[討論] 熄燈了 拜登退選
BREAKING NEWS: President Joe Biden has reportedly agreed to step down as the
Democratic nominee for President of the United States as early as this
weekend, sources tell political analyst Mark Halperin.
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[爆卦] 拜登打電話給烏克蘭總統NEW: President Biden speaking to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy right now, per a US official. 剛剛被證實拜登打電話給烏克蘭總統 President Biden was on the phone with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy as of 11:478
[爆卦] 拜登確診BREAKING: U.S. President Joe Biden tests positive for COVID-19 白宮聲明: 剛剛的最新消息,美國總統拜登確診了,有出現輕微症狀,希望老人家多保重啊56
[爆卦] 白宮釋出拜習會議摘要白宮原文連結: 我直接先講結論:沒啥重點、立場宣示、台灣問題上老調重彈(這是好事) President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. met virtually on November 15 with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The two leaders discussed the complex nature of relations between our two countries and the importance39
[討論] 拜登說美國不支持台獨~~Biden: US does not support Taiwan independence By Steve Holland, Nandita Bose and Trevor Hunnicutt U.S. President Joe Biden said on Saturday the United States does not support the independence of Taiwan, after Taiwanese voters rebuffed China and gave37
[花邊] 老河上週私下與總統拜登會面來源: President Joe Biden met privately with Doc Rivers last week, per @EliStokols (Via politi.co/3x5UBRn) 貼文底下留言蠻好笑的: Joe Biden consulted Rivers on how not to choke a 3-1 lead in the elections19
[分享] MLB 邀請拜登下球季開季開球Nationals invite Joe Biden to throw first pitch on Opening Day, something Donald Trump never did MLB 邀請拜登下球季開季開球 (一件川普從來沒做過的事) The 2020 presidential election has been called and former vice president Joe8
[討論] Taiwan’s Presidential Inauguration美國國務卿布林肯,用這麼簡單、直白的方式, 恭賀賴清德就職! 標題完全不囉嗦,就是:Taiwan’s Presidential Inauguration 內文直接恭賀賴清德當選台灣第5任民選總統,9
[問卦] 拜登又講錯 說歐巴馬在2020找他當副手BREAKING: Joe Biden just said Barack Obama asked him to be his Vice President in 2020, "In 2020, when Barack asked me to be his Vice President, I joined him..." The 20 minute interview had more than 87 edits in just the first 5 minutes and t hey still couldn't save Joe 拜登說歐巴馬在2020找他當副手8
Re: [問卦] 美國民主黨到底有什麼毛病?八卦是 有陰謀論者指出 這場辯論其實是民主黨逼退拜登的手段 理由是 1.民主黨明顯知道拜登的語言組織與行為能力難以應付這樣的辯論4
[討論] <看政黑說英語> 民主黨內盼拜登知所進退朗讀: 內文: Defiance has become as much a part of Joe Biden’s psychology as Delaware.
[討論] 搞死你們這些紅統中配9
[討論] 呱吉:去年我表態挺青鳥後 頻道就急轉直下7
[討論] 當時沈慶京有律師陪同,黃國昌又翻車了10
[黑特] 這是國民黨坦克嗎?怎麼這樣強制推民眾?18
[討論] 北院說柯文哲貪污案 11/27前宣判X
[討論] 小草不是一直說賴清德是台獨龜孫?硬不起7
[黑特] 黃揚明:朱立倫要去拜會黃國昌組反惡霸6
Re: [轉錄] 時力:進步本土小黨的存在 為何成了原罪?3
[討論] 境外敵對勢力就是中共還要討論?22
[討論] 今天這集新聞面對面好看欸X
[討論] 賴清德484喜歡戰爭?X
[討論] 賴清德送台積電又搞軍法,想搞?2
[黑特] 國民黨不是支持武統現在恢復軍法在那邊嘰16
[討論] 國民黨的衰尾道人-朱立倫39
[討論] 建議先處理統促黨吧?5
[討論] 大家覺得會要求台女當兵嗎6
[轉錄] 汪潔民 FB 台中成人棒球隊4
[黑特] 吳京無法讓支那人回家 但八炯可以2
Re: [討論] 軍法有無可能是要強制動員?4
[黑特] 叫人憨鳥罵你又說我二元腦?X
[黑特] 黑熊法庭的構想其實真的不錯X
[討論] 現在想起來很可怕1
[黑特] 館長 陳之漢 怎不出來幫忙王鴻薇X
[討論] 戴瑋姍是走跳針騙白癡路線的X
[討論] 我覺得館長很快就會被反滲透法送進去X
[黑特] 沈伯洋怎麼沒種去告郭正亮啊?是不是沒膽X
[討論] 死人都氣到起來連署了,賴皮還不知檢討X
[討論] 賴清德的德意志帝國?4
[黑特] 烏克蘭是裝笨還是真的是白癡