfsh30918 07/14 14:52....主詞是臺灣不是德國耶

theray76 07/14 15:16主觀推論先箭頭了

#1WxeNflA (Gossiping)

剛翻譯完 自己去看,主觀推論啥了 0.0

JackTheRippe 07/14 16:14難怪之前還造謠說台灣早已警示WHO e

JackTheRippe 07/14 16:14mail拿出來根本笑掉人家大牙

JackTheRippe 07/14 16:15還騙說是看PTT看到 唬爛還唬一整套

JackTheRippe 07/14 16:15移花接木穿鑿附會真噁心

※ 編輯: s9234032 ( 臺灣), 07/14/2021 18:31:26