[問卦] 有沒有推薦的皇后樂團的歌

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 有沒有推薦的皇后樂團的歌作者
時間推噓28 推:31 噓:3 →:19

但是卻覺得 哇靠 跟這個樂團根本相見恨晚



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qazsedcft 12/16 02:51鑽石年代~~~

deepdish 12/16 02:51讚 留言 分享

hitomi47 12/16 02:52吉良吉影

a3221715 12/16 02:53找波西米亞狂想曲電影的歌 都很讚

renna038766 12/16 02:53Smoke on the water, cant stop , hi

renna038766 12/16 02:53ghway to hell , creep

zombiechen 12/16 02:54Who wants to live forever

x59403050 12/16 02:56很多啊

lcw33242976 12/16 02:56那我六日也找電影來看看好了,聽說

lcw33242976 12/16 02:57評價不錯

mopepe5566 12/16 02:59他算是甲甲傳奇,adsl死掉

kingmusk 12/16 03:06滿多首紅到現在we will rock you/ we a

kingmusk 12/16 03:06re the champions都他們的歌你一定聽過

kingmusk 12/16 03:07電影好看放心去看

xylitol 12/16 03:14還好><

a3221715 12/16 03:16Killer Queen , Another one bites the

a3221715 12/16 03:16 dust

a3221715 12/16 03:17我就是看完電影才愛上的 原本只有音樂

a3221715 12/16 03:18課聽過狂想曲覺得很屌而已

yeaha0055 12/16 03:21Love of my life

StopSign5566 12/16 03:32連皇后樂團都沒聽過...難道以前都在

StopSign5566 12/16 03:32聽五月天嗎?

ar109982 12/16 03:32renna038766 大大推的可以

minipai 12/16 03:34I was born to love you 超讚 搭配冰上

RisingTackle 12/16 03:47Don't Stop Me Now

tikitaka 12/16 04:16I want it all

tikitaka 12/16 04:26The Show Must Go On

lemomo0212 12/16 04:28killer queen

eno03 12/16 04:36A night at the opera 常聽這整張

fabledqqman 12/16 04:37love of my life

fabledqqman 12/16 04:38radio gaga

aqua25113 12/16 04:43全部聽完吧 值得一聽再聽

superstar77 12/16 05:03dont stop me now

Toge 12/16 05:15先看電影啦

Toge 12/16 05:17然後我大推under pressure

matto 12/16 05:31問就是love of my life

yeses0026 12/16 06:05Mama~~ ooh~~~

RockCat0218 12/16 06:06那個金曲集聽一聽吧裡面全部都超讚

klwei 12/16 06:06The show must go on ......

homie407 12/16 06:39昂德佩下

JER2725 12/16 06:47love of my life

JER2725 12/16 06:48I was born to love you

marco0715 12/16 07:20Radio ga ga

gn01693664 12/16 07:28bite the dust

opengaydoor 12/16 07:39殺手皇后 心痛穿心一擊 敗者食塵

MikeChao 12/16 08:02I Want To Break Free

jackyliu 12/16 08:12Somebody to love

jjrdk 12/16 08:25I was born to love you

calvin0319 12/16 08:27don’t stop me now

jackq 12/16 08:28要推薦啥 愛就全部聽一遍

starwillow 12/16 09:39很多經典推文已經提到了,推個The ma

starwillow 12/16 09:39rch of the black queen

elwyn 12/16 11:30全聽啊推啥