[問卦] 人類史上最撼動人心的一場演說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 人類史上最撼動人心的一場演說?作者
時間推噓18 推:18 噓:0 →:16





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Celtic8879 04/05 14:16我們贏啦

zzzzzjasa 04/05 14:16id4演講 哈

wison4451 04/05 14:16塞子

frankiehaha 04/05 14:16ID4的比爾普曼啊

akiranon 04/05 14:17千杯千杯再千杯

GentleJena 04/05 14:18希特勒

thelittleone 04/05 14:18We shall defend our Island, what

thelittleone 04/05 14:18ever the cost may be, we shall f

thelittleone 04/05 14:18ight on the beaches, we shall fi

thelittleone 04/05 14:19ght on the landing grounds, we s

thelittleone 04/05 14:19hall fight in the fields and in

thelittleone 04/05 14:19the streets, we shall fight in t

thelittleone 04/05 14:19he hills; we shall never surrend

thelittleone 04/05 14:19er.

onstar 04/05 14:19he toilet

leonhsu 04/05 14:20人類要對外星人發動總攻那次講的很好

onstar 04/05 14:20推16樓

chiy16 04/05 14:24當然是 在那叫什麼那段~~~震撼人心超MAN的

veelah1225 04/05 14:28魔戒3亞拉岡要跟半獸人火拼前的演說

veelah1225 04/05 14:28啊 man爆

RuleAllWorld 04/05 14:34各位,我知道,怎麼,用火

Nexpring 04/05 14:39id4

Lowpapa 04/05 14:39叫什麼

baobeising 04/05 14:46希特勒跟德國年輕人講你們最棒

james575043 04/05 14:46在那叫什麼

nolie1228 04/05 14:54ID4

willy610 04/05 15:00I HAVE A DREAM

elvis30901 04/05 15:04希特勒的吧

kikujiro 04/05 15:05

gno01940519 04/05 15:27認真回你 可以去搜尋歐巴馬跟雷根演

gno01940519 04/05 15:28

gno01940519 04/05 15:28有沒有撼動我不保證,但口條很好

xhung 04/05 15:37千杯千杯再千杯

moy5566 04/05 15:55馬丁路德 i have a drink