Re: [爆卦] 日本與南韓的COVID19染疫致死率

看板Gossiping標題Re: [爆卦] 日本與南韓的COVID19染疫致死率作者
時間推噓 1 推:3 噓:2 →:13

※ 引述《douge (樹大便是美)》之銘言:
: BBC: How children are being affected by long Covid
: 3/1/2022
: "Most of the children I've seen were completely healthy before Covid, they
: were doing sport, extra-school activities," says Buonsenso. "And then they
: were not able to return to their normal school routine because they were
: getting headaches or had difficulty concentrating after a few hours."
: 小兒科醫師:
: 大多數的小朋友染病前都活蹦亂跳的 可以從事任何活動,課後運動
: 但是染病康復後
: 他們無法回到原本的狀態
: 會有頭痛以及幾個小時專注後注意力集中的問題
: 可苦為了護航什麼標準 人格都丟棄呢?
: 給學齡兒童打 Novavax 疫苗
: 準備充分之後再開放 ->上策
: 裝死為了護航而護航 ->中策
: 為了政治連良心都沒有->y姊
: 以後只要有家長發現自己的小孩不一樣了
: 我就請他來ptt 問你的高見

Paediatricians running post-Covid clinics believe that the true prevalence
lies in the region of 10%. Other scientists, however, point out that the datais clouded by the fact that more than half of children without Covid-19 have
also suffered from headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances and issues with
concentration during the pandemic. Many surveys of persistent post-Covid
symptoms in children do not compare children infected with Covid-19 with
uninfected controls, which could lead to over-representation of symptom


許多關於兒童感染 Covid-19 後持續症狀的調查並未將
感染 Covid-19 的兒童與未感染的對照組進行比較,


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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kaodio 04/13 18:36早就說本來就有病 還不信也沒辦法

eno03 04/13 18:37 新冠長期症狀兒童

kaodio 04/13 18:37恐慌仔看文章都看一半的 可憐

douge 04/13 18:39像這種文章 跟那種推文 都備份起來

douge 04/13 18:39Does not age well

pippen2002 04/13 18:42 騙?

LinEricX 04/13 18:45應該把沒看完原文就造謠的恐慌仔水桶才

LinEricX 04/13 18:45

haohaobobo 04/13 19:00會不會有嚴重後果 其實要看長遠 就跟

haohaobobo 04/13 19:00癌症一樣 也許現在看不出來 老了就會

haohaobobo 04/13 19:00生不如死的後悔了

rq654 04/13 19:01本來就是這樣 一堆後遺症根本本來就很常見

haohaobobo 04/13 19:07這種要看長遠的研究 十年後會不會才

haohaobobo 04/13 19:07發作 讓這些確診者活不過十年 這才是

haohaobobo 04/13 19:07現在無法定論的 只能觀察和期待十年

haohaobobo 04/13 19:07後打臉共存仔了

LinEricX 04/13 19:17好了啦 恐慌仔你就自己乖乖關在家裡十年

LinEricX 04/13 19:17足不出戶