[問卦] 聯合公園最頂的是哪首?

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DogBe105 05/26 19:05倒退嚕

YU0121 05/26 19:05i for you

z32510z 05/26 19:05問就是車底

kingtama 05/26 19:05我難過

Silent 05/26 19:06快樂崇拜

Flitz 05/26 19:06樓下被肛的時候都放哪一首助性

EfiwymsiAros 05/26 19:06就那一首大家都聽過的

initialdark 05/26 19:06當然是小偷之歌

Ommmmmm5566 05/26 19:06Eats my life

Warheart 05/26 19:07ITS MY LIFE

occlumency3 05/26 19:07Somewhere I belong

hl4su3a842k7 05/26 19:08Bleed it out

mscp 05/26 19:08愛你

KFC007 05/26 19:08印度公園

Ricey 05/26 19:09sharp edge

wpd 05/26 19:10直到世界盡頭

s008866 05/26 19:11in the end

koromo1991 05/26 19:11陪你昂首

manlike 05/26 19:12Numb

chou3321 05/26 19:13加州旅館吧 經典神曲

Linyingsheng 05/26 19:13Noob

brandon07 05/26 19:15Numb

inoce 05/26 19:15Numb

userlance 05/26 19:15In the end

notgoodcow 05/26 19:17Numb

basslife 05/26 19:18numb

loxic 05/26 19:20混合理論抱著聽就對了 不用屁話這

loxic 05/26 19:20麼多

WhiteKING 05/26 19:20去她的月經文 不過LINKINPARK還是給讚

eastwindow 05/26 19:21高山巍巍原野青青大哉吾校聯合菁英

ispy03532003 05/26 19:21Numb/In the End/Faint/Somewhere I

ispy03532003 05/26 19:21 belong

akko76815 05/26 19:22In the end

orznge 05/26 19:22推faint好了

elliotpvt 05/26 19:22new divide

venomsoul 05/26 19:22我只聽南方公園

good159456 05/26 19:23given up

mashmabo 05/26 19:23papercut

ddtkqoo78 05/26 19:23Dadada

mashmabo 05/26 19:23混合理論整張都神

PRME 05/26 19:26livin on a prayer

GaoWan 05/26 19:26faint 最讚

danhunter 05/26 19:27別褻瀆神

Beetch 05/26 19:27Numb

gginin007 05/26 19:28It's my life

sos20122 05/26 19:29faint

kopolo 05/26 19:29Somewhere I Belong 請看MV查爾斯心情

dyc2008 05/26 19:30未看先猜有我難過

jxoxsxhx 05/26 19:31pushing me away

human92929 05/26 19:34Crawling

ginopun10477 05/26 19:34hotel california

mynewid 05/26 19:35只聽過中央公園

Arsenalhenry 05/26 19:36我難過

ericthree 05/26 19:38林肯怕

ggggg50713 05/26 19:38Numb (cover by 威傅)

yuinami 05/26 19:40Numb

hanchueh 05/26 19:42New divide

eric911116 05/26 19:42What I’ve done

xm3k0828 05/26 19:42個人覺得是in the end

mild7no1 05/26 19:44Paper cut、somewhere I belong

dknymaster 05/26 19:45in the end

vanvanvan 05/26 19:47In the end

featherable 05/26 19:47From the inside

schuey 05/26 19:48當然Somewhere I belong

fr75520 05/26 19:49in the end

bnb840522 05/26 19:53第一張 再來第三張 剩下隨便

gaogao 05/26 19:56numb+1 前奏一出來就起雞皮疙瘩

ImaiLisa 05/26 19:56in the end YYDS

theskyofblue 05/26 20:02NUMB

highjinna 05/26 20:08In the end, Numb, Faint

Informatik 05/26 20:09numb

sunhextfn 05/26 20:20in the end/somewhere i belong

pc785 05/26 20:27faint

Everyeeeee 05/26 20:29Numb

Everyeeeee 05/26 20:30Heavy/What i’ve done

ginopun10477 05/26 20:38個人蠻喜歡burn it down 好像沒看過

ginopun10477 05/26 20:38有人推這首

chang7741 05/26 20:46

ggeneration 05/26 20:57Numb

camphor0614 05/26 21:29Numb

GBDog 05/26 21:32Numb

evermpeg2 05/26 21:37One more light,Castle of glass,Numb,

evermpeg2 05/26 21:38Crawling

cfwang 05/26 21:59papercut

potatochip 05/26 22:17私心推Nobody can save me

gag565 05/26 22:20印度公園

mh631 05/26 22:26What I’ve done

poison3804 05/26 22:43他們的歌我只聽given up

wantotellyou 05/26 22:47美特拉整張

small28 05/26 22:56Numb

adsl9527 05/26 23:14Leave Out All The Rest

adsl9527 05/26 23:14Somewhere I Belong

waterdeep 05/26 23:32papercut

CSFV 05/26 23:59hybrid theory整張吞下去

catvsdog 05/27 00:12Numb

xiao2chen 05/27 00:59numb 的邁阿密風雲版

xiao2chen 05/27 01:04numb encore

ridodo 05/27 01:49Lying from u.

atfield17 05/27 01:53Somewhere I Belong

IsadQQ56 05/27 02:16Numb

isisss 05/27 02:23In the end

andy055097 05/27 03:00Numb

lcxiann 05/27 03:48numb encore

jgdelphine 05/27 05:24Numb

HITTEN 05/27 07:51Numb

likejerrycat 05/27 08:40Somewhere I belong

akizora 05/27 10:24Numb

dkdkc8c8 05/27 10:27個人做愛faint

dkdkc8c8 05/27 10:27最愛啦幹