[討論] 川普承認要併吞格陵蘭

看板HatePolitics標題[討論] 川普承認要併吞格陵蘭作者
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剛剛在軍武版看到的 想說政黑怎麼沒有相關討論


US President Donald Trump admitted possible annexation of Greenland on
Thursday 13 March.

Source: Trump speaking during a meeting with NATO Secretary General Mark
Rutte, as reported by European Pravda

Details: When asked by journalists about his "vision for the potential
annexation of Greenland," Trump responded that it would happen.

"I think that will happen," he said.

Trump believes this is necessary "for international security".

He then turned to Rutte and added, "We’ll be talking to you," before stating
that "it’s really an appropriate question".

Rutte quickly replied: "When it comes to Greenland, yes or no joining the US,I would leave that outside, for me, this discussion, because I don’t want to
direct NATO in that."

However, he noted that the Arctic region is often used by China for trade
routes and that the Russians are rearming.

Quote from Rutte: "So the fact that the seven Arctic countries, outside
Russia, are working together on this under US leadership is very important tomake sure that this region and this part of the world stay safe. We know
things are changing there, and we have to be there."

Background: As is known, Trump has expressed confidence that the United
States "will get Greenland one way or another". He promised to make the
Greenlanders wealthy and to elevate the island "to heights you never thought
possible before".

川普在北約的例行性記者會上承認 併吞格陵蘭隨時都會發生






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hbj1941 03/14 13:37他說好幾年了好嗎?現在才知道?

hbj1941 03/14 13:37而且他是說買下來

gerund 03/14 13:37是必然發生了

lpbrother 03/14 13:39要格陵蘭有啥好處?

daleptt 03/14 13:40北極海很好用的

aweara 03/14 13:41川普每天放個炮 過幾天又不依樣

upeo 03/14 13:47真的噁心 像中國那樣讓出江東64屯不就好了

BraveCattle 03/14 14:04出兵佔領就算共和黨參眾都過半應該也

BraveCattle 03/14 14:04很難得到支持吧

star12614 03/14 14:27撥接嗎?

PePePeace 03/14 14:37怎麼吞 丹麥的自治區 是要跟北約開戰嗎

weiman0702 03/14 14:51這是認真的嗎...美國真的要放任川普

weiman0702 03/14 14:51亂搞嗎==