[黑特] 川普停止補助非法移民法律服務被告了

看板HatePolitics標題[黑特] 川普停止補助非法移民法律服務被告了作者
時間推噓 推:4 噓:4 →:6

Trump administration sued for halting legal aid for detained immigrants

Several nonprofits providing basic legal information to detained immigrants
sued the Trump administration on Friday for halting their programs and
locking them out of detention facilities.

Led by the Amica Center for Immigrant Rights, a D.C.-based group that
represents children and provides those basic services, the groups filed a
lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia asking a
judge to reverse the administration’s stoppage. The Department of Justice
did not respond to a request for comment.

靠北喔 為啥我繳的稅金要用來補助非法移民的法律服務?

幹拎娘低能綠師 覺得非法移民好可憐不會自己做功德去幫他們辯護?


一堆亂七八糟的美國民進黨側翼 斷掉鳥飼料剛好而已啦



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freeclouds 02/02 01:33這是基本人權就跟政府要補助死刑犯有

freeclouds 02/02 01:33法扶補助請綠師一樣

urgrandpa 02/02 01:34律師愛當聖母就自己免費法扶不會喔

dahanjian 02/02 01:47又被黑人欺負了? 柯連

aragorn747 02/02 01:54欸 提供非法移民者法律服務是三小

angellll 02/02 02:13你2016沒關心過喔 左膠法官還等著呢

HenryLin123 02/02 02:32左左愛幫自己出錢啊

faryoo 02/02 02:50藍白仔也想要給中國老人來用健保啊 笑死

GetMoney 02/02 03:22非法移民都去死~全家去死~去死一死啦~

boogieman 02/02 04:07左膠又扯到綠的幹嘛?左右分不清是多蠢

boogieman 02/02 04:07?

painkiller 02/02 06:50all or nothing最好懂,無腦挺就對了

chathamcat 02/02 07:23immigrants (x) illegal aliens (o)

luckid 02/02 08:59在美國好像搞這種訴訟很正常