[討論] 川普承認要併吞格陵蘭
剛剛在軍武版看到的 想說政黑怎麼沒有相關討論
US President Donald Trump admitted possible annexation of Greenland on
Thursday 13 March.
Source: Trump speaking during a meeting with NATO Secretary General Mark
Rutte, as reported by European Pravda
Details: When asked by journalists about his "vision for the potential
annexation of Greenland," Trump responded that it would happen.
"I think that will happen," he said.
Trump believes this is necessary "for international security".
He then turned to Rutte and added, "We’ll be talking to you," before stating
that "it’s really an appropriate question".
Rutte quickly replied: "When it comes to Greenland, yes or no joining the US,I would leave that outside, for me, this discussion, because I don’t want to
direct NATO in that."
However, he noted that the Arctic region is often used by China for trade
routes and that the Russians are rearming.
Quote from Rutte: "So the fact that the seven Arctic countries, outside
Russia, are working together on this under US leadership is very important tomake sure that this region and this part of the world stay safe. We know
things are changing there, and we have to be there."
Background: As is known, Trump has expressed confidence that the United
States "will get Greenland one way or another". He promised to make the
Greenlanders wealthy and to elevate the island "to heights you never thought
possible before".
川普在北約的例行性記者會上承認 併吞格陵蘭隨時都會發生
川普每天放個炮 過幾天又不依樣
真的噁心 像中國那樣讓出江東64屯不就好了
怎麼吞 丹麥的自治區 是要跟北約開戰嗎
[外絮] 川普:NBA是政治組織,這不是好事Trump calls NBA political org. and not a good thing 川普:NBA是政治組織,這不是好事 President Donald Trump goes after the National Basketball Assoication when asked about their halting of games over racial injustice. (Aug. 27)97
[花邊] 老河以"川普支持者"來比喻挽留西門Doc Rivers compares Ben Simmons drama to 'talking to people who still believe Trump won the election' 老河這兩天再上Podcast談到西門的抓馬 Rivers was asked whether he's talked to Simmons and whether he would convince30
[其他] 川普推特Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 30 分鐘28
[情報]川普政府宣佈美歐將全面斷航30天(除英國外川普政府宣佈美歐將全面斷航30天(除英國外) President Trump addressed the nation tonight to tell us about “our nation’s unprecedented response to the coronavirus outbreak.” During this, President Trump has announced that the US will be banning travel from Europe for 3010
[閒聊] 格陵蘭島對美國的重要性為何?as title 《海盜戰記》是畫維京人發現美洲大陸的故事 讓主角群四處跑 最後跑到美洲大陸的關鍵人物:雷夫大叔Leif Erikson是格陵蘭Greenland人 雷夫大叔的老爸紅髮艾瑞克Erik the Red8
Re: [新聞] 格陵蘭議會投票「結果今揭曉」!選民嗆川用'greenland Sofia Rossen'去搜尋 會找到這一篇 greenlanders-vote-parliamentary-elections-with-trump-independence-their-minds/ 有關Sofia Rossen的發言是這幾段1
[黑特] Make Greenland Great Again好像真的有共和黨議員提案 Make Greenland Great Again法案 作為協助美國政府與丹麥談判購買格陵蘭 真的有人願意陪川普發瘋耶- 看看一堆綠營粉專的英文翻譯川普的演講 提到萬一中國打台灣的部分 根本亂翻 超譯 然後一大堆青鳥在轉貼 說川普的意思是台美利益要捆綁一起啦
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