Re: [問卦] 男人對車子完全沒有興趣正常ㄇ?
The things you own, end up owning you. It s only after you ve lost everythingthat you re free to do anything.
Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can
buy shit we don't need.
We are the middle children of history, with no purpose or place. We have no
great war, no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great
depression is our lives.
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※ 編輯: hawick ( 臺灣), 05/23/2022 09:05:44
前兩條規則 都是不能談論這個俱樂
部 XD
推 好文怎麼推這麼少
推一下 留存
都二十有七了,該是成家立業結婚的年紀 還跑來PTT發注音文。 男子漢要有男子漢的擔當,知道是非。 世上什麼人都有誰規定一定要喜歡好車的。 公司裡我手下的會計組員,開的都是BMW, BENZ, Tesla6
傻孩子 先承認自己沒錢啦......... 這跟沒錢結婚.把妹.生小孩 然後在那邊自慰自己"其實單身比較好"一樣好笑 XDD 最好是車能開就好 我第一台車是t牌 後來坐朋友的BENZ 我才發現我的車根本是垃圾........馬的 風切聲超大 而且椅子好難坐5
我大概33歲以後, 小孩出生就很少騎摩托車了, 到哪裡都是開車, 剩下不是走路不然就騎腳踏車, 我也不搭大眾運輸,99
首Po安安 肥宅今年20有7了 收入還行 也會開車 可是不知道為什麼2
廢話 人家開好車去墾丁大街玩女人 你只買得起這種只能開的窮基巴車,當然只能在那邊乖乖打手槍 : 看過很多比較高級ㄉ車 : 但總是提不起興趣?8
: : 安安 : 肥宅今年20有7了 : 收入還行 : 也會開車5
兄弟 別這麼快否定 沒興趣是因為你沒試過 沒體驗過 你沒吃過高級牛排。所以以為所有牛排都跟夜市牛排一樣 你沒喝過好酒 才以為酒這麼難喝
[花邊] 鵜鶘GM:我們非常幸運能拿到湖人的樂透籤Pelicans Film Room "It would be disingenuous for any of us to tell you the '22 Lakers pick would be a lottery pick... As is often the case in our business 'its better to be lucky than good'... we got lucky there for sure" - David Griffin on this years draft pick爆
[情報] AD:全世界都想看我們輸球Anthony Davis on playing through his sore foot: "It was bothering me throughou t the course of the game, start to finish. It’s a time where we have to be ab le to fight through it." AD said he doesn't think he can make the injury any worse by playing on it.爆
[外絮] KI:我、KD、管理層一起管理球隊There's no question about where I'm going and how this is going to happen," Irvi ng said. "I'm here with [Durant], but also I'm here to build a great team. I've averaged this many points, done this many things. Individually, been recognized for my greatness, but at this point in my career, I really just want to be part of a great team. And just dominate that way and not really focus on any individu爆
[情報] 嘴綠:魔術是聯盟最差的球隊之一,無法嘴綠:魔術是聯盟最差的球隊之一,無法匹敵他們那絕對無法跟強隊對抗 Draymond Green: “To execute it requires a certain level of physicality. No disr espect to Orlando Magic, but that's one of the worst teams in the league. We can 't match that with them. So if you can't match that with them, you're definitely not going to do it against a great team.爆
[分享] 美退休上校談到了烏克蘭與俄羅斯的戰爭美退休上校:美國應該“停止運送武器並停止鼓勵烏克蘭人死於無望的努力” 退休的道格·麥格雷戈上校2/27在福克斯新聞上談到了烏克蘭與俄羅斯的戰爭: Retired Col. Doug MacGregor said Sunday on FOX News about the Ukraine-Russia war:爆
[外絮] 珍妮:我是湖人老闆,我為每個決定負責Angry Lakers owner Jeanie Buss denies LeBron James rumors 湖人老闆Jeanie Buss受訪,談到湖人相關傳聞與本賽季表現。 “Do they have final say? No. Are they running the team? No, no, not at all,” Buss told The Los Angeles Times about Lakers star LeBron James and his camp at66
[分享] 莫斯科號事件後的俄羅斯電視台我覺得俄羅斯今天會搞成這樣,是因為他的戰略目標遠超自己的能力 覺得疫情+通膨+中美交惡,想推翻現有世界秩序,沒有更好的時機了 賭一把才發現自己已不是當初的蘇聯,搞到進退維谷 除去核武,受限於經濟能力的落差,俄羅斯的軍力已經遠不如中美 reddit NonCredibleDefense版 上面現在滿滿的嘲諷文章61
[外絮] Luka Doncic:喜歡背水一戰的比賽You talked about attacking the paint. What goes into that? Is it as simple as putting your head down and get in there, or are there things that lead up to that? 你談到了進攻禁區。這是如何做到的?59
[外絮] Alex Len & Svi Mykhailiuk為烏克蘭發聲來源: Sacramento Kings center Alex Len and Toronto Raptors forward Svi Mykhailiuk, the lone Ukrainian players in the NBA, condemned Russia’s invasion of their native country in a joint statement released on Thursday.
[問卦] 有沒有人知道為什麼現在政府都不認錯?爆
[爆卦] 請小心新莊區大觀街固X機車行爆
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[問卦] 川普說上帝只創造兩種性別,你認同嗎?爆
[問卦] 財政部抽獎分A、B池是不是業界首創96
[問卦] 用一句話 評論財政部雲端發票抽獎事件?爆
Re: [爆卦] 請小心新莊區大觀街固X機車行71
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[問卦] 馬斯克:台灣是中國的一部分 統一100%59
[問卦] YOASOBI是不是打臉尸位素餐的垃圾文化部爆
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[問卦] 結果Nvidia沒有要來買綠電啊幹50
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[問卦] 現在的小孩不看卡通 都看什麼??34
[問卦] YOASOBI演唱會484強多了37
[問卦] 貪污多少錢以下應該除罪化?爆
Re: [新聞] 雲端發票4人重複中獎原因曝光 你捐3張、34
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[問卦] 華南銀行APP掛了 是我的問題嗎 謝謝爆
[問卦] ESG 是不是就是個騙局31
[問卦] 阿拉伯人有發明過什麼東西嗎?爆
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Re: [問卦] 再半小時要通知我 抽中YOASOBI欸?!28
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[問卦] 馬斯克叫SpaceX供應商撤離台灣?66
[問卦] 馬斯克跟川普全家合影40
Re: [新聞] 雲端發票4人重複中獎原因曝光 你捐3張、